Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 60 The Desperate Chongzhen

Chapter 60 The Desperate Chongzhen (Please recommend a ticket)

"Xiao Wang, what's the matter? Didn't you see that my lord is busy?" Liu Hongjian is currently busy training soldiers, so he doesn't have time to go to the palace to listen to people's nagging, and Chongzhen usually doesn't look for him. What a good thing.

"Oh, uncle, look at you!" Seeing Liu Hongjian's nonchalant expression, Wang Erxi knew that it would be impossible to invite this great god without telling the truth.

Immediately, he dispersed the servants around him, and stretched out his hand to Liu Hongjian's ear.

"His Royal Highness is seriously ill and will soon die!" After speaking, tears welled up in Wang Erxi's eyes.

As a royal family slave, Wang Erxi, like his teacher Wang Chengen, upholds the duty of being a domestic slave. Apart from sharing worries for the emperor, he does not seek power or profit.

After all, they can only be well if the emperor's family is well. Now that His Highness the Crown Prince is seriously ill, if something really happens, Daming, which has just improved a little bit, will lose the foundation of the country. How can it not make people weep.

Liu Hongjian was also shocked and stayed on the spot like a bolt from the blue. Didn't he be fine a few days ago, why suddenly...

It wasn't until he was woken up by the anxious Wang Erxi that Liu Hongjian called Niu Zhuang to lead the horse, turned over and headed straight for the imperial city.

The Imperial City Crown Prince's East Palace——outside Duanben Palace, one by one imperial physicians came in and out, and each imperial physician was followed by three or two medicine boys with their medicine boxes on their backs.

The entire Duanben Palace was surrounded by curtains, and only when the imperial physician entered did he open an opening, and the imperial physician immediately covered his mouth and nose with a cotton kerchief and entered.

A few eunuchs serving the prince at the gate of Duanben Palace hammered their left hands with their right hands like ants in a hot pot, their faces full of anxiety.

Duanben Palace side hall.

"Your Majesty! The crown prince...he has been sensible since he was a child. If something happens to him, the courtiers and concubines will die!"

Empress Zhou knelt down on the ground, covering her nose with her right hand, tears streaming down her cheeks, indescribably sad.

Chongzhen stood in the hall, his face was livid, and an old man who looked like an imperial physician knelt in front of Chongzhen, with beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Doctor, is there really no cure for this disease?" Chongzhen stared at the old doctor like a torch.

In these years, he was devastated by Daming's affairs every day, and he seldom cared about the Queen's mother and children, and his heart was always full of guilt. After all, he was his own son, and it would be a lie to say that he was not sad.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is suffering from the plague. The plague has been rampant in Ming Dynasty for more than ten years. My ministers and colleagues in the Imperial Hospital have been researching for many years and have not found a cure for this disease. My ministers are stupid, and my ministers will die. !"

Who doesn't know the importance of the prince?Who doesn't know how good it will be for him to cure the prince?If you have to do it, you can't!

The plague spread in the north as early as the beginning of Chongzhen's administration. Since it was not serious at the beginning and the court was busy suppressing bandits, it didn't pay much attention. By the 14th year of Chongzhen, the plague had spread to Shunde, Hejian and other prefectures.

Wherever the plague passed, ten rooms were empty, and countless people exterminated them. After suffering from the plague for five days or two days, they were covered with poisonous bumps and died.

"As long as my son can be cured, I will reward the prince with a thousand gold, and I will make the prince a great protector. I order you to save the prince's life no matter what method you use, otherwise you will all die!"

Chongzhen suppressed the tears in his eyes, he is the emperor, everyone can shed tears at will, but he can't.

The prince was raised by Queen Zhou since he was a child, so that his academic affairs were mostly supervised by Queen Zhou. In order to relieve his worries, the prince not only reduced the cost of food and clothing, but also studied politics until late at night.

The two seemed to be in the same line, the lights in the palace were all extinguished in the early morning, only the Qianqing Palace and this palace were flickering with candlelight, one was dealing with political affairs, and the other was learning how to deal with political affairs.

