Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 637 The world is so big, our family wants to see it

Chapter 637 The world is so big, our family wants to see it
"My lord said just now that the supervisor of the coastal defense fort lacks manpower to take care of it. I wonder if our family can do it?" Cao Huachun suddenly put away his smile and said solemnly.

"You? What, you have become addicted to playing outside, don't you want to go back?" Liu Hongjian said.

"Hehe, it's true. After staying in the palace for a long time, I always feel bored. Now our family thinks it's good to work outside." Cao Huachun said with a strange smile.

"Eunuch Cao, don't be joking. You are the director of the East Factory. If you don't go back to take charge of the East Factory, what will it be like to go outside?" Liu Hongjian asked puzzled.

Cao Huachun didn't say anything when he heard it, he just picked up the jug and poured himself a glass of wine, then drank it all in one gulp.

"My lord, it's not that our family doesn't want to stay in the palace properly, it's because some people don't want to!" Cao Huachun smiled wryly.

"What? Could it be that there are still people in the palace who would dare to seek ill luck from you, the governor of the East Factory?" Liu Hongjian wondered.

"Oh! The prince doesn't know something, the prince...he doesn't trust our family!" Cao Huachun sighed.

The prince is upright in his work, how can he know the filth in the palace? After all, he Cao Huachun is an old man next to the emperor. Now that the prince has ascended the throne as emperor, it is natural to find a trustworthy person to be the admiral of the East Factory.

When Zhu Cihong started to arrange positions in the outer court for the former ministers of the Eastern Palace, the inner court was also slowly undergoing changes.

This is the truth of the so-called one emperor and one courtier.

In the beginning, it was just the supervisors and young supervisors of the various prisons, and then Shangbaojian, Jingongjian, and Neiguanjian were not so much noticed, and now it is finally the Silijian and Yumajian.

Only last month did Cao Huachun receive Zhu Cihong's verbal order, and he found an excuse to take away his position as the supervisor of ceremonies and Bingbi.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liu Hongjian recommended him to be the factory supervisor of the East Factory, he would have been sent down a long time ago.

But in the 300th year of the Ming Dynasty, since the Dongchang was established, every Dongchang factory supervisor must hold the pen for the ceremonial supervisor. Now even the eunuch who holds the pen has been withdrawn. How much can he do as the Dongchang factory supervisor?
What awaits him is either to find an ordinary job in the palace to die, but that will inevitably suffer more humiliation and ridicule, or to return to his hometown in Tianjin as he did six years ago.

He was almost 60 years old, and there were no acquaintances at home. He didn't want to die alone at home. After thinking about it, Cao Huachun decided to come to Liu Hongjian.

After all, it was Liu Hongjian who brought him back from Tianjin who had been unemployed for six years. The prince is the most loyal person in the world, so he must be able to help him.

"I don't trust you? Is it the fault of Pang Hai?" Liu Hongjian asked back.

"So the lord knows..." Cao Huachun said bitterly.

"Hmph, I guessed it. Just now this guy came to pass on the order. At that time, I thought this guy was weird. It turns out that he is really..." Liu Hongjian was also quite upset.

Presumably, his notoriety in the capital was not enough to frighten the fat Da Dahai, or he had not been in Beijing for a long time, making those dormant people ready to move?
"Eunuch Cao, don't panic, as long as I am here, I will definitely not allow the emperor to dismiss you, and I will make plans after I return to Beijing." Liu Hongjian comforted.

Uncle Chongzhen ordered him to be regent, and he usually didn't bother to take care of it if there were no major issues, but if the little emperor really messed up and engaged in nepotism and cronyism, he, Liu Hongjian, would be the first to disagree.

"My lord, now our family thinks it's good to be outside, especially this seaside. When our family sees the sea and sees the endless and endless waves, we feel that those dirty things in the palace are so insignificant.

Our family doesn't want to fight. "Cao Huachun said with a longing expression.

He is already a person who has been relegated once, not to mention that the emperor no longer trusts him, even if it is for the sake of the prince not to move him, what's the point?
That Pang Hai followed the emperor's side all day long, who knows what little shoes he would wear, instead of being so useless in the palace, it would be better to get out and do things outside.

"Oh? Eunuch Cao still has such a state. It's really rare. I don't know what ambition Eunuch Cao has?" Liu Hongjian suddenly respected this eunuch who was demoted before his death and slandered after his death.

Without his strong intervention, it would have been Cao Huachun, who had been idle for six years after the Tungusians entered the customs, risking his life to give a memorial to the Tungusians, begging to give Uncle Chongzhen the dignity he deserved as an emperor.

He wasted all his money to get through the relationship, and finally got the matter done, and then he was heartbroken in front of the Chongzhen Mausoleum.

Only Liu Hongjian knew about this matter.

"The world is so big, our family wants to see it." Cao Huachun expressed his thoughts, or ideals.

"Sailing?" Liu Hongjian suddenly understood what Uncle Cao was thinking.

Who do eunuchs admire most?The chief minister of the cabinet?emperor?
No, no, in Daming, eight out of ten eunuchs will tell you that it is Zheng He, Zheng Gong!

Liu Hongjian only asked three words and did not continue to kiss, because he had already seen the answer in Uncle Cao's eyes.

"Okay then, it just so happens that there is still a shortage of people in Fuzhou to supervise the construction of the fort, so you go to make arrangements first.

But there is no need to worry about this matter. Now Treasure Shipyard is already working overtime to supervise the construction of warships. Maybe we, Daming, will be able to go to Nanyang in half a year to get a share of the pie.

On the other side of the palace, the king will write a letter to explain to the emperor, so Eunuch Cao can stay here with peace of mind for the time being. "Liu Hongjian thought for a while.

"Your Majesty's kindness to you, and kindness can be recreated. Our family will remember this kind of love. In the future, if there is a errand, our family will not hesitate even if it is hard." Cao Huachun got up and bowed to Liu Hongjian, solemnly the way.

"Eunuch Cao is serious. We are all doing business for the court and benefiting the people. Don't talk about this." Liu Hongjian stood up and helped Cao Huachun.

"In that case, our family will not bother the prince anymore, and our family will rush to Fuzhou to hand over to General Qin." Cao Huachun cupped his hands and left after finishing speaking.

After Cao Huachun left, Liu Hongjian felt irritated for no reason. This was due to the old general Qin Liangyu's reasons, as well as the affairs in the palace.

Zhu Cihong is not the uncle of Chongzhen, maybe he was at a loss when he first took office, Zhu Cihong would think of Chongzhen's teachings, and would ask him for advice when encountering unclear things, but what if he got used to it?

Seventeen or eighteen is the age of rebellion, will Zhu Cihong be willing to always listen to his or Chongzhen's opinions?
What's more, Uncle Chongzhen has already...

There are still many things to worry about, but he must finish the big business at hand before he can return to Beijing.

Now that the twelfth lunar month is about to enter, Liu Hongjian calculated that if he rode fast and lightly from Quanzhou to Kuizhou, he should be able to go home for the New Year after mourning the old general Qin.

Thinking of this, Liu Hongjian poured himself another glass of wine and drank it down.


On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, it snowed heavily in Shijie Xuanwei Division of Chongqing Prefecture.

 Thank you book friend 161019152155602 for the reward of 1000 coins, thanks for your love.

(End of this chapter)

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