Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 641 This person is gone

Chapter 641 This person is gone
"Your Excellency has passed out." Zhang Cheng, the Hundred Household Officer of Jinyiwei, caught Liu Hongjian and made him sit on the ground.

He also didn't expect that the news would hit the commanding officer so hard. The news of the death of the Supreme Emperor had already spread to Shuntian Mansion, and the messenger of the Ministry of Rites would spread it to the nineteen provinces of Ming Dynasty in the next half month.

As soon as Liang Yang heard the news, he sent Jin Yiwei to notify the commander.

However, Liu Hongjian has been taking troops away. He was in Lianghuai last month, and then went to Fujian last month. The latest news came a few days ago that he was in Sichuan and Sichuan.

In order to spread the news as quickly as possible, Liang Yang had no choice but to mobilize a large number of Jinyiwei's manpower and divide it into dozens of waves to search.

Zhang Cheng also found Runing Mansion first, learned from there that Liu Hongjian was going north through Kaifeng, and chased all the way to Zhangde Mansion before catching up.

"Brother Kuo, let's go find a carriage and continue our journey!" Zhang Cheng may not know the friendship between his lord and Emperor Chongzhen, but Yang Tianbao, who is thoughtful, knows.

If my lord wakes up, he will definitely hurry back to the capital, and the current plan cannot be stopped even in this situation.

When Kuo Duan heard the words, he immediately sent people to search for the carriage, and the group continued to rush towards Shuntian Mansion.

Half a day later, Liu Hongjian woke up with his brows tightly frowned. Seeing that Yang Tianbao was dozing in the carriage, he sat up slowly.

"My lord, you are awake." Yang Tianbao whispered when he heard the movement in the carriage.

"What time is it now?" Liu Hongjian asked expressionlessly.

"My lord, it's the third quarter of Shen Shi." Yang Tianbao replied.

"Stop the car and ask the Jin Yiwei to come and see me." Liu Hongjian said again, and got out of the carriage after speaking.

Liu Hongjian looked up at the sky. It was the middle of winter, and the sky was gray. Only the horses kicked the ground with white breath.

After a while, the team stopped and followed the team's Jin Yiwei Zhang Cheng on horseback.

"Your name is Zhang Cheng. When did the Supreme Emperor go?" Liu Hongjian turned his back to everyone.

"My lord Commander, the Imperial Physician Qi in the palace said that the Supreme Emperor died at You Hour on the 21st of the twelfth lunar month." Zhang Cheng replied.

The 21st of the twelfth lunar month... was the day when the Runing Mansion was hit by an earthquake. Could it be, is this really God's will?

Liu Hongjian felt uncomfortable, and there was no place to vent his suppressed emotions. At this moment, he wished that he was on the battlefield with countless enemies in front of him, so that he could carry the AKM to vent the grief in his heart unscrupulously.

But there is none here. On the vast North China Plain, except for the small villages dotted with smoke in the distance, there are only barren land in the middle of winter.

"Get on your horses, my king will return to Beijing overnight!" Liu Hongjian ordered while holding back his tears.

A personal guard brought his horse over, and Liu Hongjian got on the horse without saying a word, and rode the horse to the front of the team.

Just when he reached the front of the team, Liu Hongjian seemed unable to control himself, and slapped the horse's whip on the back of the horse, and the horse threw off its hooves and galloped away in pain.

Seeing the change ahead, Kuo Duan hurriedly called a few of his men to follow up with the guards.

However, Liu Hongjian's war horse is the first-class Dawan horse of Ming Dynasty, that is, a sweat horse. It is second to none in terms of endurance and explosive power, and Kuo Duan and others can't catch up at all.

The north wind was blowing like a knife, and the horses galloped wildly. Liu Hongjian felt that everything was retreating, and the tears on his cheeks could no longer be held back.

In the eyes of his subordinates, he is the ever-victorious general, the overlord, the arm in the heart of the emperor, and the omnipotent god of war.

