Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 629 Boss, is our cannon broken?

Chapter 629 Boss, is our cannon broken?

The fort at the col seems to have been pre-loaded with artillery shells, and the cannon cannons can't wait to fire as soon as the muzzle is stretched out.

The Jingyuan ship at the front was the first to bear the brunt, and at least three shells hit the left front cabin, middle cabin and deck of the Jingyuan ship respectively.

"Hold on, hold on, don't panic! The gunner calibrates his position and prepares to fight back!" Qi Yuangong issued a semaphore with the flag bearer, and ordered to the soldiers in the cabin.

The watchmen of the pirates on the col squinted their eyes to observe the battle.

"How about it, how many ships were sunk?" Zhang Gui, the pirate leader in charge of the fort, came out of the fort and asked anxiously.

"Boss, is our cannon broken?" The lookout seemed unable to believe his eyes.

The Jingyuan, which rushed to the front and received the most gunshots on the sea, was also a little confused, as if nothing happened?

It was obvious that the hull vibrated two or three times just now. If the shells hit the deck and bounced off the ground and smashed a hole in the cabin door, the soldiers on the Jingyuan would have thought that the fort on the shore was bluffing.

"Captain, it's okay! Pirate shells can't pierce our ship's armor at all!" First officer Wu Liuyi came forward to report excitedly, just now three shells hit their ship at the same time, but Wu Liuyi terrified.

When people went to investigate, they found that the ship was fine, but there was a shallow pit on the deck, that's all.

It seems that the armor that the admiral put on the ship is really good, Wu Liu said with one heart.

Although he knew that the armor installed on the outside of the ship was to enhance the defense, Wu Liuyi did not expect that the defense could even withstand the artillery, which is simply invincible.

"What's the matter, hurry up and command the gunners to fight back! Fight back!" Cui Geng said angrily.

He was high-minded, and so was the entire Beiyang Navy. They used the best ships and artillery from the imperial court, ate the most sumptuous meals, and received the highest military pay.

If the first battle doesn't work, where the fuck is he going to have the face to see the admiral, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

bang bang bang bang bang bang-

The old-fashioned copper cannons on the fort on the col have not yet been loaded with shells. Dozens of cannons from the three main warships Dingyuan, Zhenyuan and Jingyuan fired successively.

The pirates on Kinmen Island didn't understand the court's fort construction technology, but they just opened a hole in the mountain to barely have a protection, and the cannons on the fort were mostly old-fashioned Francophone cannons.

Although Li Kuiqi's troops are not many, and there are no more than [-] people at full strength, but the arrangement for this Kinmen Island is really not bad.

Before the Beiyang navy marched, Liu Hongjian specially sent Jin Yiwei to find out the situation on the island.

The north and south of Kinmen Island seem to be easy to land, but they are the places where Li Kuiqi deploys the most troops. There are too many rocks on the seabed in the west, which is not conducive to the ship's driving.

Only the small port on the east side of the mountain is the most suitable for landing on the beach. There are forts built here, and it is a place that other warships can't avoid. However, after careful consideration, Liu Hongjian still thinks that landing on the east side is safer.

The cannons on Kinmen Island are all old cannons eliminated by the Zheng family, or small cannons intercepted by Li Kuiqi when he robbed nearby armed merchant ships.

When Tianjin Bao Shipyard developed the steel armor of ships, it conducted a special experiment on the carrying capacity of shells. If the steel armor is too thick, the hull will be too heavy, and if it is too light, the protection will be poor.

In the end, the thickness of the steel armor was determined by the power specification of the Ordnance Institute's cannon. In other words, unless the power was equal to or stronger than the Ming cannon, it was possible to penetrate the steel armor of the ship.

And the broken cannon on Kinmen Island is obviously not an example of this.


After the bombardment by the three main battleships Dingyuan, Zhenyuan, and Jingyuan was over, the five No. [-] Fuchuan also fired one after another, followed by the smaller sentinel ships and winter ships.

There were only dozens of old-fashioned cannons, and the fort was shoddy. How could it withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of hundreds of cannons?

At the beginning Zhang Gui stopped and cut down the two frightened subordinates, but later he simply stomped his feet and ran away.

Behind the fort is a small port, which is responsible for the ships coming and going to Kinmen Island. After learning that the imperial navy was really heading east to Chitouao, Li Kuiqi was so relieved that he dispatched thousands of people from the north and south defense lines to help out.

I thought that there was no use for them with the fort, but who knew that the fort only fired a round of cannons, and they were beaten by the imperial navy's intensive cannonballs and fled in all directions.

Li Kuiqi was furious, so he had no choice but to lead his men to pull the garrisons from the north and south banks over, and at the same time told his thousands of men to prepare to shoot.

"Shieldman! Raise your shield!"

The main battleships No. [-] and No. [-] were still parked in the sea for vigilance, while more than [-] sentinel ships and winter ships with relatively shallow drafts sailed in front and disembarked.

The captain and first officer are automatically upgraded to commanders of the Marine Corps. The front row of heavy shield hands with blue veins on their foreheads raised their heavy shields to defend against the firecrackers on the beach, followed by three rows of grenadiers and five rows of musketeers.

The Beiyang navy had trained many times when they landed on the beach at Dagukou and Weihaiwei. Although it was the first time to use it in actual combat, most of the soldiers were not timid. This made Liu Hongjian, who had been secretly observing satisfy.

Bang bang bang—bang bang—the pirates on the beach fired one after another.

However, the projectile hit the heavy shield covered with wet cotton without even a spark, and the pirates were not stupid, so they panicked immediately.

"Hold on, we can win! Hold on, the reinforcements are coming soon!" Li Kuiqi swallowed and trembled.

Fifty steps, thirty steps...

It was another sporadic round of shots for the loaded Pirates, only they never got a chance to play a third round.

"The grenadiers! Get ready—throw!" The commanders gave an order, and the grenadiers behind the heavy shields pulled the fuzes of the grenades uniformly, and threw them towards the beach.


"Musketeer, advance!"



The Kinmen Island landing battle was fought without any suspense. Li Kuiqi's reinforcements were scattered by intensive firepower as soon as they arrived. Li Kuiqi himself wanted to pretend to be ordinary people to get through, but was finally picked out by the people who had been oppressed for several years.

Under the watchful eyes of the only 140 people left on Kinmen Island, the pirate Li Kuiqi and the more than [-] minions who survived were all shot by the Beiyang Navy.

For the people who were taken captive to Kinmen Island, Liu Hongjian gave them two choices. They could return to the mainland with the warships of the Beiyang Navy, or they could stay and build Kinmen Island, and they would be exempted from all taxes for three years.

Unfortunately, Huang Dapao did not find his nephew and nephew among the surviving people in the end.

Liu Hongjian didn't know how to comfort the weeping Huang Dapao, he only said that he would send Jin Yiwei to help search near Quanzhou, maybe they escaped secretly in a spirit of excitement.

Three days later, the repaired Beiyang Navy returned to Quanzhou City.

But who would have thought that two unexpected guests came to Quanzhou Mansion that night...

(End of this chapter)

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