Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 46 Long Live Yamadosho

Chapter 46
In the early morning of the next day, Liu Hongjian, who was specially called by Chongzhen to come, stood at the end of Wu Xun again.

Chongzhen seems to be in a good mood, sitting on the throne with a peaceful expression. No wonder, the corrupt officials have been eradicated, and the treasury has also been filled. The devastated ancestral property is now rejuvenated. The Emperor Chongzhen is now full of ambition and high spirits.

At the court meeting, Chongzhen spoke first, praised many officials including the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, and An Guobo Liu Hongjian, and then encouraged the poor children who had just entered the official career, as long as they wholeheartedly serve Ming Dynasty, they will not treat them badly. .

Regarding Chongzhen's reward, Liu Hongjian just laughed, and several grandfather-level officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Officials only saluted Chongzhen humbly.

On the other hand, those new recruits from poor families, all of them with joyful faces and extremely excited, will throw someone into a place where people ignore them for a few years, suddenly fish you out, and give you the fame you have dreamed of. Happy from ear to ear.

These poor children knelt down to thank each other, almost all of them touched their foreheads to the ground, and vowed to enforce the law impartially, serve the country wholeheartedly, and share the emperor's worries. People only cherish hard-won things. Liu Hongjian did not doubt this at all. The loyalty of the newcomers.

Then Wang Erxi, the accompanying eunuch, read out Chongzhen's imperial edict, announcing that all officials would be repaid their salaries in arrears. Wang Erxi had just finished reading out, except for those rookies who had just fledgling in the workplace, the rest of the old ministers looked around, all full of faces. Happy.

After the Hongmen Banquet operation, most of the old ministers who can stay here are clean and stubborn. If you think that these old grandpas are all ministers who are dedicated to the people and the country, then you are just a rookie.

In fact, even the civil servants with two sleeves, in order to climb up, often tripped Chongzhen.

In order to achieve the reputation of eternal glory, these literati followed one after another. They did not take corruption or bribes. In the Vanity Fair of the Ming Dynasty, these people were only for fame, not for profit.

The salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were notoriously low, the treasury was empty, and their salaries were owed for more than half a year. The ministers who were already struggling were hungry every day.

Now that Chongzhen has announced the repayment of the salaries owed for more than half a year, how can it not make these old men happy, you must know that for these stubborn old ministers, the one-time payment of half a year's salary is a huge sum of money.

The court meeting was full of fun, and the nobles who had just entered the official career were gearing up and vowed to do a big job to share the emperor's worries. The old ministers congratulated each other and thought about having a big meal to celebrate when they returned home.

However, Liu Hongjian was squatting at the gate of the Huangji Hall and was about to fall asleep. Could it be that the big things the emperor talked about were these trivial things?

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce!" A high-pitched voice interrupted the joyous atmosphere in the court meeting that had not been seen for a long time.

Li Banghua, the new minister of the Ministry of War, couldn't see any joy on his face. He took a step forward and knelt down to perform his duties.

"Oh? What's the matter with Li Aiqing, tell me quickly!" Chongzhen also had some headaches for Li Banghua, who was known for his strictness and uprightness in front of him. Just such a person is missing.

"Yesterday, I received a memorandum from Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of the Shanhaiguan Pass. The memorandum said that the situation in the northern border is unclear, and the officers and soldiers at the border pass are not paid enough, and they lack clothing and clothing. I beg the emperor to increase the military salary quickly."

Li Banghua didn't have a good opinion of Wu Sangui either, but at the moment he had nothing to do, the Beijing camp had been baptized by many wars, and the remaining people couldn't even be satisfied with the city walls of Beijing.

"Hmph! This Wu Sangui, didn't I just give them 20 taels a few days ago, and it's only been half a month since I came to ask for it again, it's just..."

Chongzhen has such a personality, he doesn't have many cities, and his happiness and anger are all written on his face. Although he knew that Wu Sangui had a problem, he really can't help it now.

He was counting on Wu Sangui's Liaodong soldiers to resist the Jian captives, and the frontier soldiers were extremely brave. Wu Sangui had been in business for many years, so that these frontier soldiers only recognized Wu Sangui and did not know the court. They were simply warlords.

The ministers were also very angry, some of those newbies in the officialdom even directly suggested to get rid of Wu Sangui, and Liu Hongjian was secretly dumbfounded.

A new generation replaces the old ones, and these novices have to jump into pits many times before they can be as calm as the old men at the court meeting, "Mount Tai collapsed in front of them without changing their color".

"The Ministry of Households will give Wu Sangui another 100 million taels of salary, and tell Wu Sangui that the current situation is difficult. I hope he will be sympathetic to the difficult times of the court and be loyal to the country. Jianlu will not be allowed to step into the territory of Ming Dynasty!"

