Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 671 Killing the Enemy for Your Majesty

Chapter 671 Killing the Enemy for Your Majesty

Wang Daorong's outfit is specially made by Ordnance, and the helmet is also fully covered, except for the visible area of ​​​​the eyes, which looks very much like the third-level head in a certain game in later generations.

The armor on his body is also specially made, all the armor is made of small inch-long steel plates, although it is a bit heavy, it is flexible enough.

This is a trial product of the Ordnance Institute. It is said that it can ignore the close-range shooting of muskets. Wang Daorong is honored to be the guinea pig in actual combat.

There is a circular wooden board inlaid in the center of the breastplate. As long as the wooden board is hit by a musket, it means that the target is killed.

According to the rules of the exercise, his target is the leader that the blue team wants to rescue, while the red team's goal is to kill him. The way to kill him is either to capture him directly or to shoot him directly.

According to his expectation, it doesn't matter to him whether the blue side arrives first or the red side arrives first, it's just a formality following others.

But the egg hurts. The red and blue sides climbed to the top at the same time. The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. Wang Daorong is now on that narrow road. He wants to run, but the rules stipulate that he can only wait for one side within two steps around the stone. Rescue, or assassinate.

"Le Shulu, the speed is quite fast!" Red Fang ordered Deng Hu to scratch the dried mud shell on his face and said.

"How can you not be fast, otherwise Wang Paopao will 'die' in your hands, my brother here is not happy!" Le Shulu threw the musket in his hand on the ground and rubbed his hands, talking While giving Wang Paopao a wink, he signaled him to move closer to them.

According to the rules, if the two sides reach the top of the mountain at the same time, it is forbidden to shoot each other with muskets, and the only way to decide the outcome is the most primitive means.

But Wang Paopao couldn't move at all, and he knew that standing here seemed a little dangerous, but if he broke the rules, he might have to go back to the lecture hall to clean the toilet for a whole month.


While talking, there was a gunshot from the red team, and there was a crisp sound of the bullet hitting Wang Daorong.

"Oh shit!" Wang Paopao trembled in fright, and looked down to see that the projectile hit low and just opened the steel plate on his stomach.

"Xing Ping, you bring thirty people to guard the target, and the rest of you will follow me and get the people on the opposite side down! Go!" Le Shulu immediately issued an order immediately when he saw the red side attacking.

Deng Hu couldn't help but shook his head regretfully when he saw that the blow was missed, and signaled his men to go down to fight. More than 1000 people fell into a scuffle on the top of the mountain.


In the temporary camp three miles away, teams of messengers on horseback reported the situation of the battle between the two sides in real time. Liu Hongjian listened to the report with his hands behind his back, and sometimes explained a thing or two to Zhu Cihong and the six chiefs beside him.

In order not to affect the morale of the surrounding people and the soldiers during the exercise, Zhu Cihong, the cabinet and officials from the six ministries traveled in casual clothes and entered the village quietly without playing drums.

Zhu Cihong seldom went out of the capital, and it seemed that he had never seen such military exercises at all. He was dressed in red casual clothes and held a telescope in his hand, watching the fight on the top of the mountain with great interest.

Behind him is a group of big bosses from the six films, all of whom are frowning. They have been to the lecture hall, and they are very unimpressed with the teaching methods of the lecture hall. They are all in their 60s and [-]s, and they were driven all the way from the imperial city. A bone was almost knocked apart.

Ming's army has never said that there are drills, strictly speaking, there are, but the drills only exist in a small number of recruits, such as Qi's army.

The reason is that the imperial court was too poor, and the troops stationed in the pass such as the Beijing camp couldn’t even eat enough to eat, and they didn’t train. How could they have the strength and funds to conduct any exercises, let alone the frontier troops.

Outside the customs is the enemy, and they can experience the baptism of actual combat almost every month.

The people in the Sixth Department felt that it was a waste of people and money to make the martial arts hall rectify. Letting soldiers crawl in muddy water, isn't this a disguised form of abusing soldiers?What is the practical significance?

But this matter was led by King Anguo, and Zhu Cihong agreed, all of them just watched and did not dare to raise different opinions.

"Your Majesty, the students in our Martial Arts Hall are all low-level generals selected from the frontier army and the Beijing camp, and they have the lowest rank of Xiaoqi.

Look at the one on the side, this guy is called Xing Ping, he used to be a general banner in the Datong garrison, he was an illiterate martial artist with all his strength, now he has been studying in the martial arts hall for a year, and he treats me with firearms, formations, etc. Both law and tactics have some unique insights. This person likes to read military books and can apply them flexibly. He is a good talent. "

Liu Hongjian pointed to Xing Pingdao who was fighting vigorously on the top of the mountain.

Whether it's walking forward, shouting slogans, or obstacle training in the martial arts hall, in addition to exercising physical fitness, the purpose is to train soldiers' obedience.

