Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 73 Bloody Battle at Shanhaiguan

Chapter 73 Bloody Battle at Shanhaiguan ([-])

The soldiers of the Eight Banners led by Duoduo are all the elite cavalry of Manchurian and Mongolian, among which the Manchurian Eight Banners are responsible for charging with knives, and the Mongolian Eight Banners are all masters of cavalry and archery.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners rushed into the battle formation shouting slogans that the frontier soldiers could not understand. Duoduo had a clear goal - to take down Shanhaiguan.

In his impression, as long as it is a field battle, the battles of the Ming army are scumbags. As long as the Eight Banners cavalry charge, the Ming army will inevitably be defeated. The Shanhaiguan gate is right in front of us, and victory is in sight.

But after rushing into the enemy's formation, he realized that something was wrong. Not only were the frontier soldiers not repulsed, but they became more and more brave, and when they saw the Manchu Qing soldiers with money rat tails, they rushed over and slashed desperately.

Before the expedition, Liu Hongjian reiterated the military merit rewards and pension measures, stipulating that killing a traitor would reward 20 taels of silver, Manchurian and Mongolian Tartars 50 taels, and a lump-sum compensation of 50 taels for family members.

After that, family members can go to the military town to receive ten taels of relief money every year. As long as their parents are alive, the maximum period for receiving relief is 20 years. Ten taels of silver is basically enough for an ordinary family to live on. Besides, these frontier soldiers all have their own land.

In this battle, the spirit of the frontier army must be played!

Liu Hongjian issued a death order to these frontier soldiers. In this battle, they only need to advance and not retreat. The death order lingers in the hearts of every soldier. If you have money to advance, even if you die in battle, your parents and children will be supported by the court.

Retreating is a shameful death, and advancing forward can still get money. Frontier soldiers who have no worries about the future are naturally fearless.

If one person can't handle the Manchurian Tartars, then two people, one left and one right, cooperate to kill the Tartars, one is responsible for beheading, and the other is responsible for protection.

"Half for one person!" After finishing the work, he hung his head on the horse's back and did not forget to say hello to the companions around him, then got on the horse and rushed to the next opponent.

Duoduo was immediately stupefied, Shente is one and half, are these Daming frontier soldiers bewitched?

While Duoduo was thinking, another team of cavalry came out from the east gate of Shanhaiguan, and the leaders were the new generals Tang Feng and Xiang Xiong.

In Shanhaiguan, more than [-] soldiers from both sides fought in a melee, and the Fran's machine gun, which was not very accurate, completely lost its effect.

The most unlucky one was Kong Youde's thousands of infantry, they were sandwiched between the Daming frontier army and the Manchurian cavalry, unable to advance or retreat.

Wang Shixuan's thousands of cavalry had already been handed over to Shanhaiguan, and only three or five personal soldiers were left by his side. It was unspeakably miserable. Thinking about it, not only did he lose his first merit this time, but he would also be punished by the Qing master. It's dead.

Tang Feng held the ghost-head sword, slashed left and right towards Wang Shixuan, Wang Shixuan was very depressed, when he saw the enemy coming, he became angry from heart, he drew his sword and went to meet him.

Tang Feng had been living on the Mongolian grasslands since he was young. Not only was he excellent in equestrian skills, but also his many years of humiliating life made him extremely murderous. He participated in countless battles, large and small, and killed countless people in the past ten years.

Where was Wang Shixuan's opponent? Tang Feng chopped him off after only a few rounds of rushing over. After the incident, he spat at the corpse of the traitor Wang Shixuan, and rushed to the next opponent without even caring about his head.

Xiang Xiong's infantry rushed directly towards Kong Youde, Kong Youde saw Wang Shixuan's head was in a different place, he felt timid, he didn't dare to confront him head-on, he just hid behind his own soldiers.

Ma De, have these Ming border soldiers taken the wrong medicine? Why are they so ferocious?Kong Youde cursed secretly while cursing the cowering soldiers around him.

