Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 694 The posture is up

Chapter 694 I'm up

Manure, a special industry, as the name suggests, is a business specializing in the business of human excrement.

Since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the people have paid great attention to the problem of manure accumulation in farmland. In order to collect manure, the people will even bury a vat on the side of the road for passers-by to defecate.

There are also people who will build a simple thatched hut next to the official road. A large transparent pit will be dug under the thatched hut. When the excrement accumulates to a certain extent, the common people will spread a piece of dirt on it to prevent volatilization and flies and other things from competing for food. layer of straw.

Such a layer of feces and a layer of straw, after a long time, will be naturally fermented and turned into a good material that can fertilize the fields. This thing is really a good thing for the poor people who live on the farmland.

However, there are more monks and less dung, and this is not enough to accumulate manure in the farmland. This has given birth to a group of people who specialize in the dung business.

Most of these people live in a corner of the city and specialize in helping rich families dispose of excrement. These things may be good things for farmers, but they can't be avoided by rich families.

The excrement dealers go to various wealthy homes in the city at dawn every day to collect the excrement accumulated overnight, and people from all walks of life pull the excrement collected in the city to the transfer station set up in the city.

After the collection in the whole city is completed, it will be sent to the processing station outside the city, mixed with hard loam to make blocks, dried in the sun, and then sold to farmers all over the place.

In Dengcao Hutong in the east of the capital city, there is a transfer point set up by a manure dealer. This place is located in a civilian-inhabited area, and the transfer point is located in a large mansion. that taste.

On this day, Zhang Laoqi, the head of the second gear of the manure shop, ushered in a group of special guests.

The leader was six or seven uncles whose hair was mostly white, followed by a group of big men carrying sticks, coming menacingly.

Zhang Laoqi thought it was his colleagues who came to find fault. After all, shit is almost a worthless business, and the five major shit shops in the capital often fight openly and secretly for grabbing shit.

"You are the man in charge of the dung business, aren't there any fresh ones?" Niu Danian took out a piece of silver from his waist and threw it to Zhang Laoqi, pinching his nose and asking.

The smell of this place was many times stronger than the smell at the gate of the county prince's mansion this morning, Niu Danian felt his eyes were a little sour.

"Yes! How much do you want, gentlemen?" Zhang Laoqi was relieved when he saw that this group of people did not come to find fault.

The dung is usually bought by the farmers around the capital. Although it is strange why this group of rich people in brocades also come to buy it, Zhang Laoqi readily agrees because it is a fool not to do business.

Weighing the silver ingot in his hand, it weighed five taels, and Zhang Laoqi was overjoyed.

"Bring him here!" Niu Danian ignored Zhang Laoqi, but turned to his nephew Niu Guang.

Niu Guang took the lead, and pulled a carriage from outside the yard in a moment, opened the curtain, but saw Fang Ang and other six or seven people were tightly tied up, lying on top of each other in the carriage.

With a wave of Niu Guang's hand, several of his subordinates pulled Fang Ang and the others out of the car, and threw them in the yard beside several large tanks.

"Do you know what to do with you?" Niu Danian took out a silver ingot from his waist again, and threw it in his hand a few times.

Zhang Laoqi can be regarded as an old fritter in Beijing, when he saw that this group of people actually picked up a few white-clothed scholars from the car, he frowned.

Of course he knew what these people wanted to do.

Judging from the attire of the people on the ground, they should be the students of the Imperial College. He didn't know how these students provoked this group of people. He was thinking about how to keep the money he got while rejecting the demands of these people. He never thought of Niu Danian. He took out another piece of silver and kept dangling it in front of his eyes.

This puts Zhang Laoqi in a dilemma. Almost all those who dare to do business are from poor families, otherwise no one would be willing to do this.

Guozijian Jijiu (principal) is also from the official position of the fourth rank, and they can't afford to mess with this group of people.

But let's not do it, not only can't get the silver in Niu Danian's hands, he probably can't even keep the money in his hands, and judging by the posture of this group of people, even if he doesn't agree, he probably won't let it go.

"There are a lot of fresh goods, but..." Zhang Laoqi looked at Fang Ang and others who were gagged and struggling on the ground, pretending to be embarrassed.

"You don't need to wait, let's do it ourselves, nephew!" Niu Danian shouted at Niu Guang. With a wave of Niu Guang's hand, five or six servants tore a piece of cloth from their bodies to cover their mouths and noses, and then opened the big door. The lid of the tank, the stench shot straight into the sky in an instant.

