Chapter 42
The Wei family's family property is quite rich, but there are 110 million taels of silver and 22 taels of gold, and Jin Yiwei's carriages are not enough. , all requisitioned.

More than a dozen carts of gold and silver, more than [-] carts of jade, jewelry, countless precious jadeite, calligraphy and paintings, and porcelain were pulled out from the Wei family.
Comparable to the Wei family is Li Jiantai, a scholar of the Dongge University and the right servant of the Ministry of Officials. This is also the only big tiger under Zheng Sanjun, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the only one with as many as fifty wives and concubines.

The same 5 million taels of silver and 17 taels of gold were copied from his home, and there are countless precious jade, jadeite, and pearl agate. Zheng Sanjun, who heard the news later, beat his feet and chest, and kowtowed madly to Chongzhen to show that he was under his command Not strict.

The work of confiscating the house continued until the evening, and the six thousand Jinyiwei didn't even have time to eat. Almost all the trailers, wooden boxes, and even the wheelbarrow in the capital were sorted out.

All the stolen goods were pulled from the prisoner's house and transported directly to the warehouse of the household department. From East Chang'an Avenue to West Chang'an Avenue, various vehicles were lined up in long lines, and the end could not be seen from the beginning to the end.

Zheng Sanjun and Chongzhen inspected and checked at the Ministry of Households, Chongzhen frowned, Zheng Sanjun groaned, half of the officials in the court were so corrupt, and he still ate green vegetables that did not contain oil, water or meat every day, and wore a royal robe with several patches .

His queen, Queen Zhou, who has been silently supporting him for many years, and their entire family, can't even afford a feast for these corrupt officials for a month.

However, right and wrong will eventually be resolved, and now he is no longer blind or deaf, he has money, Jinyiwei, Jingying, and Liu Hongjian, who in his opinion is a genius.

The warehouse of the household department, which was originally empty, was filled to the brim within a day. There was no way, the remaining convoys went straight to the imperial city, and Emperor Chongzhen's internal funds were no longer short of money.

In the middle of the night, the home search work finally came to an end. Liu Hongjian, who had not slept for two days and nights, had red eyes, and Zheng Sanjun, the Minister of the Household Department, who was also flashed by the white money for a day, couldn't hold on.

But Emperor Chongzhen, who often stayed up all night to review memorials, stood at the gate of the household department like a tireless perpetual motion machine. Daming, rich!

Liu Hongjian transferred a whole [-]-household station in the Beijing camp to be stationed in the household department. The soldiers of the Beijing camp were headed by Li Huaizhong, the vice-admiral of the Beijing camp. I went home with peace of mind.

After returning home, Liu Hongjian hurriedly went to the room to check on the injury of his beloved wife Sun Xiuxiu. After two days of recuperation, the wound had scabbed over. It seemed that there was no major problem. Liu Hongjian, with red eyes, finally lay on the bed and had a good night's sleep. .

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Hongjian got up early for an unprecedented time, put on a luxurious four-claw boa robe, a jade belt around his body, and an embroidered spring knife at his waist, and went straight to the Huangji Hall.

The Huangji Hall had already been cleaned by the eunuchs, and all the blood stains were wiped and wiped and washed by the maids, as if all the filth had gone with it.

Half of the ministers stepped into this familiar yet unfamiliar palace in order. They are familiar because they have been working here almost every day for so many years. What is strange is that things are different now.

The colleagues who used to talk and laugh are no longer there, and even the Emperor Chongzhen on the throne makes them feel very strange. They can't see through this emperor who used to be happy and angry.

Wang Erxi shouted that the ministers had something to do, but the ministers remained silent.

This seemed to have been expected by Emperor Chongzhen. After a moment of silence, Liu Hongjian, who was in the back row, took a step forward.

"I have something to say. After a whole day of liquidation yesterday, all the property of the prisoners in the prison was confiscated. A total of 500 million taels of silver, 320 million taels of gold, 47 carts of pearls and agates, and 53 carts of emeralds and jades were confiscated. Calligraphy and paintings are not easy to count, the matter happened in a hurry, and all the stolen goods have been handed over to the household department, please express it clearly!"

