Chapter 659

The empire, the empire, respects the emperor, kills decisively, handles politics vigorously and prevails, and is not controlled by anyone.

In this way, when a huge country can be run with the fastest efficiency, there is no need to discuss and hold meetings over and over again for major and minor matters.

The autocratic monarchy has its own unique advantages. This advantage is reflected in military affairs and government affairs. It makes a country more iron-blooded and decisive, and makes any foreign country that dares to provoke Ming Dynasty more jealous and fearful.

If there is only one shortcoming, that is, if the king is wise, it is enough, if he is a licentious and stupid king, it is very likely to cause the empire to collapse quickly.

This requires that the empire must be cautious and cautious when choosing a successor, and must go through rigorous steps, including political affairs, military affairs, and literature.

Moreover, in order to enhance comparison and competitiveness, there must be multiple candidates, that is, multiple princes to participate in training together, martial arts and martial arts together, and finally select the best one to succeed the throne.

It's not that when Zhu Cihong was young, he replaced his successor because of his personal preference. This is too hasty, not only unfair to the people of the whole family, but also unfair to the old Zhu family.

Fortunately, he was never worried about the lack of princes in the old Zhu family, because the old Zhu family is still very capable of having children. Since there are princes who can have a hundred sons, it should be no problem for you, Zhu Cihong, who is so young and strong to give birth to twenty.

Uncle Chongzhen fell ill because of worry and overwork, Uncle Chongzhen’s elder brother, the carpenter emperor, fell into the water, and Zhengde also fell into the water. In the end, hundreds of thousands of royal families were born in the family, so it can be seen.

In addition to this, it is to perfect and consolidate this system. In addition to expanding the territory, the greatest contribution of the contemporary monarch is to elect the next generation of wise monarchs for the empire.

What Liu Hongjian wanted to do was to help Zhu Cihong become a great emperor in the early days of the empire as a reformer of the empire.

This is not only for Uncle Chongzhen, nor for Zhu Cihong, but for the Ming people all over the world, so that the descendants of the Han family can stand tall and look down on Xiyi Europa.

Whether it can be done, Liu Hongjian is not sure, but fortunately he is still young, and he still has blood and time, and fortunately, Daming's descendants also have blood and time.

He also knows that once these things are made public, it is easy to arouse all the officials in the world to attack them. After all, according to the original inheritance system, if a wise monarch is elected by chance, it will be their discerning eyes, and those who have contributed a lot .

If you are unlucky and choose a monarch who is like a fool, according to them, it must be that the court is exhausted, and it is not their fault.

These guys will always have various reasons to blame others for their problems. They may know that they are wrong, but they never admit it. In the end, it must be the people of the world who are unlucky.

Another point, if the emperor is the second idiot, it would be a great thing for some courtiers. The second idiot is good. At that time, people still have to take care of the affairs of the world.

But Liu Hongjian didn't care about these things. He only needed to care about two things. First, whether this would benefit Daming's long-term development, and second, whether his brother-in-law would continue to trust and support him. Both were indispensable.

Whether it is fierce opposition or forced to die, let Xiaojia be for everyone, and those who are not convinced can go home and sell sweet potatoes. There is no way to do things. There has never been reform without death, and there has never been reform without resistance.

But he still wants to try it, whether it is for the sake of the people or for his own children and grandchildren, he knows that if he doesn't try it, he will definitely regret it in the future.

It is not that the Ming Dynasty has no other way to go, that is, when the commodity economy developed to a very prosperous level, the idea of ​​capitalism was gradually born.

However, although later generations did not study political textbooks carefully, he also vaguely felt that capitalism would not work in China, or lacked such a soil.

The culture of the Han people is completely different from that of Europa. In such a complex relationship-based society, the imperialism of autocratic monarchy is more appropriate than that of capitalism.

But who can figure this out? Let's take a step and watch one. If one road doesn't work, change it. It's better than the previous Emperor Wanli. If you want to investigate a case, you have to go on a hunger strike before the cabinet agrees.

It's not like Uncle Chongzhen, who issued an order that couldn't get out of Shuntian Mansion, tightened his belt to supply the Liaodong Frontier Army, but was fooled by Yuan Dudu, let's raise a military salary, and all the officials cry during the day and play poor at night. Very happy.

This is really nonsense, and there is only one reason for it, the country of Daming is not theirs, but the money and power are theirs.

After comprehending these things, Liu Hongjian instantly felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was very heavy. It didn't mean that the internal troubles were eliminated, and the matter was over when Jiannu was wiped out.

If this empire is not improved, it will not take many years for the decaying empire to decay, and he must do his best for the sake of his descendants.

In the house, they chatted with the three wives again. Sun Xiuxiu and Yang Xue went back to the house with their children in their arms. They seemed to have a tacit understanding and tried their best to leave the opportunity to Kunxing.

After all, they already had children, and Kun Xing remained silent. Liu Hongjian was very satisfied with the atmosphere in the family. There was no need for intrigue or status. They were family members, and they did not have each other's family members.

It's just that Liu Hongjian didn't care about it. After all, women can't get rid of the big feudal dyeing vat. He is only 22 years old, and Kun Xing is only less than 20 years old. Why worry?

"Husband, do you think sister-in-law will give birth to a boy or a girl?" Kun Xing gently undressed Liu Hongjian.

"Who knows, she didn't have a B-ultrasound." Liu Hongjian subconsciously said.

"Ah? What super?" Kun Xing didn't quite understand. She still cared about her sister-in-law's offspring, after all, it was about Daming's future.

"Oh, I mean I'm not a god-man even as a husband, how could I know that this is waiting for him."




The next morning, Liu Hongjian got up early to do morning exercises, and walked to the Armory Station without even eating breakfast.

Uncle Song is still in good spirits, even more energetic than two years ago. There are too many projects in the armory that he needs to work on. There is soil for engineering, and this is a paradise for craftsmen all over the world.

"It's been a long time since my lord came to the armory, but what's the matter?" Song Yingxing asked earnestly when he saw Liu Hongjian staggering in with his arms on his waist.

"This king just has a backache and walks casually, oh no, this king just came to see how the research on breech-loading guns is progressing."

PS: Thanks to the book friend Longlin Feiyu/Little Monster Loves to Eat/angspeng888/Looking at the Ax in a Drunk Light/Book friend 20190617 for the reward, thank you very much, I am not used to coding on mobile phones, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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