Chapter 606
"My lord, if I'm not mistaken, you are already the richest man in our capital." Zhang Weixian took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At the same time, he was a little proud, thinking that if this account book was calculated by an ordinary accountant, it would take half a day to figure it out.

"What? I'm the richest man in the capital? You're not mistaken, God bless!" Liu Hongjian thought it was Zhang Weixian who was joking, and joked that he didn't take it seriously.

"Looking at the entire Shuntian Mansion, when it comes to arithmetic, I, Zhang Weixian, take the second place, and no one dares to take the first place!" Zhang Weixian said arrogantly, shaking the keyboard in his hand.

"Is the richest man in the capital so worthless? How much money is in the account now." Liu Hongjian subconsciously asked.

"4408 million taels!" Zhang Weixian said bluntly.

"Damn it!" Liu Hongjian was startled when he heard the number.

"So? This king is really the richest man in the capital?" Liu Hongjian saw that Zhang Weixian didn't look like he was joking, and his heart suddenly brightened.

After Liu Hongjian's readjustment of the shares of Xishan Commercial Cooperation, now Chongzhen holds half of the shares, Liu Hongjian holds [-]%, the British Gong Zhang Weixian in the north, Liu Kongzhao, the sincerity uncle in Nanjing, and Mu Tianbo, the Duke of Qianguo in Yunnan, each hold [-] shares.

The father and son Jiang Yongmin and Gu Datong who participated in the first round of 'financing' together accounted for the remaining five shares.

According to the proportion of 4408 million taels, Liu Hongjian's share is more than 130 million taels.

If it was a few years ago, more than 100 million taels of silver would not even be able to enter the top five in the capital, but after Chongzhen conspired with him, courtiers and nobles were ravaged several times, and most of the families had no property.

Regarding the matter of becoming the richest man, Liu Hongjian still finds it a bit unbelievable. After all, if future generations want to become the richest man in a place, the struggle every few decades is basically a dream.

But how long has Xishan Commercial Cooperation been established?He didn't do anything?Is this the richest man in the capital?
"Of course, being the richest man in the capital is just a small goal. According to the current layout of our Xishan Business Cooperation, within a year, you can become the richest man in the north, and within three years, you can become the richest man in the entire Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Weixian's tone was still calm, and in his opinion, there was nothing surprising about it.

There are so many workshops in Xishan Merchant Co., Ltd., and most of the goods produced are very competitive. It can be said that no one has me, and some have me.

In addition, whether it is Zhang Weixian or Mu Tianbo, these time-honored brands have no other skills in the past century, but they have opened shops to do business. After becoming a shareholder of Xishan Merchant, these shops directly became the sales channels for goods.

Not to mention other things, just glass, and various derivatives of glass, such as glass cups, teapots, glasses, binoculars, and various utensils, make a profit of no less than 150 million taels of silver a year.

What a terrifying number this is!

High-quality glass products are simply too attractive for wealthy people in Ming Dynasty.

Who doesn't want the windows in their home to be bright and clean?Who doesn't want all the utensils at home to be as transparent as crystal?

The high-end atmosphere is high-grade, the low-key luxury has connotations, how many wealthy households can hold back?

In addition, Zhang Weixian's marketing is really good. Nowadays, no matter whether the rich or the people who have just escaped poverty in Beijing, as long as they have spare money, they will buy a piece of glass to decorate the facade to show their wealth.

The holiday gifts have also changed from tea and tonics to glass products such as glasses.

So much so that now there is a jingle circulating in the capital: no gifts will be accepted during the festival this year, only Bai Liuli will be accepted as gifts.

On the contrary, the income from steel and cement, which should have earned a lot of money, was talked about. As strategic materials, most of steel and cement were directly taken away by the Ministry of Industry at a low price.

Otherwise, if these two beasts were let go, Liu Hongjian might be the richest man in Ming Dynasty under the monopoly.

The rocket-like rise of Xishan Shanghe naturally shocked and envied other merchants from all over the world. According to their previous methods, they would definitely not allow such a monster to steal their market.

But the background of Xishan Shanghe is too strong, and the identity of the royal family is the top secret. Of course, it is so, a prince, two dukes, and an earl. Who would dare to touch porcelain like this?
Therefore, merchants from all over the country couldn't afford to provoke Xishan Shanghe, so they had to spread rumors and tricks, intending to force the imperial court to start with Xishan Shanghe first.

"Well, it just so happens that you are here, and go to the Taxation Department with this Master Han, and pay all the commercial taxes that should be paid this year. From now on, you must go to the Taxation Department to pay the commercial taxes as scheduled every month, and you must not cheat. !" Liu Hongjian said to Zhang Weixian.

The Lord does not care about the slander of merchants everywhere.

He was the first to propose the levy of business tax. If it wasn't too salty and no one came to notify him, how could such a moth have happened.

Hearing that Liu Hongjian was willing to cooperate, Uncle Han naturally beamed, boasting Liu Hongjian as the pillar of the country as if he didn't want money.

In the afternoon of the same day, under the leadership of Zhang Weixian, Xishan Merchant Co., Ltd. carried boxes of silver to pay taxes to the Tax Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

What?Why not use a carriage to pull it, but use people to carry it?
How can you let the merchants know that Xishan Shanghe is going to pay taxes by using a cart? In order to expand the effect, the boxes of silver boxes are not covered.

Zhang Wei first rode on a tall horse, followed by two rows of signs bearing the banner of Xishan Shanghe and swaggered through the market.

Han Yu originally thought that with the cooperation of Xishan Shanghe taking the lead in paying taxes, merchants in the four places would have no reason to follow suit.

It's just that he underestimated the determination of the merchants from all over the place, or the degree of rogue and shameless. Xishan Shanghe paid the commercial tax as scheduled, so do you want them to pay too?

Sorry, no money!

Han Yu was almost depressed these days.

It's no wonder that shameless merchants dare to be so presumptuous. Tax collection in the past basically means that the servants of the tax department go to the merchant's shop and say all the good things, and then the wealthy households pay casually like beggars.

Over the past 300 years of Ming Dynasty, the collection of business taxes has always been a show, with a lot of thunder and little rain, which makes businessmen everywhere feel that it is nothing more than a period of time.

What about now?Not only has the commercial tax been greatly increased, but it is also stipulated that they must bring their own account books and send money to the local tax department every month?
Are you kidding me?
Among them, the salt merchants in the Lianghuai area are the most arrogant. I heard that many government servants from the tax department who went to urge them to pay were seriously injured.

Relying on the salt earned by their ancestors, almost all of these salt merchants are extremely rich. They are synonymous with being rich and unkind. They rely on bribes to buy officials, and almost all of them are local overlords and local emperors.

According to Han Yu's repeated investigations, these salt merchants are the biggest reliance of merchants in various places in Ming Dynasty, and they are also weather vanes.

As long as the salt merchants refused to bow their heads to the court, they would certainly not be willing to hand over their money honestly.

This is difficult. These salt merchants are all aristocratic families who have relied on salt for generations to make a fortune.

If he is not careful, his official career will be involved.

When Han Yu sighed again and rushed to Xishan to seek help, Liu Hongjian was furious when he learned the inside story.

"Shameless, watch me fuck him!"

(End of this chapter)

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