"Back to the emperor, His Royal Highness the crown prince is already in a coma, and the decoction is of no help. I have heard of an indigenous method called bloodletting therapy. It uses bloodletting as an opportunity to stimulate the acupoints all over the body to curb the disease, but..."

The imperial physician wiped off the sweat that was about to drip from his forehead with his right hand, and spoke intermittently.

"But what? Say it!" Chongzhen said angrily.

"But there is no guarantee that this method can cure the disease, there is only... less than [-]% certainty!" After finishing speaking, the prince bowed his head to the ground and did not dare to say more.

Being an imperial doctor is also a sad reminder. It is your duty to cure the disease. What if it cannot be cured?Hehe, there were many imperial physicians who were buried with the emperor and prince in the Ming dynasty.

"Your Majesty! Let Imperial Physician Gao have a try!" Empress Zhou begged, Imperial Physician Gao is the most respected imperial physician in the entire imperial hospital, and also the imperial physician with the best medical skills. If he is not sure, I believe that no one in this world can cure this disease up.

"Hurry up!" Chongzhen seemed to hesitate for a moment, and after thinking about it, he gave up.

Seeing Imperial Physician Gao getting up and heading towards the prince's residence, he still beckoned Wang Erxi, who was waiting outside the hall, to come over.

"I order you to quickly go to the Qianhu House of Longevity Mountain next to the Xishan Camp, and call An Guobo to me!"

Not only was the imperial physician unsure about the local method, bloodletting therapy, Chongzhen never knew the danger of this method, he just suddenly remembered An Guobo Liu Hongjian who had been creating miracles for him.

But with such a serious illness, what's the use of calling him?But after thinking about it, he ordered someone to notify him. For some reason, he had inexplicable trust in that lazy boy.

To Chongzhen's surprise, it was this inexplicable trust that left hope for the Ming Empire.

Liu Hongjian was very anxious along the way, not only leaving Wang Erxi far behind who was delivering the order, but also riding straight to the palace gate in order to speed up.

No one in the palace was allowed to ride a horse. This was a ban. The general on duty at the palace gate saw that it was Liu Hongjian and was about to salute to pick up the horse, but seeing that Liu Hongjian didn't intend to stop, he was shocked.

Before he had time to ask someone to close the city gate, Liu Hongjian rushed to Duanben Palace like a horse.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Crown Prince was seriously ill, and I couldn't help being very anxious. I just rode a horse and broke into the palace. I hope the Emperor will forgive me!"

In the early summer in the north, the weather was hot and dry, and Liu Hongjian saw sweat on his head, so he knelt down and saluted.

Chongzhen waved his hand to make Empress Zhou and others all retreat, and for a while there were only two monarchs and ministers left in the hall.

"Aiqing, please hurry up! My son, the crown prince...he is infected with the plague, and I heard that Aiqing knows medical skills. Aiqing has a way..."

Liu Hongjian personally healed Sun Xiuxiu's injury earlier, of course Chongzhen knew that his voice was no longer as calm as before.

At this moment, Chongzhen, who is in his 30s, is not like an emperor, but more like a father, a desperate father whose son has a serious illness but can't do anything about it.

plague?Liu Hongjian thought to himself, with the continuous heavy rain this year, hasn't the plague been contained already?I haven't heard of a major epidemic in Gyeonggi recently!

He saw the plague in Li Zicheng’s barracks. He also had streptomycin capsules to treat the plague in his ring, but this kind of capsules can only treat the early symptoms of the plague or take it for prevention. little.

Liu Hongjian stood up and looked into Chongzhen's eyes, which were full of sadness and hope, and he understood what Chongzhen expected of him.

"Your Majesty, I will do my best to heal the prince!"

When Liu Hongjian thought of his father, he must have been so anxious when he was lying unconscious on the bed!

 Thanks to the book friends for their rewards, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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