Chapter 692

"My lord, my lord, it's not good! The gate of our county prince's mansion and the walls on both sides have been splashed with feces!" The servant of the guard came to report in a panic.

"What? Say it again?" Liu Delong didn't care to pick up the coat that he was wearing when it slipped to the ground, and stepped forward to grab the servant's sleeve.

"Grandfather, the gate of our county palace and the entire front wall have been splashed with pickled things, and the stench is unbearable!" Niu Guang, the servant, clenched his fists and was filled with righteous indignation.

This mansion in the capital is no better than Xishan, where only Liu Hongjian's personal guard camp has 2000 people stationed there, and there are even more guards on the top of the mountain.

Since a group of uncles and aunts live in the county prince's mansion in the capital, except for the guards who come to guard the mansion door during the day when it is opened, the door is closed at night, and the guards who patrol at night only patrol the inhabited area.

Naturally, Liu Delong heard it clearly, his face blushed instantly, and he pointed at this guy for a long time without saying a word.

The ancients paid the most attention to face, and they were not as open to filth as the later generations. If someone smeared excrement on the door of the house, it would be tantamount to being slapped in front of the whole class.

"Last night, I saw a few guys who looked like scholars wandering around outside our house, sneaking around, and I am sure it was those scholars who did it!" Niu Guang thought for a while, and said his own guess.

"It's too much bullying! It's too bullying..." Liu Delong almost choked out the words from his chest, before he finished speaking, he clutched his chest and passed out.

"My lord! My lord! Come here! Come here!" Niu Guang was shocked when he saw this, and rushed to support Mr. Liu who was about to fall to the ground.

At this time, the old housekeeper Niu Danian also rushed over, along with a large group of servants raised by his sons.

While Niu Danian ordered people to carry Liu Delong to the bed, he hurriedly ordered people to invite the doctor, pinched him and gave the pulse, and Liu Delong didn't wake up until he worked hard for a long time.

"Da Nian, did you see that? Those scholars bullied us all the way!" Liu Delong said to Niu Danian who was sitting by the bed with tears streaming down his face.

"Brother Liu, this matter can't be left alone, you are the father of the current county king, how can you allow those scholars to be so presumptuous!"

The person who spoke was a colleague who worked with Liu Delong in Wangji Pharmacy back then, and was also invited by Liu Delong to the County King's Mansion last year and became a member of the nursing home.

"Yes, I definitely can't let it go like this, these scholars are too arrogant!" Another uncle patted the table.

"Grandfather, I have already checked out that group of people. They are the students of the Imperial College, and the leader is a young man surnamed Fang." Niu Danian took the boiled soup from the servant and handed it to Liu Delong. sidewalk.

"If the old man doesn't drink, the old man will be angry. If he doesn't get angry, no matter how much soup he drinks, it's useless. New year, where is your eldest nephew? Let him call the servants in the house, and the old man is going to teach them a lesson. student!"

Liu Delong took the decoction and only smelled it, then threw it on the ground, and said angrily.

Three days ago, there were always scholars pointing and pointing at the gate of the county prince's mansion, and what's more, they even spoke ill of the servants in the mansion. Liu Delong didn't care about this group of students because they were young and ignorant.

I never thought that in just a few days, this group of students would be so bold that they dared to seek Liu Delong's misfortune.

It's true that tigers don't send cats, and Liu Delong is critically ill!

He's only 63 years old, he's an old man, he's ambitious, and his head can be broken. This face must be recovered.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Delong walked out of the room angrily wearing a strong suit he found somewhere.

In the yard, there were rows of servants standing neatly with wooden sticks in their hands. There were twenty or thirty of them. The head of the nursing team, Niu Guang, stood at the front of the line.

"Where are those students now?" Liu Delong asked with a gloomy expression.

If these students were hiding in the Guozijian, it would be hard to say. After all, the Guozijian is strictly a yamen of the imperial court, but looking at the sun, the Guozijian should be closed at this time.

"Back to my lord, we have found out that Fang Ang, who is the leader, is now drinking with the students of the Imperial College at the Zuixian Restaurant. There are quite a few of them!" Niu Guang said excitedly.

Niu Guang is Niu Danian's nephew. After his family's land was taken away by a wealthy gentry, he has been working as a coolie at Tianjin Wharf. He didn't earn much money but he practiced his strength.

After being summoned by his family's uncle Niu Danian to be the head of the nursing home in the county prince's mansion, although life is many times better than before, but wandering around with a group of uncle-level people every day, Niu Guang himself feels that there is nowhere to vent his strength.

Looking at the posture of the old man now, maybe...maybe...hehehe!

"Let's go with the old man, go to Zuixian Restaurant!" Liu Delong snatched the stick from a servant, and rushed to the gate first.

Arriving at the gate, the red-painted gate and the excrement on both sides have been basically cleaned up, but the stench is still very strong, and it cannot be eliminated within three or two days.

Smelling this smell, the worries in Liu Delong's heart disappeared by the way, and a group of people rushed towards Zuixian restaurant with sticks and feet.

At this moment, including Liu Delong, a group of old men seem to be decades younger...


In the capital city, Zuixian Restaurant.

The business of Zuixian Restaurant is very good today. Just after noon, a group of students from the Imperial College took over the entire second floor. Fang Ang, the leader, patted his chest and treated him to treat guests for today's gathering.

After planning for three whole days, it was finally implemented last night. Fang Ang swept away his depressed mood for the past few days, and smiled happily while pushing a glass of wine.

"Brother Fang, little brother, I splashed on the gate of the Prince's Mansion in Anguo County for quite a while yesterday, which can be regarded as giving Naifu a bad breath!" A white-clothed scholar said to Fang Ang with a flattering expression.

"Brother Yongchang is very interesting. Fang has written it down. When there is a chance in the future, Fang will pay you back. Come, Fang will toast you!" Drank it down.

"Where is it? It's really that Anguo County King is too hateful, I just can't see it." Ma Yongchang was flattered, and he picked up the wine cup while talking.

For his son from a poor background, if he can fall into the eyes of Fang's parents and grandsons, even if he fails the Jinshi examination in the future, he will definitely be able to find a good job. This deal is simply too cost-effective.

At least he currently thinks so.

"It's just that if we do this, I'm afraid that the Prince of Anguo won't let it go. This man is the commander of Jin Yiwei!" said another scholar beside him.

"I'm so afraid, has that kid done too many bad things himself? What's more, we are venting our anger on behalf of the world's scholars, which is a big deal!
We are not afraid of power, maybe a hundred years later, our deeds will be spread all over the world! "Fang Ang put the wine cup on the table, glanced at Chen Zuoren nonchalantly and said.

"That's right, we went there while Jinyiwei was changing duty, so we didn't meet anyone except the watchman at that night, didn't the watchman also be bribed by us?

Let me see, don't piss off that old bastard in the county prince's mansion! Seeing that Fang Ang's wine cup was empty, Ma Yongchang got up to pour the wine and said.

"Hahahaha! Yongchang is going to think about it with Fang, if that old bastard..." Fang Ang laughed when he heard this, but before he finished speaking, he heard footsteps at the door of the restaurant.

With a bang, the screen on the second floor of the restaurant was kicked over.

"Who is scolding the old man? Do you dare to stand up!"

 Thank you for the 100 taels rewarded by the book friend Eagle of the People's Liberation Army.

(End of this chapter)

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