Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 611 Zheng's Insurance Company

Chapter 611 Zheng's Insurance Company
"Oh, by the way, my lord, Zhang Qihua of Luzhou, Chen Hong of Taizhou, Qi Yao of Yangzhou, Wu Zuoren of Taixing, Zhao Tianhe of Hezhou, and Kong Yanzhao of Xinghua all confessed, and they all confessed to the same person." Chang Yu said again.

"Oh? Who is it?" Although Liu Hongjian had thought about a certain boss, he was still not quite sure.

"Nan Anbo, Zheng Zhilong!" Chang Yu said in a deep voice.

"An's mother's leg, it's this warlord again! This king has tolerated him for a long time!" Liu Hongjian slapped the arm of the chair with a bang.

"Why did these salt merchants get involved with Zheng Zhilong? Shouldn't they be competitors?" Liu Hongjian rubbed his hands together and said, it was okay to be excited just now, but now he felt a burning pain in his right hand.

"Going back to my lord, it must be because of taxation matters." Han Yu, the second cabinet assistant who came to deal with the Lianghuai salt merchants, said.

The problem is very simple, money is the lifeblood of merchants, if you want to make a move on people's affairs, it's no wonder they don't clean up like moths!
Who is the most powerful businessman in Ming Dynasty?Shanxi Merchants?No, I have already seen a ghost, Lianghuai salt merchants?Jiangnan?No, no, not enough.

The most powerful businessman in the Ming Dynasty, or the biggest pirate group, business group, and chaebol, was Zheng Zhilong who was stationed in Quanzhou, Xiamen, Kinmen, Penghu and other places in Fujian.

So who has the most to lose from imposing commercial tax?Of course it is also Zheng Zhilong, but will Zheng Zhilong pay taxes obediently?

Just kidding, this guy has made his fortune by collecting protection fees from others for decades, let him pay?

The calculations of these salt merchants are very good. As long as they win the support of the Zheng family, the imperial court will definitely withdraw the policy of massive commercial tax collection. Even if they do not withdraw the policy, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

The sea power of the Ming court is simply not enough to fight against the Zheng family, and anyone with a discerning eye in Ming knows this.

"One more thing, Nan Anbo wants to use the strength of the Lianghuai salt merchants to connect the Lianghuai area and even further north." Su Fei, the owner of Tiantianrenjian Restaurant, added after a moment of thought.

On the face of it, Su Fei is the owner of the Tianshangren Restaurant in Yangzhou Prefecture, but he also has another identity, Deputy Qianhu of the Fusi of Jinyiwei South Township in Daming Dynasty, who is in charge of information collection and transmission in the Lianghuai area.

Relying on the dual identities of maritime merchants and pirates, the Zheng family has been collecting protection fees from maritime merchants, and their business has been penetrating to the coast and even the mainland.

Although Zheng Zhilong didn't know a few big characters, he admired Confucian culture very much. Not only did he send his eldest son Zheng Sen to Nanjing Guozijian to study Confucianism, even the family business was full of "Confucian essence".

While expanding the territory, Zheng Zhilong began to standardize internal management, named after "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness", and established five major circulation systems to govern the circulation channels all over the inland.

In addition, named after "gold, wood, water, fire and earth", five fleets were established, and they sailed to the east and west oceans to issue "command flags".

What is this flag?To put it bluntly, it is selling insurance.What kind of insurance?You pay me the protection fee, and then my flag can be hung on the bow of the ship. If my flag is hoisted and someone robs me, I will pay for all the losses!

The earliest insurance companies were established in this way, and merchant organizations in maritime trade took out insurance one after another for safety.

Such a good thing?In the past, he was robbed while singing songs on a merchant ship and eating hot pot, but now that Zheng Zhilong's flag is planted, among other things, at least he won't be robbed by the biggest pirate.

Even if you are unlucky and meet other pirate gangs, don’t be afraid. If you lose it, you will lose it. Zheng’s Insurance Company will pay for it in full!

ah!Off topic!
"I don't care, Mr. Han, you immediately write a memorial to the emperor, explaining the collusion between Lianghuai salt merchants and Zheng's family, and say that this king is very angry and wants to send troops to suppress Zheng!"

Liu Hongjian pinched his chin and said, Beiyang Navy has been tossing around for more than half a year, and it's time to pull it out.

The main warships of the Beiyang Navy are only dozens of ships, while the Zheng family has hundreds or thousands of ships. In sea battles, he will definitely not be able to fight, but in land battles, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Even if I can't beat you, and I'm in a hurry, it's always possible to drive you out of the Ming Dynasty, right?

"I obey the order, I will write the memorial now." Han Yu said with a dark face.

At the same time, he already had a draft in his heart, so the situation here must be reported to the emperor, but the reason for sending troops must not be according to what the lord said, he was very angry, so he wanted to engage Zheng Zhilong.

Alas, my lord is good everywhere, but he always treats military affairs as a trifle, and sometimes he acts like a child who can't grow up. Han Yu shook his head slightly and left the Tiantianrenren restaurant to go to the Yangzhou government office.

"My lord, it's a bit interesting. Among those salt merchants, Zhang Qihua from Luzhou, who do you think he belongs to?" Chang Yu asked very mysteriously.

"Zhang Qihua? Why is he still having an affair with that Zhang Xianzhong?" Liu Hongjian pondered for a while about the famous people with the surname Zhang in Daming, and probably only Zhang Pao ran away and said casually.

"Fuck, your lord is wise! This piece of Qihua is exactly the distant younger brother of Zhang Xianzhong who has plagued Sichuan and Sichuan for several years." Chang Yu wanted to make a fool of himself, but he never expected to be fooled by Liu Hongjian, he thought to himself A grown-up is a grown-up, amazing.

After Liu Hongjian's precepts and deeds, the phrase has already become a mantra of the people around him. Whenever he encounters a big happy event, a big event, or is surprised or unbelievable, he will first shout "Fuck".

Fucking horse, this is an attitude towards life.

"The remnants of loyalty have not been found yet?" Liu Hongjian frowned.

Southwest governor Qin Liangyu had wiped out Zhang Xianzhong's main force a few months ago, but let this guy who was always good at feigning surrender and running away run away.

"My lord, according to the latest news from Sichuan and Shu, the old general Qin has been lying in bed recently. The people who are looking for Zhang Xianzhong are the old general Qin's nephews Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming brothers. There is no other news at the moment. I still think about it. Searching." Su Fei cupped his hands and reported.

Sichuan and Shu are backed by Yunnan and Guizhou, so there are many mountains and waters in the first place, and there are various tribes and tribes gathering in the middle. The relationship is very complicated. Some tribes are very hostile to the Ming army. not easy.

"Forget about the bird man, there should be someone in Jinyiwei in Quanzhou, try to send a letter to Zheng's family, saying that the king wants to invite their patriarch to dinner, and let Nan'an Bo appreciate it.

He decides the location, not in Fujian, I decide the time, um, let's set it on the tenth day of November! "Liu Hongjian thought for a while and said.

"I understand, I will send someone to send a message to Brother Jin Yiwei in Quanzhou." Said Su Fei also left the room.

"Chang Yu." Liu Hongjian tapped the chair quilt methodically with his fingers, and said after pondering for a while.

"The humble job is here!" Chang Yu vaguely felt that the prince was going to make a big move again, and his face immediately became excited.

 Thanks to book friend Wu Song Gan Rihu for the reward of 10000 coins, thanks to book friends who gave 100 coins when they were drunk, and thanked book friends 20180602114411433 and book friends 160807130549190 for the reward of 500 coins. Thanks for your love, thank you, old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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