Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 645 Farewell, Uncle

Chapter 645 Farewell, Uncle
In the blink of an eye, he had been away from home for nearly three months, and looking at the candlelight in his yard, Liu Hongjian felt closer to his hometown and more timid.

In addition, Liu Hongjian felt a little guilty in his heart when he went out and got involved in romantic debts. After hesitating outside the courtyard for a while, Liu Hongjian started to walk into the courtyard.

Although it was the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, due to the national mourning period, the peaceful small courtyard was not festive.

The door creaked and was pushed open, and Liu Hongjian walked in slowly.

"Husband, you are back." Sun Xiuxiu, Yang Xue, and Kun Xing stood up to greet each other with a baby in their arms.

Several personal soldiers had come to Xishan to spread the news before, and all the three women were not too surprised.

"Well, the family is doing well these days." Seeing Kunxing's eyes were red, Liu Hongjian knew why this girl was, so he took the padded jacket from his arms.

"Didi, burst..." Before the three girls could reply, Liu Aotian, the young master of the Liu family, recognized the person who came, and shouted while struggling in Yang Xue's arms.

"It's Daddy, not Didi. Call Daddy quickly." Liu Hongjian was stunned for a moment before he recovered.



"Xiaobai, let's go and replace the lanterns at the entrance with white ones, and hang up funeral banners." Liu Hongjian ordered.

Perhaps for all the common people, Chongzhen was the emperor of Ming Dynasty and their son of heaven, but for Liu Hongjian's family, Chongzhen was his father-in-law and their family.

After finishing speaking, he hugged Kunxing into his arms...

This year is destined to be an extraordinary year for the people in the capital and even the entire Ming Dynasty. Even on New Year's Eve, the most prosperous areas in the entire capital are still dark, including the New Year's Eve meals.

It was not until the nineteenth day of the first lunar month that the streets became lively, because this day was the day when Emperor Chongzhen was buried...

On this day, Liu Hongjian got up from the bed before dawn, put on the white clothes, and took a few guards who were also dressed in the clothes, out of the West Mountain.

Although today is destined to be very tiring, he is willing to send his elders the last ride.

Uncle Chongzhen’s mausoleum was built a year ago. The mausoleum is located at the foot of Tianshou Mountain outside Changping. Twelve emperors of the Ming Dynasty have already been buried here, and Uncle Chongzhen will be No.13.

It stands to reason that the emperor built his mausoleum for himself before he was alive, and usually several years in advance, and his own mausoleum had already been repaired even when the emperor was still alive.

But Uncle Chongzhen has been in politics for 19 years and has no time to build a mausoleum for himself, or he has no money, or he really has no money.

It wasn't until after the first Hongmen Banquet ended that the treasury had Yu Yin, that Uncle Chongzhen began to repair the mausoleum.

Maybe it was because of the fear of poverty at the time, the mausoleum repaired by Chongzhen is the smallest among the twelve emperors in the past, and it was barely completed in April this year.

After repeated discussions by several academicians in the cabinet, and taking into account Zhu Cihong's opinion, Uncle Chongzhen's reign was designated as the Emperor of Respecting Heaven, Tidao, Purity, Dehong, Wenqin, Wuzhang, Shengda, Xiaozhao.

Regarding the temple name, the ministers proposed the names of Yixi, Rui, Su, etc., but Zhu Cihong was not very satisfied.

In the end, Zhu Cihong still discussed with Liu Hongjian. The Supreme Emperor was worried and thoughtful, hoping for the revival of the Ming Dynasty, so it is better to use Si as the temple name, and at the same time entrust the two people's wishes of thinking about others.

The imperial mausoleum of Chongzhen was named Siling for this reason.

At three o'clock, the bells of temples and Taoist temples in the capital city and Shuntian Mansion rang together, and the heavy and solemn Daming Gate opened...

