Chapter 626

"Which one is Huang Daozhou?" Liu Hongjian asked doubtfully.

The surnamed Huang of the Ming Dynasty only knows Huang Degong, the governor of the Nine Frontiers. Could it be... this Huang Daozhou is a poor relative of Lao Huang?

Hiss—Thinking about the level of fear.

"Returning to my lord, Huang Daozhou is a concubine in the second year of Tianqi. He used to be the editor of the Imperial Academy, Zuo Yude, Zhan Shi, the Shao of Zhan Shifu, and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy. Later, he was dismissed by the Supreme Emperor because of his outspoken remonstrance, and returned to his hometown in Fujian. Zhangzhou." Seeing Liu Hongjian's doubts, Han Yu explained in a low voice.

"Bluntly speaking? What's the reason?" Liu Hongjian asked again.

Frankly speaking, he has seen many such things as death remonstrance, and he doesn't like to see such courtiers very much.

"The first time was because of Yuan Chonghuan." Han Yu replied with his head bowed, looking at him like this, he didn't seem to be very interested in Huang Daozhou.

"Is there a second or third time?" Liu Hongjian suddenly felt that this man was interesting.

"Not only that, my lord, this person was dismissed four times because of that mouth, and the last time he was demoted six levels in a row, and he was dismissed again on the way to his post." Han Yuman said indifferently.

"Oh? What's the reason for dropping six levels in a row?" Liu Hongjian said with great interest.

The biggest official in Zodiac Zhou is the young Zhan Shi of Zhan Shi's mansion, and he has been downgraded by six ranks. Wouldn't he be directly demoted to rank nine?
How much Uncle Chongzhen bothers you!

"He... scolded the Supreme Emperor." Han Yu seemed to be unable to bear the words, but considering Liu Hongjian's character, he still spoke out.

Back then, Huang Daozhou scolded Chongzhen bloody in front of the courtiers above the main hall. What kind of indiscriminate loyalty and sycophants, confusion of evil and righteousness, was such an ugly scolding.

In the 11th year of Chongzhen, Yang Sichang, Chen Xinjia, and Fang Yizao had a family funeral. Chongzhen thought of state affairs and ordered the three to "seize love". Huang Dapao felt that this was an act of disloyalty and unfilial piety, scolded!
No one dared to open their mouths when encountering nobles who were corrupt and perverted the law. Only Huang Daozhou, who named his name in court, often scolded courtiers and Chongzhen.

Anyway, as long as this guy feels that something is not done right, just one word, scold!

In those years, Huang Daozhou got two nicknames, one was Huang Dapao, and the other was Wanwanan.

"It's interesting, let him come in." Liu Hongjian ignored Han Yu and entered Taiyun Building on his own.

Shaoqing, an old man came in from the outside. This old man was about five or sixty years old. He was wearing a gray-black coarse cloth gown with two patches on the hem. It looked like he was a mess.

"Caomin Huang Daozhou has met the King of Anguo County!" Huang Daozhou first took a look at Han Yu when he entered the door. The two seemed to know each other, but Huang Daozhou's eyes seemed to be very disdainful to Han Yu.

"Get up, why are you looking for this king?" Liu Hongjian stretched out his hand calmly to signal Huang Daozhou to sit down.

"The old man hopes that the prince will plead for the people and lead the troops to destroy the pirates in Jinmen!" Huang Daozhou did not sit down, but just stood in the middle hall with his head held high and his chest held high.

"Kinmen Pirates? What the hell." Liu Hongjian was a little dizzy from what the old man said.

"It is Jinmen Island, which is less than a hundred miles away from here, and there are some bandits from the three banners outside the Zheng family. These bandits harass and plunder the people with knives, guns, boats and cannons. They often take human lives carelessly. They are really a cancer of Ming Dynasty. "Zhuang Daozhou gritted his teeth as he spoke with his eyes wide open.

"People from the Zheng family? Didn't this group of pirates flee to Nanyang with Zheng Zhilong?" Liu Hongjian was a little surprised.

"Go back to your lord, no." Huang Daozhou's voice was high-pitched, and he answered very simply.