When the Chuang army besieged the capital, Wu Sangui stood still and refused to serve the king. Almost all the officials in the capital knew this, and Chongzhen, who had always been jealous, became angry every time he thought of this guy.

However, Chongzhen was only a little angry at the beginning, and then he calmly asked Xiao Huangmen, who was waiting for the decree, to draw up the decree.

Li Banghua saw that Chongzhen not only failed to punish Wu Sangui, but also encouraged Wu Sangui's power. One million taels of silver was Daming's tax revenue for three months. Although Daming is rich now, but...

The emperor probably can't help it, there are no soldiers!Thinking of this, Li Banghua shook his head and sighed, got up and prepared to go back to work.

"Li Aiqing stop, I have an order for you!" Chongzhen said in a deep voice.

Li Banghua immediately knelt down with a suspicious expression on his face.

"I order you to reorganize the three major battalions in the capital, command the governor's office of the Fifth Army, recruit [-] troops from Beizhili, Shandong and other places, and turn the third into a pure firearms battalion. You can contact the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry for all necessary weapons and other materials. Discuss."

Both the Dudufu of the Five Armies and the Ministry of War are under the emperor's orders. The Dudufu of the Five Armies has the right to command the troops but not the right to deploy them, and the Ministry of War has the right to deploy them but not to command them.The Dudufu of the Five Armies and the Ministry of War control each other and do not belong to each other.

Since Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, the Ming Dynasty has been in peace for a long time, and the military officials who have no work and are suppressed by civil servants see that civil servants are half a level lower.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the Governor's Mansion even lost the power to participate in and discuss state affairs. It changed from the highest military institution that commanded the national army to an institution that simply executed orders and was subject to the Ministry of War. It was also divided into five.

As soon as Chongzhen finished speaking, Li Banghua was overjoyed immediately. It seemed that the emperor knew what the problem was and was about to receive an order to thank him. Chongzhen then said again.

"I have only one request for you, hurry up, train hard, and I will fully support you with food and grass. What I want is an army that can fight and win!"

Chongzhen emphasized on the second half of the sentence.

"My subject, Li Banghua, will live up to the entrustment of the emperor. If he violates the grace of the emperor, I will cut off my head!" How can you not do your best.

"An Guobo?" After Li Banghua backed away excitedly, Emperor Chongzhen saw that Liu Hongjian seemed to have fallen asleep leaning against the door frame, so he pretended to be sullen and shouted.

"Ah? The emperor called me?" Hearing Chongzhen calling him, Liu Hongjian was shocked.

Now he seems to be an outlier in the court meeting. At the court meeting, he hardly speaks, and he doesn't blame anyone. It seems that everything has nothing to do with him.

But all the wise and calculating ministers knew that almost all the important orders issued by the emperor had something to do with this unscrupulous boy in front of him, and he was the one Chongzhen truly trusted.

"An Guobo listens to the order!" Chongzhen frowned, why does this kid always look like he can't wake up, is it that my court is so sleepy?

Liu Hongjian didn't dare to neglect, he stepped forward and knelt down.

"I heard that you were assassinated a few days ago, and your first wife was seriously injured in order to protect you. I also heard that your first wife is the granddaughter of Sun Chengzong, the pillar of my court. Sun Dushi is full of loyalty and is a role model for me. Your first wife is also a heroine." I am so relieved that I won't let the male eyebrows be allowed, and I ordered Sun Xiuxiu to be a third-rank imperial order, as a token of appreciation!"

Chongzhen showed a smile on his face. Although the person in front of him was tired, he never let him down. From Wang Erxi, who went to and from the Liu family several times, he learned that An Guobo was still a madman who spoiled his wife, and Chongzhen got this reward on a temporary basis. .

The Commander of Jinyiwei was a third-rank official. Although the earl was a super-rank in the Ming Dynasty, he was not as real as the commander of Jinyiwei. Sun Xiuxiu inevitably underestimated her husband because he was an important person.

Now that the emperor is icing on the cake, Liu Hongjian is naturally very happy to receive the order to thank him.

"Liu Aiqing also stopped, I still have an order for you!" Seeing Liu Hongjian cheerfully getting up and going back to work, Chongzhen said again.

I knew it was not that simple, Liu Hongjian rolled his eyes at the front, turned around and knelt down.

"I order you to set up the Thousand Households Office in Longevity Mountain, and appoint you as the official of the Thousand Households Office. This Thousand Households Office only needs to be responsible to me, and the Ministry of War and the Five Armies Governor's Office have no authority to govern it! All the necessary military equipment and salaries are from me. Internal funds are allocated!"

 Thank you book friend Song Bingshu for your reward!The current situation is difficult, and I hope that all book friends will vote a lot. If you have any opinions on this book, please post in the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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