Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 613 Give You The Zheng Family Three Choices

Chapter 613 Give You The Zheng Family Three Choices
Yingtianfu, Nanjing.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a year since the last time I came to Nanjing, and the city of Nanjing is still the same, still full of feasting and bustling.

Liu Hongjian and his party were walking on the street, and from time to time there were women with heavy makeup and light makeup on both sides of the road winking at them, but Liu Hongjian was fine, but the faces of the five or six guards following him were hot from the teasing .

Due to the urgency of the situation, Liu Hongjian did not want to delay. After learning that Zheng Zhilong chose Nanjing as the venue for the negotiation, Liu Hongjian did not raise any objections. As long as he was not in Fujian, Zheng Zhilong's hometown, he was sure to guarantee his safety.

When they arrived in Nanjing, Liu Hongjian notified Yin Shikefa of Ying Tianfu, and the group went straight to Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

The people from the old Zheng's family naturally booked the entire Xiaoxiang Pavilion. When Liu Hongjian arrived at Xiaoxiang Pavilion, the Zheng family had already greeted him at the door.

According to the agreement, the two sides should bring no more than ten guards. Liu Hongjian also followed the rules. Except for the cabinet uncle Han, he only brought Niu Dabanchui, Kuo Duan, Liu Hu, Liu Bao and Chang Yu.

It's just that these people are holding an AKM in their hands.

"I think this is the King of Anguo County. He really is a young hero. I'm Zheng Zhifeng. It's a pleasure to meet you!" As soon as he entered the door, about [-] or so middle-aged men stood up to greet him.

"Don't dare, why don't you see your Patriarch? Or you can make decisions for the Zheng family?" Liu Hongjian asked unhappily even though he knew that Zheng Zhilong would not be present for this negotiation.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry. My elder brother has been bedridden due to a cold these days, but don't worry, my lord, I have already obtained my brother's permission to come here next time, and I can handle this matter with full authority." Zheng Zhifeng clasped her hands and explained.

The two exchanged a few words of greeting and took their seats, but unexpectedly they ran into an acquaintance in the room, who sat beside Zheng Zhifeng and bowed his hands to Liu Hongjian with the appearance of a literati.

"You are...that..." Liu Hongjian didn't have a very good memory, even though he had met him twice, he couldn't remember the person's name.

"Zhang Jin, my lord, my name is Zhang Jin." Zhang Jin immediately reminded him that he was afraid that the young lord in front of him who didn't follow the rules would call him Liu Jin again.

"Well, this king recognizes you. I see that you are nervous. Let me introduce you to the two of you. This is Mr. Han Yuhan, the second assistant to the cabinet." Liu Hongjian pointed to Han Yu who looked like a wooden man beside him.

Originally, he could come by himself for this negotiation, but Uncle Han was worried and insisted on following him. Liu Hongjian knew that this guy was worried that he would suffer from his poor negotiation skills, so he had to take him with him.

"The old man is here to listen, you guys talk, you talk." Han Yu was very unimpressed with the Zheng family, and after he finished speaking, he closed his eyes with his hands in his hands.

Liu Hongjian ignored him, and looked at Zheng Zhifeng and the several burly guards behind him.

"Brother Damu, how is he doing recently? I heard that he has stopped his studies at the Nanjing Imperial Academy and returned to your navy to serve?" Liu Hongjian asked, staring at the guard next to Zheng Zhifeng.

Although this guard is also wearing light armor with a sword hanging on his waist, but... standing there always gives people a faint pressure, and this guard must be in his forties.

"My lord is talking about Young Master Fusong, hehe, since what happened in Jiangnan last year, the young master somehow seems to be a different person. He insisted on giving up his studies at the Imperial College and joining the army, which made my brother throw things away in anger.

Now Master Fusong is serving as the deputy supervisor under the Zheng family's golden banner. He led the fleet to Luzon a few days ago, but he should be back soon. "Zheng Zhifeng explained.

"Oh, that's it. I wanted to have a couple of drinks with Brother Damu, but now I'm afraid I don't have the chance." Liu Hongjian said casually.

"My lord, let's talk about business. As long as my Zheng family can live in harmony with the court, the door of the Zheng family will always be open to the lord, and Master Fusong will also arrange a banquet for you at the Zheng family."

Zheng Zhifeng didn't know why the prince in front of him cared so much about his young master, so he forcibly brought the topic back.

"That's right, then let's get straight to the point. Your Zheng family has been in the southeast coast and Southeast Asia for decades, and you have almost earned enough.

Where to go, you should have almost negotiated, so tell me now, is it surrender?Or war? "Liu Hongjian stared into Zheng Zhifeng's eyes, his voice was calm, but there was arrogance in the calm.

"Your lord, you don't need to press every step of the way. Since the Patriarch is here, he certainly doesn't want to start a war. Besides, the Zheng family is originally under the control of Daming, and the patriarch still bears the title of Nan'anbo. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to say that he is descending? "Zheng Zhilong said not to be outdone.

"Oh? This king made a slip of the tongue, so the Zheng family intends to surrender to the court unconditionally?" Liu Hongjian sneered inwardly.

"My lord, you are so humorous. The Zheng family has no less than 20 warships of various types, and no less than [-] infantry of various types under their command. Their small family relies on the owner for food and clothing..."

"So, are you threatening the king and the court?" Liu Hongjian interrupted Zheng Zhifeng directly.

The Zheng family has 20 warships and [-] infantry of various types, but they are scattered in Dani, Wuni, Champa, Luzon, Lugang, Beigang, Dayuan, Hirado, Nagasaki, Mumbai, Banten, Old Port, Batavia, Malacca, Cambodia, Siam and other places in Southeast Asia.

The ones that were actually deployed on the southeast coast of Daming must have been less than [-].

Even if they are all elites from your Zheng family, can they beat Ming's [-] iron army on this land?Don't you have any clues in your heart?
"I don't mean that, my lord, it's just that these pawns are counting on the Patriarch to support their family, and apart from my Zheng family, they lack respect and trust in the court.

If the imperial court allows the Zheng family to continue to rule Fujian and Nanyang, the Zheng family can use half of the profit earned each year to serve the imperial court, and provide the imperial court with 150 million shi of rice and grain every year. I wonder if the prince will be satisfied with this? "

Zheng Zhifeng made a proposal that she thought Liu Hongjian could not refuse.

Naturally, the Zheng family knew that the court was short of money and food, otherwise the court would not have ordered his Zheng family to deliver food to Jiubian again and again in the past two years.

Now the Zheng family is willing to pay half of the profit and 150 million shi rice grains, and it will be free of charge. Anyone will be tempted.

"Maintain the status quo? Your Zheng family takes themselves too seriously!" Liu Hongjian sneered.

If it were two years ago, when the Ming court was in the most difficult time, when he and Chongzhen's father-in-law wanted to split a tael of silver or a grain of rice in half, Liu Hongjian would have agreed.

But now, hehe, the icing on the cake is never as good as the snow in the snow, and the Ming court no longer cares about your silver and rice grains.

Moreover, Liu Hongjian was not one of those short-sighted ministers in the imperial court. No one knew better than him how many business opportunities and benefits there were in the ocean.

Your Zheng family did a good business, but it was just a coincidence that they met a discerning person like this king.

"I'll give you three options for the Zheng family." Liu Hongjian scoffed at Zheng Zhifeng's proposal.

 Thanks to the book friends Datang Xiaobing 610, Drunken Lights and Watching Axes for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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