In order to show his "loyalty", Zheng Zhilong annihilated his brother Liu Xiang, who had been his brother-in-law in the past, and other pirates around the Daming Sea, such as Li Kuiqi, Yang Liu, Yang Qi, and Zhong Bin, all surrendered to Zheng Zhilong.

In order to distinguish it from the original five-element flag of the Zheng family, the three flags of black, white, and gray were specially compiled. In fact, they did not treat these people as their own, and assigned them to do hard work, and naturally they would not be able to eat fat sheep. Just drink some soup.

"How many bandits are there on Jinmen Island?"

"There are about three to four thousand bandits and more than 140 warships. The leader of the bandits is Li Kuiqi, who was named a coastal defense guerrilla by the court five years ago.

This person did all kinds of bad things under the banner of the imperial court. Originally, there were more than [-] people from our Ming Dynasty on Kinmen Island. This Li Kuiqi has made troubles on Kinmen Island for eight years, and now there are more than [-] people from our Ming Dynasty. " Huang Daozhou said again.

"In eight years, the number of people has increased from over 400 to over 1000. It sounds like the political achievements are pretty good!" Although Liu Hongjian knew that things were not that simple, he still said so.

"Hmph, my lord doesn't know that the original people on Kinmen Island were tortured by Li Kuiqi a long time ago, and the villagers who entered the island later were all the villagers he plundered from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou Haiyan!" Huang Daozhou said angrily.

His two nephews and one of his nephews were all kidnapped, and there were many neighbors in the village who were worse than him. The people along the coast of Zhangzhou prefecture hated Li Kuiqi more than Zheng Zhilong.

"Well... the king knows, you can go back first." Liu Hongjian frowned and said.

The Beiyang Navy is still stationed in Songmen, Taizhou. Under the repeated orders, it will take at least five or six days, but this is a good test for the Beiyang Navy.

Those boys must be exhausted, Liu Hongjian thought.

"No, the grassroots want to stay, I hope the prince will send troops as soon as possible."

"Hey! You old man, do you know who the person in front of you is? You are even more arrogant than me, believe it or not..."

"Bangchui, shut up!" Liu Hongjian raised his hand to stop Niu Dabangchui's scolding.

Huang Dapao really lived up to his reputation, and he deserved his name to be annoyed by thousands of people. If you think about it, Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, would be ashamed to compare with this man. In future generations, he will definitely be a super invincible old straight man of steel and titanium alloy.

If we count hundreds of years ahead, only a Da Pao named Bao can compete with him.

Shu Jishi, the best of Jinshi, there is no one who can be mixed up like this.

"Then you can stay in the barracks. It's just that the king's navy is still far away in Taizhou, and it will take a few days to deploy it. But don't worry, the king will definitely avenge the people of Jinmen and wipe out this group of pirates."

Liu Hongjian took a sip of his tea and said calmly.

Liu Hongjian also encountered this kind of people in later generations. His heart was not bad, and he was even very upright.

It's just that there are some flaws in character, and there are a few mediocre people who can be selected as good scholars. Looking at Huang Daozhou, Liu Hongjian reminds him of a famous person in Ming Dynasty, Hai Rui.

Well, it seems that it can still be used, at least there is no need to worry about this guy being corrupt, Liu Hongjian thought.

In the next few days, Liu Hongjian had nothing to do except waiting for the Beiyang Navy to come, so he wandered around the Zheng family's mansion all day long.

He found that he fell in love with this one-hundred-acre house, and maybe in the future when the winter in the north is too cold, he can bring Xiuxiu, Xiaojiu and the others here to Maodong.

Well, not bad, I went back to discuss it with Xiao Zhu, and beat Lao Zheng by myself for several months, so I should give some rewards, right?
The only thing that displeased Liu Hongjian was that the uncle who followed him all the time became two.

After lying comfortably in Zheng's mansion for four or five days, Beiyang Navy finally arrived in Anping on the evening of the last day of October.

"My lord, Qi Yuangong and Qi Yuanfu, deputy admirals of Beiyang Navy, please see me."

 Thanks to book friend Sky Mengjing for the reward of 2000 coins, and to book friend 190525045425465 and book friend 180330095548948 for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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