Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 52 Conscription order

Chapter 52 Conscription order (seeking recommendation ticket)

The hall fell silent because of Chongzhen's sigh.

The Dudufu of the Five Armies once commanded all the soldiers and horses in the world, except for the emperor's army, including the 72 guards of the Beijing camp, and the local guards, all under the control of the Dudufu of the Five Armies.

But most of the five armies' governor's mansions are the so-called honorable lords who have lived with the country. Their ancestors may have followed Zhu Chongba, followed Zhu Di in the South and North Wars, and made great contributions.

The nobles and relatives inherited the titles handed down from their ancestors for generations, not to mention rich clothes and good food, and each of them holds a lot of power.

What kind of prince will Xiangning?

This damn hereditary system!Liu Hongjian, who was also a hereditary earl, cursed secretly.

Although the Five Armies Commander's Mansion has lost the right to participate in and discuss government affairs, any leader randomly drawn from the Five Armies Commander's Mansion is either a Duke or a Marquis.

Even the earl was a super-rank existence in the Ming Dynasty, not to mention that the left and right governors in the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies are also senior officials of the first rank, and it would be really embarrassing for old man Li to let a minister of the Ministry of War of the second rank do things. up.

The abolition of the military household system is to cut off all the nobles' financial resources. If all the nobles are united and tough against Chongzhen, and then there is something on the side of the Qing emperor, wouldn't the instigator himself be self-indulgent?
It seems that you still can't be reckless!We must first stabilize those miscellaneous hairs, um, yes!Liu Hongjian suddenly remembered the story of boiling a frog in warm water.

"Your Majesty, there may be a compromise method, which can not only allow the court to recruit enough soldiers, but also stabilize the nobles of the Ming Dynasty!"

What Liu Hongjian meant was that since there was too much resistance to canceling the military household system at once, we should take it slowly. When recruiting soldiers, it was stated that there was a limit of ten years, and all soldiers who had served for ten years could not be registered as soldiers.

The original military households will not move, and then the military salary will be raised high, and the supervision and payment will be done in full. Presumably, the enthusiasm of the common people who have no food to eat will be greatly increased.

As for his thousand-household office, I'm sorry, but Liu Hongjian definitely wanted to remove his military status from his soldiers. He only recruited one thousand-household office. Presumably those nobles would not obstruct him.

The newly recruited soldiers must also be trained by reliable generals recommended by the old Li of the Ministry of War to avoid being assimilated by those nobles who have long lost their ancestral fighting genes.

The army must be firmly in the hands of the emperor. The army is the emperor's butcher's knife, and the Jinyiwei is the eagle eye.

Wait until the strong soldiers are trained, hum!
Liu Hongjian spoke very slowly, and Chongzhen was also listening carefully, occasionally frowning slightly.

Chongzhen had been in politics for many years, and sometimes he was limited to some problems that he could not understand because of his fixed thinking. As an outsider, Liu Hongjian gave a little advice, and Chongzhen immediately understood.

Immediately with a big wave of his hand, he recruited [-] troops, that's all!
Coming out of the palace, Liu Hongjian went straight to the Ministry of War to discuss with Li Banghua about conscription. After hearing Liu Hongjian's strategy, Li Banghua praised Liu Hongjian's strategy very well. The call for conscription is vividly written on paper.

"Conscription Notice"

"The world is in decline, the rivers and rivers are in ruins, there are barbarians staring at them outside, and there are bandits poisoning the people inside. For the common people of the world, I enshrine the imperial decree and hereby promulgate the Ming Dynasty's conscription edict. The conscription is one hundred thousand. The edict is as follows:

Bingyuan's original household registration needs to be from Beizhili, Shandong, and Henan, and the age is above [-] and below [-];

All soldiers are paid one tael of silver per month, half a stone of rice, and all soldiers are exempted from all taxes on their households;
Soldiers who have served for ten years can either be released to their hometowns or continue to serve in the army according to their wishes;

Work together with your son, defend your home and country!The heaven and the earth are clear, bless my Ming Dynasty!
Daming Chongzhen Chongzhen 17th April 28th. "

The other conscription letter was naturally from the Thousand Households of Wansui Mountain. Since it was recruited from the original military households, in order to increase the enthusiasm of the military households, in addition to exempting from taxes, the monthly salary of all soldiers was as high as one, two or four dollars.

The requirement for conscription is that the age of 14 and below 16 years old, Wansui Mountain Thousand Households is the emperor's pro-army, Liu Hongjian asked that it be directly stated in the proclamation that those who enter the Wansui Mountain Qianhu House can cancel their military registration.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, apart from the Tianxiong Army, Hong Bing, and Qin Bing, only the Liaodong soldiers guarding Shanhaiguan were able to fight against the Qing Dynasty. The former surrendered and the entire army was wiped out.

The reason why Liaodong soldiers were able to fight was first of all because the people of Liaodong were brave and brave, and the court was willing to give money. Sun Chengzong, the founder of the Guanningjin Line of Defense, oh, that is, the father of Liu Hongjian's father-in-law, who once served as the teacher of Emperor Tianqi.

Sun Chengzong supervised Ji Liao, and Emperor Tianqi was naturally willing to give money. The monthly salary of Liaodong soldiers and infantry was one to two or four dollars, a meter and a half stone.

Most of the high-quality horses are purchased from Mongolian merchants through Xuanfu Datong or Hexi. A horse costs 15 taels, which can be used for three or four years, and the loss rate is extremely high.

In addition, the consumption of food and grass for military horses in a year is also quite considerable. About one horse needs 360 bundles of grass and ten stones of beans a year.

Compared with the guard soldiers in the mainland at that time, the monthly salary was only a pitiful six renminbi, and there was no rice, and most of the salary was deducted by the generals, which can be described as extremely miserable.

Obviously, the newly recruited soldiers were equipped with reference to the monthly salary of Liaodong soldiers, except that Liu Hongjian's Longevity Mountain Qianhu Station was the emperor's pro-army, and the salary was slightly higher.

Only a brave man can be rewarded heavily, of course Li Banghua understands this truth, he naturally knows the importance of this army to the emperor and Ming Dynasty, moreover, the imperial court is rich now!
The reason why Liu Hongjian insisted on recruiting soldiers from military households with elders who died in battle actually had some ideas of his own.

Putting aside the national hatred, these boys who lost their parents must have a deep hatred for the bandits and the Manchus, and they must be loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

With the reward of lifting the shackles of military households for a hundred years, the enthusiasm of these military households will definitely be greatly improved.

The reason why soldiers under the age of 16 and over the age of 14 are recruited is because these boys are illiterate and ignorant of world affairs, and their plasticity is the third.

Furthermore, Liu Hongjian had very high expectations for his first force. He not only had to train them to use AKMs to fight the enemy, but also taught them to read and write, and taught them advanced thinking...

After discussing some specific details, Li Banghua couldn't wait to order Bei Jiao to go straight to the Chinese Army's Governor's Mansion.

After Liu Hongjian finished his work, he finally got on his horse and went home. He thought about kneeling and sitting all day.
Unexpectedly, as soon as he got home, before his butt was hot, a man who looked like a military official came to Liu's house out of breath.

"Uncle! It's terrible, Mr. Li, Minister of the Ministry of War, is fighting with Duke Cheng of the Governor's Mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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