Chapter 7

"Damn it, it's fun!" Liu Hongjian said foul language while running with the AKM on his shoulders. He is a legal murderer, and he has a silver collar, so comfortable!He can't wait for ten or eight bandit leaders to come.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, even if you wear armor, the powerful guns of later generations will be like a mantis. AK series bullets can penetrate 8mm steel plates. No matter how sophisticated the armor of the Ming Dynasty is, it can be as precise as later generations. Does it compare to the pole's steel plate?
In Liu Hongjian's thinking, whether Li Zicheng or Chongzhen, there is no orthodox distinction, it is just an internal struggle between the Han people, but the blame is that you, Li Zicheng, defeated the Qing barbarians after taking down the city of Beijing.

In history, Li Zicheng was easily defeated by Dorgon after only 43 days of occupying Beijing. Liu Hongjian hated these barbarians with braids showing half of their foreheads.

It was this barbaric tribe that signed a series of land cession and indemnity treaties, and handed over the vain silver to foreign Maozi. It was this ignorant tribe that strangled the advanced technology and capital germination in the late Ming Dynasty. In the 200th century, a large country with a population of [-] million still used cannons from more than [-] years ago.

I don't want to become a yin and yang head in Qing palace dramas. Liu Hongjian bitterly finds reasons for his righteous actions as he walks, Yangzhou Ten Days, Jiading Three Massacres, head shaving order, literary prison... As an orthodox college student, Liu Hongjian These are the only things I can think of gradually, and this is just to double the history books occasionally in the library.

If the head-shaving order is to destroy the self-esteem of the Han people, then Yangzhou Ten Days and Jiading Three Massacres are the last resistance of civilization against barbarism. If you keep your hair but not your head, then kill you in the bud, brother's hairstyle brother Make up your own mind!

It was just dawn, and Liu Hongjian, who had been tossing and tossing all day, finally came to the door of his house, opened the door with a creak, and saw that the light was still on in the house, and before he thought about it, a dark shadow ran out of the house.

"Is it my son?" The voice trembled a little.

"Father! It's my son! I'm back!" Liu Hongjian's eyes were also a little moist. From yesterday to now, his cheap father must not have closed his eyes.

In terms of blood, the old man has only one son like him. In terms of family affection, the old man sold his ancestral house in order to marry him, and even let his son run away even if he wanted to die for his country. Dad!Liu Hongjian, who was an orphan in the past, also had moist eyes, but now he also has relatives.

Liu Hongjian supported the old scholar, and was just about to enter the house when he realized that there was still a person standing by the door.

"Xiuxiu, dad is so old, why are you so ignorant that you let dad stay up late." She ignored her and helped the old man into the house.

"Son, don't blame your daughter-in-law, it's because I can't sleep, oh! I'm old, how can I sleep so much, but you, it's the first time I've grown up to hear that you care about being a father, you really grew up! "

The old man was clearly unable to do what he wanted, and when he learned that Liu Hongjian had really killed the thief leader, he sat at the table and babbled for a while before going back to his room to sleep.

There was a low sobbing sound behind him, Liu Hongjian turned his head and gave Sun Xiuxiu a hug. He knew that the casual joke just now had hurt Sun Xiuxiu's heart.

For the unaccompanied Sun Xiuxiu, the Liu family is her home. Even though her husband-in-law always ignored her in the past, even if she was wronged, Liu Hongjian was still the pillar in her heart.

Liu Hongjian knew that he had wronged this little girl, and his heart ached even more. After running around for a day, he buried his head in Sun Xiuxiu's hair, and took a deep breath. She was so ashamed that she no longer felt the grievance just now.

"Xiuxiu, my husband is hungry, go and make me a bowl of porridge!" Seeing that Xiao Nizi stopped crying and her body started to feel hot, Liu Hongjian said with satisfaction.

With a hum, Xiuxiu broke free from Liu Hongjian's embrace and fled to the kitchen.

Ancient times are not bad, at least you don't have to rack your brains to chase a girl like modern times, but you have to pamper her everywhere, let her, understand her, what's more, you have to hand over your bank card in order to chase a girl, so from now on Live the life of a strict wife.

After drinking the porridge, Liu Hongjian took a careless bath, and the sky was already bright. Looking at the graceful figure of Sun Xiuxiu who helped him tidy up his clothes, Liu Hongjian was wondering if he should do something. It was suddenly interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Is this Mr. Liu Hongjian's family?" Wang Erxi said to Liu Hongjian who had just come out of the house with his squeaky voice.