Not long after, Jierhalang in the rear couldn't sit still. If they were exhausted, they would not be the opponents of the Ming army. They would only have 10,000+ soldiers at full strength. !

Jierhalang hurriedly called Jin and ordered Duoduo to retreat, but after knocking for a long time, no soldiers came back.

"Don't retreat, let me charge! Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!" Duoduo touched the blood on his face and ordered the Mongolian cavalry behind him.

He doesn't believe in evil anymore, if he is repulsed by the Beiman who hide in the city every day, what face will he have to meet his brother Dorgon when he goes back?

"Duoduo, the dog R, I must read him a book when I go back!" Ji Erhalang in the rear scolded angrily. Since this was a night raid and there was an internal response, the heavy artillery was moving slowly and did not bring it at all.

But seeing the melee between the two sides, the sword has no eyes. If something happens to Duoduo, think about the anger of the regent Dorgon. The army went to support.

The joining of more than 1 traitor troops greatly boosted the morale of the Tartars, and Duoduo also rushed forward with several hundred of his own soldiers. The balance of war seemed to be tilting towards the Manchus.

Half an hour later, the sky finally brightened, blood flowed into rivers on the battlefield where they had been fighting for a long time, and there were headless corpses, horses, and weapons scattered on the ground everywhere.

Tang Feng's cavalry and the Eight Banners fought to the left of the pass, while Wang Yuanba and Xiang Xiong fought with the newly joined Geng Zhongming's troops to the right of the pass.

Duoduo led hundreds of soldiers and finally reached the front of the Shanhaiguan pass, only 50 meters away from the pass.

"Follow me to seize the closed gate. The one who enters the pass first will be rewarded by the king with a thousand taels of silver and two beauties!" Doduo, who was a little exhausted, gave the final mobilization order to the exhausted soldiers behind him.

"Rush!" Duoduo immediately rushed to the last obstacle in front of him.

Creaking——When Duoduo was about to break through the century-old cage after all his hard work, the heavy Shanhaiguan city gate was actually closed...

Um? ? ?Duoduo's eyes were red. I tried my best to enter the front army from the rear. Halfway through the confession, the swords were all slashed, and the door was closed like this?What about Shabu Laozi?
Made!Duoduo was so angry that he yelled and beheaded the soldier in front of him with a knife, and rode his horse around the gate twice, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"You rat in the city, dare to open the door and fight with me?" Duoduo yelled at the city with a sharpened sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a black muzzle protruded from the battlement.

"I don't know what kind of dog slave, when the king breaks through this city, he will be slaughtered..."

Bang—a gunshot directly overwhelmed Dodo's roar.

The bullet hit Duduo's thigh, and the huge impact and pain made him fall off the horse.

"Ah——" Duoduo threw away the saber, covered his bleeding leg with both hands and rolled on the ground.

I'm Olympic, so close can miss it?Liu Hongjian looked up at the city, and couldn't help regretting that after the war, I must practice marksmanship well.

"Shoot hundreds of households to listen to orders, aim at the thieves in the city, see, those who are beautifully dressed, hit me!" Liu Hongjian pointed to Geng Zhongming in the distance.

Da——da——da, the AKM Baihu of the Longevity Mountain Qianhusuo AKM Baihu who hid the whole battle in the snow finally appeared.

Before, due to the dark sky and the scuffle under the city, the shooting hundred households had been squatting behind the city wall. The sound of fighting outside the city made these young men who had never experienced a battle very nervous.

The battle outside the city lasted for two hours, and for two hours, listening to the fighting outside the wall all the time, made these boys a bit accustomed to fighting.

Hearing the military order, they immediately stood up and went to the leader of the Tartars under the city to shoot...

 Thanks for the 500 coin reward from book friend Guan Qi Xiaoqiuzi and Domineering Zhongshan, the 600 coin reward from the book friend God, and the 100 coin reward from the book friend who is drunk and looking at the axe!Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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