Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 55 The 6 Butchers of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 55 The Six Butchers of Ming Dynasty

The sun was shining brightly, and the weather in May in the capital was already a bit hot. The tens of thousands of young men gathered outside the Xishan camp all looked up at the young people on the arrow tower without saying a word.

Looking at the young man below, Liu Hongjian felt agitated in his heart. Commanding thousands of troops is not the dream of every aspiring young man. Now he is standing on this high wall, bursting with heroism from time to time. He coughed and cleared his throat. .

"I, An Guobo of the Ming Dynasty, the official of the Qianhu Office of the Longevity Mountain, and the initiator of this conscription edict, I believe you have always had a question in your mind. Is it true that each soldier pays one liang of silver per month and half a stone of rice? ?
I hereby solemnly reply to you, it is true!Regardless of whether you are out of a heart to serve the country or are forced to make a living, as the earl of Daming, I am charged with the important task of revitalizing Daming, I would like to thank you for standing up when the country is in crisis.

I also assure you that the military salary and food salary will be paid as scheduled. If you encounter injustice such as deduction or arrears, regardless of your official position, you are welcome to report to Jinyiwei Yamen.

The imperial court has money!The salaries are real, and so are the pensions, but these silvers are for rewarding soldiers who have worked hard for the country, not for moths who know their families but don’t know their country.

As the commander of Jinyiwei, I hereby declare that the gate of Jinyiwei will always be open to the soldiers of the empire! "

After speaking, he glanced sideways at Zhu Chunchen, who had a livid face, and Zhu Chunchen snorted coldly and stepped down the stairs.

Since the mid-to-late Ming Dynasty, corruption has been serious, and most of the salaries collected by the household department have not been paid to the soldiers. The soldiers complained a lot, and the court's reputation disappeared.

The soldiers below saw that the speaker had a serious face and sonorous words. As the earl of the empire, he still seriously gave guarantees to them, whether they were military children or poor people, and they were all excited in an instant.

Before the young adults cheered, Liu Hongjian paused and continued.

"Everyone who came from afar, you must be loyal to the country. How could the imperial court let you go hungry? Master Liu, please set up a porridge shed immediately. All strong men who have guides or household registration documents, no matter whether they meet the requirements for conscription or not, are welcome. You can get a big bowl of porridge and a steamed bun with mixed noodles!"

Most of the young people who arrived at Xishan Daying in the past few days came from surrounding prefectures and counties that are relatively close to the capital, and some even arrived yesterday, and they have already eaten up their dry food and are worrying about how to wait until the day of conscription.

Now hearing that the military battalion will take care of food no matter whether it meets the requirements or not, I am even more happy to say long live, and the praise for Liu Hongjian is beyond words. The Xishan camp has its own military food reserves, and Liu Kongzhao didn't say a word, so he went to the Huotou Army to assign tasks. and go.

The lower-level officials of the Ministry of War and the Governor's Mansion immediately opened the case and began to screen the soldiers. Liu Hongjian went down from the watchtower to greet Liang Yang and others, and started conscription next to the Ministry of War.

Longevity Mountain Qianhu Office, as the emperor's pro-army, not only received slightly higher treatment than the Beijing camp, but the emperor's pro-army sounded more domineering than the name of the Beijing camp.

As a result, Liu Hongjian's conscription case had just been opened, when he was surrounded by enthusiastic young men.

In order to join the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households Institute, Xiao Bengdou, who had just turned ten years old, also rushed to the front of the case, clutching the military death certificate given by his mother when he went out, crying with tears in his eyes to avenge his father.

There are even more than [-] tall men who claim that they are only fifteen or sixteen years old, but they are just a little anxious, and they try their best to squeeze out pure smiles and want to join the Longevity Mountain Qianhu Institute.

Liu Hongjian couldn't laugh or cry because of the enthusiasm of these men, so he pointed to the Ministry of War and signaled these big men to go there.

In the military system of the Ming Dynasty, ten people constituted a small banner, and a small banner officer was set up. Five small banners formed a general banner, and a general banner officer was set up. Households, so the full staff of the Thousand Households is 120 people.

The recruitment requirements of the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households Office are very strict. Those who are under the age requirements are not accepted, those who have no dead soldiers in their families are not accepted, those with poor eyesight are not accepted, and those who have had bad deeds are not accepted...

But even in the evening, despite the repeated increase in conditions, the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households Office still recruited more than 1000 people, which has exceeded the number of recruits for the Thousand Households Office.

There was also a small episode during this period. A few obviously older young people, without guides or household registration documents, spoke with a northeast accent, but they chose to enter the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households.

In the end, the dispute could not be resolved, and Lao Liangtou was about to send someone to take these refugees to Shuntian Mansion. Liu Hongjian came to ask and found out that the fathers of the four people in front of him were all from Liaodong. They are the descendants of the famous Guanning iron cavalry.

Liu Hongjian and Chongzhen staged a Hongmen Banquet, and more than 3000 heads rolled to the ground. The frontier garrison, who has always been sensitive to the court's movements, naturally got the news. Liu Hongjian even had a name in the northern border - butcher.

A few people came from Shanhaiguan, and they had nowhere to go. When they arrived in Gyeonggi, they suddenly heard that the Beijing camp was recruiting soldiers. An Guobo Liu Hongjian who is greedy and evil.

Several people immediately decided to join the Long Live Mountain Thousand Households no matter what.

The leader of the group claimed to be Zu Qiuqing, who was 19 years old this year. Logically speaking, this age did not meet Liu Hongjian's recruitment requirements, and he was still a deserter, not to mention the lack of household registration documents and road guides.

But Liu Hongjian saw the resolute faces of several people, especially Zu Qiuqing, who was the leader. , and then with a big wave of his hand, he expropriated a few people.

What Liu Hongjian didn't know was that it was his casual swipe that made the Wansui Mountain Thousand Households' supreme reputation in the future.

Zu Qiuqing, Wang Lang, Xing Shan, and Yue Chengze, holding the monstrous hatred for the wild boar skin of the Manchu Dynasty, terrified Dorgon to kill him, and with Niu Zhuang, the six massacres of the Ming Dynasty gathered in the Xishan camp since then.

Zhu Chunchen's bloated body stood on the height of the Xishan camp, watching the fervent conscription scene outside the camp like an outsider who ignored him, but he felt even more resentful towards Liu Hongjian in his heart.

But Niu Zhuang behind Liu Hongjian was carrying that strange firearm on his back. It was said that it could hit tens of feet away, and it was also powerful. sword.

The title of Grand Duke is not good for this fellow, and if he uses force, he is not sure if this kid will jump over the wall in a hurry and really ask for the Emperor Sword. According to yesterday's experience, maybe it will be possible!
The more Zhu Chunchen thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became, no, I must kill this brat's prestige, since I can't touch you, there must be someone who can punish you, then Zhu Chunchen ordered Beijiao to return to the Dudu's mansion.

He was going to gather his allies, Zhu Guobi, Marquis of Funing, Liu Zuochang, Marquis of Anyuan, Zhao Zhilong, Marquis of Yongchang, Xu Hongjue, Marquis of Yongchang and other dignitaries, to file an imperial petition in the palace to impeach Liu Hongjian for disrupting the military camp.

 Thanks to the book friend Hulu Erpang for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to the book friend for the reward of 100 coins for watching the ax while drunk, thank you for your recommendation tickets and support!

(End of this chapter)

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