Zhang Laoqi was very happy in his heart, the money was easy to earn, and he didn't have to worry about the people from the Imperial College looking for trouble, after all, they were also coerced into doing shit, and it wasn't the people who did it.

Fang Ang stared at the big horse spoon that fell from the sky. He didn't know what these people wanted to do at this moment. buzzing.

If the classmates and teachers of the Guozijian knew about this scandal, it would be better to die, shame, shame, it would be better to go to the old man Liu's house to admit his mistake.

The one who regrets the most is Ma Yongchang who pretends to be a tough guy. This guy just wants to be opportunistic and be a licking dog. He himself knows that he is a softie. Not even a bicycle.

God!As a scholar, how can he spend his time in the capital after being splashed with feces and urine?

The young people lying on the ground counted one by one, and they all saw panic and regret in their eyes.

The servants of the Naihe County Prince's Mansion didn't give them a chance at all. Each of them stirred twice in the big vat with a large spoon, scooped up indescribable brown excrement and poured it on Fang Ang and the others.

The white scholar's clothes were instantly dyed a shit-yellow color. This is really shit-yellow, and it's still authentic.

After a while, several people were soaked all over, Fang Ang couldn't open his eyes at all, and he didn't dare to open them, lest something indescribable get into his eyes.

But Fang Ang always felt that something was crawling on his neck, and his mind automatically made up those more disgusting things...

"It's done, nephew, let them untie them, and leave a few others to watch these guys, don't let them find a room to wash their clothes, and watch them go back to the Imperial College."

Niu Danian threw the silver ingot in his hand to Zhang Laoqi who had been staring at him long ago, and spoke to Niu again.

A group of old men at the gate of the yard held their noses and didn't want to be here for a long time, but seeing that Liu Delong was in high spirits, it was hard to persuade him. After Niu Danian finished handling the matter, Liu Delong waved his hand contentedly and took the rest of the people to his house. .

After Niu Guang walked away with Liu Delong and his party, the servants who stayed behind held their breath and untied the ropes on Fang Ang and the others.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Fang Ang and the others got out of the restraints, they got up and rushed towards the servants. Although the servants held sticks in their hands, they didn't want to fight with these people covered in feces.

While evading, they ran out of the courtyard. Fang Ang and the others lost their sense of grief and anger, and they just chased a few servants to the busy street...

Xishan Bieyuan, Liu Mansion.

Liu Hongjian was in a good mood these past two days. After the Inspectorate was liquidated and the cabinet fell, the officials of the six ministries of the DPRK and Central Committee were much more honest.

Although the memorials to impeach him and the memorials against the reform of the imperial examination system have never stopped, but when his Jin Yiwei went to the six yamen to inspect the class, all the officials in the yamen were working hard to clean up the official documents on the table.

Thus, after suppressing the officials three times in a row, Liu Hongjian really saw the so-called integrity of the civil officials.

He is not afraid of impeachment and writing memorials, as long as he is willing to do things honestly, everything is easy to talk about, write it, anyway, Comrade Xiao Zhu doesn't believe you.

"Master, a brother from Jinyiwei came outside and said he has something important to report." Niu Dabanggong knocked on the door and came in to report.

Liu Hongjian let go of the thoughts in his heart, and waved his hand to signal the people from Jin Yiwei to come in.

The person who came to deliver the news was the official of one hundred households of Jinyiwei. When this guy came in, he had a strange expression on his face. After seeing the ceremony, he got up and walked to Liu Hongjian's side and underestimated a few words in a low voice.

Liu Hongjian's complexion instantly became very exciting.

"Father, raise your posture!"

PS: There are a lot of debts in the small book, and I don’t know when it will be paid off, but I swear that I will not learn from the dog emperor, and I will definitely settle the account before I finish the book.

PS: Recently, an interactive writing method has emerged, that is, the author will list the next direction of three or two plots, and ask book friends to comment on the plots they want to see. The author chooses a suitable plot to write after weighing, Most of the book has been completed, so I won't bother, but Hanhan dug some holes before, and now I can't remember them all. Some book friends want Hanhan to fill in a certain hole, but you can post a chapter saying that Hanhan will go watch.

PS: Adding updates late at night, it’s been miserable recently, please ask for a reward, if the reward is good, I will keep three shifts every day in the future, and my work income will be reduced by more than half when I return to Zhengzhou. Alright, I'm at a loss for words, good night, my friends.

 Thank you book friends for the 100 taels rewarded by lighting up the lamp and looking at the ax while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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