Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 684 Complaint

Chapter 684 Complaint
"Brother Meng Xian, what is the purpose of visiting late at night?" Seeing Meng Zhaoxiang standing up and saluting, Liu Delong bowed his hands in return.

"Brother Liu, please forgive me for bothering you late at night. To be honest, I do have something urgent to discuss. This matter is related to the future of scholars in the world, and even the reputation of Confucius. Only with the help of Brother Liu can it be resolved. .”

Meng Zhaoxiang didn't sit down either, and bowed down to beg very solemnly.

The father guides the son. In this era, even if the son is a high-ranking official outside, he has to listen to the father when he returns home. Otherwise, he is unfilial. If there are rumors of unfilial piety among the officials, his reputation will be rotten. .

If you are young, you will be despised by others, and you will be poked by your neighbors, and if you are old, it will affect your career. After all, before the imperial examination system, the imperial court selected officials with filial piety.

Meng Zhaoxiang was smart, he had to tie the bell to untie it, there must be no room for reconciliation in a short time with the Holy Majesty, as long as they were against the reform of the imperial examination system, Zhu Cihong would not see them at all.

Then the only option is to find the Prince of Anguo, and it is really appropriate for Liu Delong to convey this meaning.

"Brother Meng Xian, don't be in a hurry, sit down and talk, sit down and talk." Liu Delong pulled Meng Zhaoxiang to sit down, and his heart was pounding.

Thinking that he was admitted as a scholar in his thirties, and worked as an accountant for more than [-] years, and he usually came into contact with old scholars who were as old as him. Now that the current academicians are so solemnly asking him for help, it's amazing It made old man Liu feel uneasy and even flattered.

At the same time, he murmured even more in his heart, something that could not be done by a dignified cabinet scholar or minister of the Ministry of punishment must be a big deal, and finding him an old scholar can be useful?
"This morning, in front of the courtiers, the Holy Majesty announced the reform of the imperial examination system. Not only will stereotypes be abolished, but also the proportion of Mingjing will be reduced to less than [-]%. Military and engineering subjects will also be merged into the imperial examination!"

Meng Zhaoxiang's words were eager, and it can be seen that he was resentful about the content of the reform.

The Mingjing generally refers to the Four Books and Five Classics. If it is subdivided, the Mingjing is divided into Five Classics, Three Classics, Two Classics, Academic One Classic, Three Rites, and Three Biography. "Book of Rites" and "Chunqiu Zuozhuan" are called Dajing, Mao Shi, Zhouli, and Yili are called Zhongjing, and Zhouyi, Shangshu, Chunqiu Gongyang Zhuan, and Chunqiu Guliang Zhuan are called Xiaojing, all of which are Confucian classics.

Meng Zhaoxiang knew that Brother Liu in front of him also had fame and fame, so he didn't say too much. Presumably Liu Delong himself understood what this reform meant to scholars all over the world.

"What? Restructuring the imperial examination? Why should the imperial examination be changed? What kind of trick did the Holy Majesty come up with? The world finally became more peaceful. Once this move is made, it will definitely cause another uproar.

No, the Holy Majesty must have listened to the villain's slander! "Liu Delong was shocked when he heard this, he slapped the arm of the chair and stood up.

He is old and mature, so he naturally knows that Sheng Shangnian is not as good as the weak crown, so he certainly won't or can't think of so many reforms.

"Brother Liu, don't get angry, just sit down and talk, sit down and talk." Meng Zhaoxiang hurriedly got up to persuade him, using the same words as when Liu Delong persuaded him just now.

At this time, the expression on Meng Zhaoxiang's face was also very exciting. It's really not a lot for me to call my son a villain. If Brother Liu knew that the villain he was talking about was his son who is the king of the county, I don't know what to do. impressions.

"That idea came from my son?" Liu Delong suddenly said in a deep voice.

Liu Delong knew that his son had a high position in the court, and it was exactly the same. For such a big matter, Meng Zhaoxiang did not go directly to his son, but turned a corner to look for him. This made him realize that this matter must have something to do with his baby son related.

"This... Although the Holy Majesty did not say it clearly, I and my colleagues in the court speculate that this matter may indeed be done by the prince." Meng Zhaoxiang replied.

He didn't dare to directly point it out, after all, the king of Anguo County is the son of the elder brother in front of him, and even though the Meng family and the Liu family are family friends, they are still outsiders in comparison.

It was for this reason that he lingered at the gate of Liu's mansion for a long time before entering, which made him feel like he couldn't offend the boy and came to complain to Lao Tzu.

Now he is betting, betting that Liu Delong will help his relatives, betting that he will help tens of thousands of scholars in the world in front of the Tao of Confucius.

"I understand what my brother means. I will go to Xishan to look for him tomorrow morning, and I will definitely let him rein in the precipice and give Confucius an explanation." Liu Delong said solemnly.

After his son was born, although he seldom interfered with what his son did, it was nothing to do. If his son denied Confucius in this way, he would definitely disagree.

This is not only related to the reputation of Kong Shengren, but also to the future of Daming Juzi, and even more to the future of his Liu family. He is worried that if this matter is not handled properly, his Liu family's ancestral grave may be dug up.

In his opinion, his son is still too young to dare to break ground on the head of Confucius, and he must teach his son well tomorrow.

"In that case, I'll leave it to Brother Liu. It's getting late, so I'll go back now and say goodbye." Meng Zhaoxiang was determined when he heard the words, stood up and cupped his hands and said.

After Meng Zhaoxiang left, Liu Delong sat alone in the middle hall without moving for a while, and then, under the persuasion of the old housekeeper Niu Danian who came over after hearing the news, Fang sighed and went back to his room to sleep.

In the early morning of the second day, Liu Delong didn't even bother to eat, and drove directly to the Xishan Bieyuan. When he arrived at his son's yard, he wanted to go in without any regard for etiquette, but was blocked by the guards at the door. stopped.

This made old man Liu very angry.

"Scared, don't you know who I am? The old man has something urgent to discuss with my son, get out of the way!" Liu Delong said angrily.

"Grandpa, the prince hasn't woken up yet..." the guard said in a very distressed manner.

Liu Hongjian had made many enemies in the past few years. Regarding his safety, as the commander of Liu Hongjian's personal guard camp, Chang Yu could not be more concerned. Half a step into the yard.

"You lazy bastard!" Liu Delong interrupted the guard before he finished speaking, almost jumping in anger.

I think he is already up in his sixties, and on the way from the capital to Xishan in a carriage, this bold son has not gotten up yet, what time is it?

"Son, are you awake? Come out quickly! I have something to ask you for my father!" Liu Delong yelled into the room at the top of his voice.

Xiaobai, the maid in the yard, saw the old man standing at the gate of the yard with an angry face, and immediately let the old man in, and hurried to report.

After a while, Liu Hongjian came out of the back room in a panic. It was a bit late last night because of the rain and dew, so that he slept until the sun was seven.

He didn't think there was anything wrong, anyway, he was in charge of the entire Xishan Mountains. Sleeping until he woke up naturally was his pursuit. Ninety-six was impossible. He didn't advocate this. He had to rest well and work. Efficiency is high, isn't it.

Hearing that his father came to look for him, he didn't seem to be in a good mood, Liu Hongjian was puzzled and murmured in his heart.

"Father, if there is something to do, the servants will pass on the message. Why did you come in person so early in the morning?" Liu Hongjian said while letting his father into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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