With iron discipline, strict obedience, plus a series of military knowledge learning and training, this is the real road to a strong army.

Liu Hongjian didn't bother to explain these things to the group of officials from the six ministries. These officials wished that the military generals were all illiterate reckless men, so that no one would compete with them for power in the court.

The Ming Dynasty was ruled by civil servants, and most of the cabinet and six ministries believed so.

Let's let you enjoy yourself for a while longer, when the time is right, this king will surely overturn the foundation of Confucianism, Liu Hongjian thought so.

"Well, not bad, not bad, Liu Aiqing, is that tall man the beloved son of Governor Barbara? He's really a general!" Zhu Cihong couldn't help applauding when he saw Le Shulu beating three of them with a binoculars.

"Le Shulu is indeed powerful in martial arts, but if he is in command of an army, he is still not as good as Xingping as I said just now, or even Wang Daorong." Liu Hongjian said with a sigh.

It seems that Zhu Cihong and the officials did not get rid of that misunderstanding from top to bottom. Now that they have entered the age of firearms, the era of generals rushing to the front is gone.

If you still advocate individual heroism, waiting for a large army after the general is killed will be a big defeat.

This principle is so simple, but few civil officials in the Manchu Dynasty can really understand it.

"My lord, the battle is over." Gu Jiahou whispered from the side.

Gu Jia used to be the servant of the Ministry of War, and many of the six departments were Gu Jia's former colleagues, but now because he is busy with lectures in the martial arts hall, the relationship has become somewhat estranged.

It's just that he doesn't regret his original decision at all. There is more than one way to save the country, and he has already seen through the tricks of the courtiers.

"I guess the blue side won!" Zhu Cihong put down the binoculars in his hand and said.

He only saw that Le Shulu on the blue side was extremely powerful, beating the soldiers on the red side to retreat steadily, so he asserted.

"Reporting to the emperor, it was the red side. Then Deng Hu took advantage of Le Shulu's fierce battle, and the celebrities outflanked Wang Daorong from the rear, and directly snatched Wang Daorong." Gu Jia looked at the score table calculated by the lecture hall.

Originally, the overall score of the blue team was 68, while that of the red team was only [-]. However, the red team finally won Wang Daorong, and the blue team was directly judged as a failure.

"That's it, but I think Lan Fang's performance is also very good, hurry them down the mountain, I will summon them." Zhu Cihong was annoyed for a moment, but immediately put it behind him.

About two quarters of an hour later, more than [-] soldiers came to meet up with their tired bodies, and many of them were limping.

Both sides want to win, just now the scuffle on the top of the mountain was too anxious, and they all learned the ultimate moves in actual combat in the army, so it is inevitable that they will be accidentally injured.

Fortunately, these former low-level generals were very disciplined, and there was no oolong in which a musket went off and killed a classmate by mistake.

"Everyone is there, stand at attention!" Seeing that the students were a little scattered, Gu Jia shouted loudly, regardless of whether they were tired or injured.

Who was standing behind him? The soldiers didn't know, but he knew that as long as the leg didn't really break at this juncture, he had to cheer up.

Hulala—there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the queue.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, all the students obeyed the military order subconsciously, and the team was completed within ten breaths.

After that, Gu Jia slowly retreated to the back, and Liu Hongjian took a step forward. Some students had already seen Mr. Shanchang, who was a godlike dragon, and wondered why Gu Shanchang was so strict. Excuse me, it turned out that it was Mr. Shanda who came.

"Everyone is there, take it easy!" Liu Hongjian ordered.

"What is the school motto of our lecture hall?" Liu Hongjian asked again.

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and serve the country faithfully!" The students were very tired, but they still shouted at the top of their voices.

"Speak up, I can't hear you." Liu Hongjian said dissatisfied.

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace, serve the country faithfully!" The decibel increased several times in an instant, but thousands of people shouted with the momentum of a thousand troops.

"Very good, hurry up and greet His Majesty." Liu Hongjian turned around and let Zhu Cihong out.

The students were all stunned, did His Majesty come to see them?Why didn't I get any instructions beforehand?How could His Majesty have the time to come and see them, a group of big soldiers?
Many of them had seen the first emperor Chongzhen, but none of them had seen the new emperor, but Master Shan Da would never deceive them.

A feeling of excitement, excitement, and flattery in the queue instantly disappeared.

"Kill the enemy for His Majesty!" Someone shouted.

"Kill the enemy for His Majesty!" All the soldiers shouted.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"


PS: This book was uploaded as Chapter 2018 on June 6, 30, and now it has just passed its first anniversary. Alas, this year is really not easy, but at the same time, Han Han feels full of fulfillment. I have learned a lot of historical knowledge and met many lovely book friends, thank you for having you.

 Thanks to the book friends Little Monster Loves to Eat, and Long Lin Feiyu for the 100 taels, and thank you book friends for the reward of moving the train station here.

(End of this chapter)

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