Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 661 Inheritance is more important than secrecy

Chapter 661 Inheritance is more important than secrecy
As long as there is a direction, Song Yingxing will be sure to research this mercury fulminate. There is no other reason, Daming has no shortage of talents, or as long as the problem can be solved by the number of people, it is not a problem in Daming.

It's just that neither Liu Hongjian, who didn't learn chemistry well, nor the swearing Uncle Song, did not expect that mercury fulminate could not be made by simply neutralizing nitric acid and mercury. Another vital neutralizer.

What they didn't expect was that mercury fulminate was finally made by an accident, but this is not surprising. Whether it is the East or the West, there are countless great inventions that came out due to accidents. .

"It's been a long time since I went to the engineering college, but this king is still the head of the engineering college! Let's go, Mr. Song, go to the engineering college with this king." The development of mercury fulminate can't be done for a while, but not In a hurry, Liu Hongjian suggested.

Naturally, Song Yingxing will not defeat Liu Hongjian's elegance. Liu Hongjian is the head of the mountain, and Song Yingxing also bears the title of deputy head of the mountain. It's just that both of them are not doing their jobs properly. Xu Guangqi's son Xu Ji has always been in Zhang Luo .

It has been nearly a year since the School of Engineering started teaching in April last year, and the students of the School of Engineering are also immersed in a good learning atmosphere.

The College of Engineering implements a semi-closed system. Students are only allowed to go out for two hours every ten days. Whether it’s shopping at the newly emerging market at the foot of Xishan Mountain or wandering around to see girls, they must go back within two hours anyway. .

Behind the School of Engineering is the financial support of Xishan Shanghe. Not only does it not require students to pay tuition and miscellaneous fees, but even board, lodging and even clothing are free. Liu Hongjian’s big effort has achieved compulsory education more than 500 years in advance.

In Liu Hongjian's understanding, the Institute of Engineering is different from other schools in the Ming Dynasty. The so-called Confucian students in the schools will go to brothels to hook up with young girls besides attending classes.

But the Institute of Engineering is different. There is nothing here. What is needed is to drill into the hall of engineering with one mind, to dig, to explore, and to lay the foundation for the great Ming Dynasty to take off.

This afternoon, it coincided with the holiday of the engineering college. It was a good time to go out for a stroll and see the colorful world, but there were not many students walking around in the engineering college, and people came and went in and out from time to time.

"Shitou, did you understand the essentials of steel casting that Master Sun taught today?" Niu Dali grinned and asked Shi Kai, who had just returned from the outside, at the entrance of the Engineering College.

"That's natural. My major is smelting. This is the guy I will eat in the future. Oh, by the way, didn't your father arrange for you to go home this time to discuss about Najib? Why haven't you gone back yet? "Shi Kai said with a smirk.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Daming has reached the age of marriage, but this is still a topic worth wrangling for each young child.

"Why does a man have no wife? Let's go back and teach me how to make steel. What Master Sun said is too complicated for me to understand." Niu Dali stared at Shi Kai and said.

His father, Niu Dayong, was a blacksmith in ordnance. Originally, Niu Dayong wanted his son to inherit his father's business, so he sent Niu Dali to study smelting in the engineering college, but Niu Dali refused to listen to his father's advice and stubbornly chose the mining department.

As a craftsman of the older generation, Niu Dayong was unwilling to let the work in his hand be lost. His son went to the industry of Lord Wang of Anguo County for further study. Although he was annoyed by the mining department he chose, he still did not force his son to choose smelting.

Lao Niu's family is raised by the Lord of Anguo County, people must know how to be grateful, even if the Lord of Anguo County asks his son to pick up dung, he has no objection.

So Lao Niu figured out a new method, a method that neither affects his son's learning of mining at the engineering college, nor affects the passing on of his craft.

Give birth to a baby!
Of course, although Lao Niu is not old, he doesn't have the heart to work anymore. He has saved some money in the ordnance shop in the past two years, and he wants to find a wife for his son so that he can take over his grandson as soon as possible.

It's just that when I told my son Dali about this, Lao Niu was almost blown away, saying why a man has no wife, Daming has always been the order of his parents and a matchmaker's words, and when he came back from a rest last time, Lao Niu carried a mallet and wanted to repair Niu Dali , Niu Dali ran away naturally, and the father and son are still in a relationship.

Niu Dali didn't talk to Shi Kaiduo about his family asking for a wife, but he just dragged Shi Kai to the laboratory of the science and engineering building.

"You majored in excavation, why did you put so much effort into your minor subjects?" Shi Kai scratched his head and said.

The two are good buddies, Shi Kai naturally would not refuse Niu Dali's request, but he felt it was unnecessary.

"Mr. Song Shan once taught us that science and engineering are interoperable. We should be inclusive and apply what we have learned. If you can understand the principles of all things, go and go. At worst, I will wash your socks for you at night." Niu Dali said with a shy face.

In fact, he didn't want to go back and look at his father's stinky face. He was all focused on his studies now, so he didn't have time to think about marriage.

And he learned this cast steel to prove to his father that even if he majored in mining, smelting would not fail, and he would be better than his father, because he learned cast steel and learned science!

Steel Casting Essentials is a textbook edited by Uncle Song and several steel casting craftsmen with Liu Hongjian's permission. It is an extremely important course even in the engineering college.

Steel is a strategic material, and it was Liu Hongjian's deliberate decision to publish the method of casting steel in the Institute of Engineering.

Originally, he thought that steel would be the top secret of Ming Dynasty. After all, steel muskets and cannons are much stronger than copper and iron. This advantage is not only reflected in range, but also in weight.

The toughness of steel is much better than that of copper and iron, which means that more gunpowder can be placed to make the projectile shoot farther, and the weight will be lighter.

It was only later that Liu Hongjian realized that this was contrary to the original intention of the Institute of Technology when it was established. Secrecy is important, but inheritance and improvement are more important than secrecy.

Only when more descendants of the Ming Dynasty have learned the true inheritance, can they invent more valuable things on this basis, instead of the secret master-apprentice inheritance of some craftsmen in the Armory Institute.

That's too petty, and converter steelmaking is only a way of smelting steel. Even if it is passed on by some people with ulterior motives, he is not afraid. He is confident in crushing dissidents in technology.

"Let's go, let's go, you really are, what's wrong with asking for a wife, I heard that if you have a wife, you can..."

Dang bang bang—— bang bang bang—

While Shi Kai was speaking, the big bell on the top floor of the Engineering Building in the Engineering College was rang.

"The academy seldom rings the bell. It is estimated that there is something important to announce. Let's gather first!" Niu Dali and Shi Kai looked at each other and said solemnly.

 Thanks to the book friends who read only the genuine editions and accompany you Yu Shengil for the reward of 1000 taels, and thanks to the book friends Ding Ding r, who gave the reward of 100 taels while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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