All the surviving ministers who were still standing in the Hall of the Emperor were at a loss for words. They broke their heads and couldn't imagine that their colleagues who used to be dressed in shabby official uniforms like them and who were reluctant to ride even a spoiled child were so rich.

Damn it, I was fooled by them!Only we are really poor!hateful!

Liu Hongjian's voice was calm, and his expression was neither sad nor joyful. These things had already been expected by him, and he even felt that they were a little small. According to his memory, after Li Zicheng captured Beijing, he should have copied at least 7000 million taels of silver.

But now counting gold, there is still a lot of difference, but where is the remaining silver?

Liu Hongjian shook his head, and decided to ignore this matter for the time being. Daming was no longer short of money, so there was nothing wrong with him. I hope Chongzhen would sympathize with his hard work and reward him with some money.

Chongzhen already knew this number. In fact, Chongzhen didn't sleep well last night. Daming has money, but how to deal with these corrupt officials, where does the money of these Beijing officials come from?Which local officials are involved in this matter?

These all need to be investigated. The king of a country looks majestic, but in fact, ordinary people and even ministers of the government and the opposition can also divide state affairs, family affairs, and world affairs. For Emperor Chongzhen, everything is his. thing.

So on this sleepless night, Chongzhen ordered someone to serve him with pen and ink, and after a long time of deliberation, he wrote down three imperial edicts.

After Liu Hongjian finished playing, he got up and went back to work, leaving only half of the missing ministers who were either looking at each other in blank dismay, or were filled with righteous indignation, or were terrified.

Chongzhen waved his hand to signal Wang Chengen behind him to step forward, and Wang Chengen held the first imperial decree and signaled the officials to silence.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the edict said: Although I have good morals, I have been on the throne for ten and seven years, and I dare not neglect the officials. I follow everything and give in everywhere. However, three hundred and eighteen corrupt officials in Beijing have been investigated. More than 18 million yuan in silver, countless treasures, my heart is horrified, my head is so sad, I can't sleep at night.

The world is exhausted, the people are starved and starving, and with the wealth of all the people, the corrupt officials who are rich enough to repay my entrustment with the heart of forgetting the people. Shame.

I hereby order An Guobo Liu Hongjian to be the supervisor and execution officer. On April 310th, at Xishi Jiekou, [-] eight people and their three clans were beheaded several times. The nine clans were granted slave status, and they were all exiled in Guangdong, Guangxi and Qiongzhou. Never be an official, so as to tell the world. "

After the decree was read, hundreds of officials were put on hold, all three clans were beheaded, nine clans were all slaves, and they were not allowed to be officials forever. Poisonous insects were everywhere in Guangdong and Guangxi, and Qiongzhou was full of heavy rains, scorching heat, bandits, and pirates.

Maybe being exiled here is not as pleasant as dying.

As for Liu Hongjian, who was standing at the end of Wu Xun, his teeth were clenched on this matter, his face was MMP, and there were ten thousand alpacas galloping in his heart.
 My family came to Beijing and played with me for a day today. I went to the Old Summer Palace and once again witnessed the atrocities committed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and the weakness of the Qing army. Seeing the dilapidated walls and piles of yellow sand made me feel a lot of emotions. As the last Han regime, isn’t it true? Is it worth saving?

  I drank a lot of wine in the evening, so that the update is not timely. I am very sorry. The recommendation of this book will be listed tomorrow. The result of the recommendation is related to the direction of this book.

  It is already one o'clock in the morning, and the author is still working hard to write. Although the writing is not very good and the story is barely strong, he still wants to use his loyalty and wisdom to complete this romance and passion that belongs to the male protagonist.

  Tomorrow, the author will still travel with his family. The Forbidden City and the Great Wall are getting hotter. I only hope that I can find a little sense of history from these eternal relics.

  It is still unknown when the two updates will be released tomorrow, but the author promises that the two updates will not be interrupted.


(End of this chapter)

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