Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 396 A Little White Mouse

Chapter 396 Two Little White Mice

"It will hurt a little later, you have to hold it back!" Liu Hongjian held a medical needle for sutures in his hand, and said to the slave brother sitting on the wooden plinth.

The two looked at each other without speaking.

"Which one is the boss?" Liu Hongjian looked around, seeing the same attire, the same hairstyle, twins, what a headache.

Chang Yu is really too, when looking for clothes, he even found two identical sets, isn't this embarrassing for me?Didn't know I have face blindness?
The two brothers looked at each other again, but still did not speak.

"Who's the boss!" Liu Hongjian became anxious, what the hell, could it be the two mutes?This deal is a bit of a loss!

"My lord, the old herdsman said that these two people are from a small tribe that has been exterminated. They don't know the Ming language very well, and they can only understand the simplest words, such as shepherd, eat, work, don't, stop , yes, get out, kill, etc..."

Seeing Liu Hongjian scratching his ears and cheeks, Chang Yu quickly came out to explain.

"Your uncle, why did you go so early? Go and call Kuo Duan!" Liu Hongjian gave Chang Yu a hard look.

"My lords ask you, who is the boss of you two?" Kuo Duan's ancestor had lived in Daming for decades, and he spoke the thief in Daming language, but the ancient Meng language was very far-fetched.

"Aji, big." Aji pointed to himself and popped out four words.

He seemed to speak very little, but he understood that his brothers had been sold by their master, and the person holding a needle in front of him was their new master.

Seeing Liu Hongjian holding the shiny silver needle in his hand, the two thought that the new owner was going to torture them, and they resisted in their hearts.

"Tell him, just say that the official wants to treat their injuries, and let them bear it." Liu Hongjian didn't care what the two of them thought. In the big tent, the bull was standing behind him holding the AKM, his eyes closed. Leave these two slaves.

Kuo Duan told the truth, the boss's eyes were a little confused, he didn't know if he didn't understand, or he didn't believe it.

The previous owner never cared about this, the injury was the injury, the herdsmen couldn't find a witch doctor when they were injured, let alone them, at most they gave them an extra piece of meat.

The second child didn't respond at all. They were captured and became slaves since they were young. In the hearts of slaves, the master's order is everything, and there can be no resistance.

The slaves who dared to resist all died, and died horribly, but they survived.

The wound on Aji's right arm was very deep. He used his arm to resist the knife from the flag officer over there. The wound was more than an inch deep and the bone was gone.

Fortunately, the artery on the front side was not cut, but even so, the blood in the arm still did not stop.

No disinfectant, no hemostasis, poor living environment, big mosquitoes everywhere...

For a slave who suffered such a serious injury in the summer on the grassland, unless he was born with strong resistance, he could basically wait to die.

Liu Hongjian sighed, took iodophor and rubbed it on the wound repeatedly. Although it was rinsed, Liu Hongjian could still smell a sour smell.

The Menggu people didn't even take a bath for the tribal leaders, let alone these slaves.

Aji lowered his head, feeling the cool feeling from his right arm, he didn't know what the new owner was doing.

He has seen grassland witch doctors treat wounds, and most of them have to pray to the Changshengtian for divination first, and only after obtaining the approval of the Changshengtian can they start the treatment. To treat trauma, you need to light a fire with herbs, burn the wound with smoke, and then pray while healing ...

But is this very young new owner really treating his injuries?

But as a slave, he didn't resist, he had to obey his master's order unconditionally, even if he died.

"Be patient." Liu Hongjian used the pliers to hold the needle and stab it into the open wound.

Anesthetics were very precious, and Liu Hongjian was not willing to take them out.

Aji frowned and didn't even say a word. Liu Hongjian secretly admired this guy's endurance, even Niu Dazhuai was convinced.

Thinking back when the master was treating his wounds, he bared his teeth and howled for a long time.

The sebum on the arm is very thick, which is supposed to be the easiest to suture, but Liu Hongjian's suture is very thin.