"I'm Liu Hongjian, who are you?"

"The imperial decree has arrived! Liu Hongjian accepts the decree!"

"Ah?" Liu Hongjian looked confused and depressed. He was thinking about the good things he was about to achieve, but this dream was shattered by the imperial decree.

"Kneel down quickly!" The old man heard the sound coming out of the room, and he didn't panic when he saw the situation, so he pulled Liu Hongjian, who looked depressed, to his knees.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the emperor said, Liu Hongjian stepped forward in times of crisis, went deep into the tiger's den to kill the bandit leader Li Zicheng, and turned the tide. He is indeed a pillar of the Ming Dynasty. I am very comforted. Uncle An Guo of the Ming Dynasty, bestow you with a python robe and a jade belt. This is yours!"

"Uncle An, why don't you accept the edict to thank you?" Wang Erxi was also very happy, because his immediate superior had made meritorious service, so he was also honored and officially became the eunuch Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies.

Seeing that Liu Hongjian was still in a daze, Old Xiucai Liu couldn't help feeling a little anxious that his son had lost the chain at a critical moment. Just as he was about to remind his son, he broke out in a cold sweat at what Liu Hongjian said next.

"Where's the money?" Liu Hongjian asked subconsciously after digesting the content of the imperial decree, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

"Ah? What kind of money?" Wang Erxi was also depressed. Generally, when such imperial edicts are issued, the recipients would prepare generous gifts to reward the eunuchs, just to celebrate. Seeing that Liu Hongjian's family was poor, he thought about it. I'm afraid the generous gift will be ruined, but what do you mean by asking for money from our family?
If Wang Erxi hadn't been honest and honest and had just started working on an errand, he would have walked away long ago when he saw such a strange creature.

"We wrote clearly in the letter to the emperor and his old man that if I can repel the invading army, I will give us 1 taels.

We risked our lives to kill that Li Zicheng. Is the old man the emperor trying to pull up his pants and deny him? "Liu Hongjian waited and fixed his eyes on Wang Erxi, and said solemnly.

"An Guobo, don't dare to talk nonsense. Now the court is arguing over your imperial seal, and the emperor is under great pressure to give you this reward! Let's go back to the palace with our family to thank you!"

Wang Erxi was also helpless, seeing such a strange person for the first time, if it was an ordinary person, silver and earl plus python robe and jade belt, what an honor it would be, with this status, what do you need money for!With this status, are you afraid that you will have no money to spend?

But Liu Hongjian didn't think so. A reward was a reward, and it could only be regarded as an additional part. Now that the family was poor, and Daming was so messed up, maybe he still had to run away. What was the most important thing on the way to escape?Of course it is silver!
As for the earl, as the saying goes, companionship with a king is like companionship with a tiger, and the old man Chongzhen seems to be suspicious. Wouldn't it be more dangerous to be an official by his side?
There are also those old ministers with white beards, all of them are champions, second places, full of jokes, and full of twists and turns. I guess I can't handle them.

How can an official be as comfortable as a local rich man, wandering around, playing cards, gossiping, molesting and molesting little ladies!It's much more comfortable than being a beast in a palace.

Seeing that Liu Hongjian wanted to go to the palace to thank her, Sun Xiuxiu quickly helped the old man up. The old man understood the rules, took out the cloth bag from his chest, and placed the two remaining silver beans wrapped in it in front of Wang Erxi.

"Ha, no need, let's do it next time! Next time!" Wang Erxi, who was shocked by the family and broke into a cold sweat, hurriedly pulled Liu Hongjian onto the horse.

"I said Wang Gonggong, don't forget to ask His Majesty for me, 1 taels of silver, after the big deal is done, we will share it fifty-fifty, how about it?"

Along the way, Liu Hongjian was still a little bit unwilling to give up. In troubled times, it is hard for a man with money to be a man without money. He even wanted to fool around again, such as how much money he would pay for killing a bandit general.

"Look, killing Li Zicheng repelled the intruders, but they only retreated temporarily. What if they come again? We have to talk to His Majesty and the ministers. This job is very risky. Next time, we have to Add money!"

"Hey! What's wrong with you, Eunuch Wang, Eunuch Wang fell off the horse, please hold on quickly, don't fall Eunuch Wang..."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Thank you for your support, there will be another update tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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