But only he himself understood that all of this was imposed by outsiders, he didn't want to sit on this seat, he didn't want to be the god of war, he was just an ordinary person.

No one saw it anyway, so let it flow.

Liu Hongjian rode his horse up to a small hillside, until the horse under his crotch could no longer bear the burst of speed, and he dismounted, panting heavily and lying on the ground.

After a while, Kuo Duan caught up with seven or eight personal guards, and Kuo Duan stopped the guards at a distance of forty or fifty steps away from Liu Hongjian.

He knew that Liu Hongjian was suffering in his heart, and if his group of people rushed to disturb him rashly, it would be better to let the adults be quiet.

Lying on the dry grass, Liu Hongjian remembered the first time he met Uncle Chongzhen.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty was suffering from internal and external troubles and natural disasters, and the uncle had only one hundred and five taels of silver left in his poor treasury. In order to raise military pay, the uncle even sold everything in the internal money.

At that time, the only thing the uncle could give was the official position and title. The funny thing is that he still asked for money in front of the uncle. Now that I think about it, it means that people are not as knowledgeable as him, otherwise a hundred heads would not be enough to cut off.

Later, I made troubles one after another, violated the ancestral system, even trampled on the ancestral system, was lazy, refused to go to court, dereliction of duty, and did not do anything, and slept at home with my wife every day.

As usual, the uncle trusted him and protected him in front of the courtiers. When the army went out to fight, it was also tight for the army to use money, food and grass, and Ning Yuan tightened his belt.

During the expedition to build slaves, the uncle obviously couldn't hold on anymore, he still gritted his teeth and didn't want to slow down the pace of the army...

All these, vaguely past events, appeared one by one in Liu Hongjian's mind like yesterday, and tears flowed down again.

I still remember such a passage in a book, tears are a good thing that can wash away both bitterness and going north.

When you have really experienced life's vicissitudes, ups and downs, you will understand that there are great sorrows in life that cannot be washed away by tears, and unforgettable pains that make you unable to cry even if you want to.

Fortunately, in this life, I have met such a high-ranking elder who still treats him like a son, so that he can roar at the court unrestrainedly, so that he can not have to worry about all the worries, so that he can cry whenever he wants, and laugh whenever he wants. laugh.

However, this person is gone.

Half an hour later, Liu Hongjian wiped away the dried tears and sat up, then got on his horse and walked to the guards.

"Let's go back to Beijing!" After speaking, Liu Hongjian returned to the team.

It is six or seven hundred miles from Zhangde Mansion to the capital. If it is a normal march, even the cavalry will take four days.

But Liu Hongjian only allowed the soldiers and horses to rest for three hours every day, even at night by the moonlight, they had to go on their way. In just two days, the team arrived at Andingmen, the outer city of the capital.

According to the ancestral system, after the death of the emperor, the dragon body must be placed in the Jiyan Hall first.

After Liu Hongjian proved his identity, he led the people straight into the inner city. After passing the Zhengyang Gate of the inner city, Liu Hongjian left all his subordinates and rode to Daming Gate alone.

The Daming Gate was heavily guarded, and even officials were not allowed to be coquettish, let alone ride horses, but Liu Hongjian didn't care about this, and the general guarding the gate didn't dare to stop him after learning of Liu Hongjian's identity.

Liu Hongjian rode his war horse straight into Daming Gate, passed through Chengtian Gate and Meridian Gate, and got off his horse. He could not pass through Wuying Hall until he arrived at Jiyan Hall.

In the hall of several feasts, Zhu Cihong knelt in front of the coffin, and all the eunuchs in plain clothes knelt behind Zhu Cihong.

Liu Hongjian's sudden appearance made Zhu Cihong turn around.

"Liu...Liu Qing, is that you?"

PS: Alas, I feel depressed in my heart, I am still a little bit reluctant to get to this point.

 Thanks to book friend 160825145853294 for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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