Oops, what the hell, the skin is broken, it’s raw, start over!
Liu Hongjian glanced at the slave named Aji with some embarrassment. He was really embarrassed to treat people like guinea pigs!

These days, as long as there is nothing to do at night, Liu Hongjian will go to the group of grandpas from the Imperial Hospital for consultation.

After repeated demonstrations by the imperial physicians citing scriptures and classics, plus some treatment ideas provided by Liu Hongjian, they finally found a solution that was not a solution.

The disease of loss of honor occurs in the neck. As long as the lump is removed before it becomes stagnant, treated with traditional Chinese medicine and treated with western medicine, the disease can be greatly relieved.

Although this method does not prevent the spread of cancer cells, it can at least delay it.

Liu Hongjian had doubts about the surgical level of the Imperial Hospital, and these old fellows did not dare to take such risks at all. They would rather use conservative treatment methods than risk their wealth and lives.

In fact, if Liu Hongjian hadn't said that he was responsible for the accident, and put the knife on the necks of the imperial doctors, no one would agree to this crazy decision for them.

Liu Hongjian had no choice but to personally cut Chongzhen's neck, oh, it was a lump on his neck.

The sebum on the neck is very thin and there are many blood vessels. Liu Hongjian is not very confident in his suturing skills. He needs mice to improve his proficiency.

So from time to time, Liu Hongjian would go to the wounded barracks as a supervisor to sew up the wounds of the wounded soldiers.

Healing the wounded soldiers of poor soldiers with the dignified status of Duke and Supervisor of the Ming Dynasty is unprecedented in the 300 years of the Ming Dynasty.

The soldiers were naturally flattered and grateful. In addition to being grateful, Liu Hongjian's reputation of loving soldiers like sons was also spread among the Ming army barracks.

For the thanks of the wounded soldiers, Liu Hongjian just smiled and said nothing. He didn't use anesthetics to heal the wounds, and he always stitched up the twisted and crutched people who were in pain and screamed for replacement.

But who knows, these soldiers still said that Liu Hongjian was humble and low-key, and even respected him.

Oh, what the hell, it's crossed again, it's really difficult!Liu Hongjian cursed secretly.

He took a peek at Aji, and found that this guy was still expressionless, as if it wasn't him but an outsider who sewed it up, but the cold sweat on his forehead betrayed him.

After struggling for a quarter of an hour, Liu Hongjian finally finished suturing. Looking at the twisted wound that was still stitched up, Liu Hongjian shook his head slightly.

Another little white mouse was blinded in vain!

Sprinkle some hemostatic medicine on the sutured wound, and wrap it with medical gauze twice to be considered a success.

The second child's wound was much lighter than the old man's, but his left shoulder was scratched by a sword. Liu Hongjian simply stopped the bleeding and bandaged it.

"Tell them, don't use force, squeeze the wound, or get wet for five days." A personal guard brought a basin of water, and Liu Hongjian said while washing his hands.

Kuo Duan didn't know why his lord was so kind to these two Tartar slaves, he was a little jealous, why wasn't he the one who got hurt?

If you are injured, as long as you say a few good words, the adults will definitely give us such careful treatment!

"%¥#%@...%@...#&@" With a plop, the boss and the second fell to their knees and kowtowed to Liu Hongjian.

"Kuo Duan, what's the matter with them? What nonsense are they talking about?" Liu Hongjian thought that these two slaves were in pain.

"My lord, they are thanking you, and they are offering their allegiance to you!" Kuo Duan was moved.

The ancient people of Meng attached great importance to friendship, even if the original owner treated them badly or beat them, they still gave them food, especially those Tartars who urinated and were slaves.

A son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and a dog doesn't think his family is poor. To put it bluntly, this slave is like the dog that was given away. It is very difficult for a grown dog to trust its new owner.

But my adults did it.

 Thank you for the 500 coins rewarded by the book friend Lone Wolf, thank you for the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend Tangmen-Sin Angel, and the ax while drunk, thank you for being so handsome, and for giving Han Han a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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