Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 677 Confucian scholars have to bear this pot

Chapter 677 Confucian scholars have to bear this pot

"Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, after thinking about it recently, it seems that the time has come." Liu Hongjian put down his chopsticks and said solemnly.

"Oh? Brother Liu, you have figured it out. This matter is no small matter. If it is announced, the courtiers will definitely oppose it, no less than a sword fight." Zhu Cihong immediately knew what Liu Hongjian was talking about. .

What else can happen, although there are tigers and wolves outside the customs, they dare not act rashly for a short time. Although Nanyang is chaotic, it will not reach the mainland of Ming Dynasty.

If we talk about the real thing in the hearts of the two, the only way is the imperial examination.

As early as when Uncle Chongzhen was there, Liu Hongjian analyzed with him the inadequacies of the imperial examination system in Ming Dynasty. On the other hand, the reason why Uncle Chongzhen fell into a situation of fighting alone was not all because of scholars.

And these scholars all climbed up through the imperial examination, and this is the problem.

In the past hundred years, more than 200 leaders have been selected from the whole country every three years in the imperial examination, but these people will only fight for power and profit.

Although there are many people with great foresight among them, it has to be said that a considerable number of them are actually of no benefit to the country.

Uncle Chongzhen was angry at that time because these courtiers didn't do anything, and they would only join forces to fight against him. It was just that there were internal and external troubles at that time, and there were fires everywhere and needed rescue, so the two couldn't care about it.

In the next two years, although it was brought up again, it was always delayed because of this matter and that matter. Until Chongzhen died, he still talked to Zhu Cihong about reforming the imperial examination system when the time was right.

Chongzhen's idea is very simple, if only real talents are selected, not rotten scholars who can only write some acid poems.

Zhu Cihong's thinking is simpler, father must be right, since brother Liu is a human being, he has made such a great contribution to Daming, his thoughts must be for Daming's long-term plan, and he must be right.

So, he just needs to accept the opinion.

It’s just that the reform of the imperial examination system is not the reform of the Beijing-run system. The imperial examination system has been implemented for 1000 years, and the imperial examination system has already been engraved in the hearts of all people in the world. Scholars even take the imperial examination as their goal.

If you really want to take the imperial examinations, you will definitely face the wrath of scholars all over the world.

"We are just reforming the system, not abolishing it. Besides, if the emperor really orders the abolition of the imperial examination, I will be the first one not to agree." Liu Hongjian said in a deep voice.

From a long-term perspective, the imperial examination system is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. It can be said that it is no exaggeration for the Chinese nation to surpass the West in the system of official selection for more than 1000 years.

Princes, princes, and generals are rather kind, it is the poor people's questioning of the upper class, and the imperial examination system is the way for the common people to rise.

This upward channel is so important that it remains so even now. Liu Hongjian did not lie. If Zhu Cihong really canceled the imperial examination in a fit of anger, he would be the first to stand up and oppose it.

However, the development of the imperial examination to the present is really a bit deformed.

The imperial examination began in the Sui Dynasty, was perfected in the Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although the general regulations have not changed, it is nothing more than the courtyard examination, township examination, general examination, and palace examination. The names of scholars are nothing more than Tongsheng, Xiucai, Juren, and Jinshi.

However, the content of the examination has changed a lot. In the Tang Dynasty, there were more than 50 kinds of subjects, such as Xiucai, Mingjing, Jinshi, Junshi, Mingfa, Mingzi, and Mingshu.

In the Song Dynasty, they gradually favored poems, articles, and Mingjing. Those who understand the Jingjing, to put it bluntly, are endorsements.

Open any book of the Four Books and Five Classics, open a page at will, cover other words and only leave out one line, and then ask to complete the next few words in this line, and then choose a sentence at random, and ask the examinee to explain the meaning.

Later, the old Zhao family also realized the problem, and carried out a reform of the imperial examination, canceling the endorsement and poetry, and only taking the current political question and answer, put forward the idea of ​​​​the current political and then give a solution, and finally choose a sentence from the Four Books and Five Classics Then let the exam write a composition.

But in the Ming Dynasty, the two founding emperors of the old Zhu family suffered from ignorance, which brought the imperial examination back to the era of endorsement.

The Ming Dynasty was the heyday of the imperial examination system, and the imperial examination system was also the most stringent. After Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism became popular, the literati of the Ming Dynasty even resorted to their trump card-the stereotyped essay.

Stereotyped selection of scholars is a masterpiece of the Ming Dynasty, which began in the Ming Dynasty and was abolished in the late Qing Dynasty.

Stereotyped essays were really created by the officials at the time who had nothing to do to make trouble for future generations. Thinking about it, it is true. I worked so hard to climb to a high position after ten years of hard work, so I naturally wanted to let people later know how difficult it was for me. How difficult.

Stereotyped essays are the best way to show off your talents.

The so-called eight-part essay refers to the eight parts of the article. There is a fixed format when writing an essay in the imperial examination. From the original text in the Four Books and Five Classics.

Stereotyped essays should speak in the tone of Confucius and Mencius, with four pairs of flat to flat, Li four parallel to six, and strict restrictions on the length of sentences, the complexity of words, the tone of voice, and even the number of words.

To say that the flowers of the motherland don't like to hear it, if the college entrance examination is compared to hell, then the imperial examination in the Ming Dynasty must be No. 18.

If the college entrance examination is a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge, then the imperial examination is a tightrope walk.

That's where the problem lies. It's useful to test these!
Your writing of Li Si Pian Liu is awesome, can you fight wars?
You are also a thief, can you make fried rice with eggs?

They don't touch the spring water with their hands, and they talk about Confucius and Mencius, and they don't even know how to wear what they wear and how to use it in their hands. Except for a few big guys who are originally brains, these people can't pass the test. It's a beast in clothes.

The problem is not all here. If the imperial examination is to be reformed, the stereotyped essay is not a big deal. After all, it is only a matter of the format of the article. The biggest problem is the content.

The Four Books and Five Classics in the imperial examination are all Confucian classics. It’s not that Confucianism is bad. In fact, there is no problem with Confucianism.

However, in the long run, only paying attention to Confucianism is not worth the loss. In ancient China, the speed of scientific and technological development reached its peak in the Song Dynasty and then began to decline.

Confucianism focuses on self-cultivation, family harmony, and state governance. However, this is only for the superstructure. The development of a country requires engineering from Mohism, law from Legalism, agronomy from farmers, military strategists, and strategists...

If anything is missing, this society is not sound. Even if the imperial court governs the country with Confucianism, it should not abandon so many categories.

If those in power have not suppressed them excessively for thousands of years, the Chinese nation will certainly not become a nation that does not pay attention to statistics and summaries as later generations say.

Confucianists don't have to carry this pot, but Confucian scholars have to.

"This is a custom made for thousands of years. How could I abolish the imperial examination? It's just that brother Liu thinks, where should the imperial examination be changed?" Zhu Cihong knew that Liu Hongjian was joking, but as a player in the game, he really didn't know this. How to reform the imperial examination.

(End of this chapter)

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