As early as yesterday, the Supervisor of Rituals, the Ministry of Rites, and Jin Yiwei ordered the eunuchs to set up the Daxingyu and Chen's funerals outside the Daming Gate. Four worships, and then there was a mournful sound of hanging spirits.

Liu Hongjian was also in the process, but he couldn't shed tears. It's not that he wasn't sad, but he was disgusted by this step-by-step process.

At the end of the salute amid the yelling of the eunuchs, 64 flag guides headed by the generals of the Han Dynasty walked out from the Daming Gate holding high the Wanmin flag and umbrella, followed by a Lubo honor guard composed of 620 people.

General Ming Jia and General Red Helmet held various weapons, banners and various "burning fires" made of paper or silk and satin, in a mighty manner...

Then there are the bearers dressed in old clothes and carrying the coffin of Chongzhen. The team of bearers consists of three shifts, with 120 or eight people in each shift.

As early as ten days ago, the bearers began to perform bars outside Desheng Gate. The bearers had to carry a piece of Dulong wood with the same weight as the coffin according to the scale and requirements of the official funeral. It weighed about ten thousand catties. A bowl of water should be practiced until the water can't be spilled when leaving.

Behind the coffin are the heavily armed palace guards, most of whom are guards in brocade clothes, and then there is a team of civil and military officials, the emperor's relatives and relatives. Except Zhu Cihong, everyone, regardless of age, walks.

In the funeral procession, there are also a large number of monks, Taoist priests, nuns, Taoist nuns and lamas. They are dressed in cassocks, holding law enforcement instruments, playing and chanting sutras continuously.

The entire funeral procession is more than ten miles long, with no less than 2 people. It is more than one hundred miles along the way from the capital to the mausoleum, and reed halls are set up at intervals for the coffin and funeral procession to rest.

The entire capital is almost under martial law, except that the common people were able to see something new earlier. When the Daming Gate was opened, the streets had already been cleared.

The Wucheng Bingma Division and the [-] Jingying Cavalry mobilized from the Shahe Camp were responsible for the security in the city and along the way.

The funeral procession walked and cried all the way, stopped and stopped until the next afternoon before arriving at the foot of Tianshou Mountain.

After arriving at the imperial mausoleum, Zhu Cihong led all the officials and nobles to the hall of dedication to continue the ceremony. First, he had to perform the Yu ceremony (a kind of ancient ceremony, the ceremony of requiem), and then kowtowed four times.

Offer silk, offer wine, recite the blessing, and then salute again, and finally Yaxian (the second sacrificial wine) and final offering (the third sacrificial wine), and finally kowtow four times...

Zhu Cihong's expression was serious and serious, all the officials and relatives should cry and say goodbye, but Liu Hongjian stood in the middle of the team expressionlessly and couldn't cry.

After the barman placed Chongzhen's coffin in the tomb, a group of craftsmen pulled the mechanism with all their strength, and the door-sealing stone weighing tens of thousands of catties fell heavily, pushing the tomb door to death from the inside.

Liu Hongjian thought that he had accepted the fact that his uncle had left when he was in the banquet hall, but at the moment when the door of the tomb was closed, he could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes, and he stepped forward a few steps and knelt down on the tomb with a plop. in front of the door.

At this moment, Zhu Cihong couldn't restrain his emotions, so he lowered his head and wiped his face with his hands, sobbing softly, and the officials and Shi Shi began to cry again...

After the ceremony, the officials and guards left the bedroom one by one, only Zhu Cihong and dozens of palace guards were still waiting at the door.

"Brother Liu, it's time to go back." Zhu Cihong urged with a trembling voice.

Liu Hongjian wiped his face with his sleeve when he heard the sound, and slowly got up and walked towards the entrance of the hall. Seeing this, Zhu Cihong also waved his hand to signal the guards to leave.

Walking to the entrance of the hall, Liu Hongjian stopped again and turned his head to look at the closed tomb door.

"Farewell, uncle." Liu Hongjian whispered towards the door of the tomb.

 Thanks to book friend Qin Shimingyue for the reward of 1000 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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