Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 76 Finally Consecrated

Chapter 76 Finally Consecrated (recommendation ticket requested)
Supervisor?Liu Hongjian looked suspicious, this f*cking old man has been coming to Shanhaiguan for several days, why did a supervising army suddenly pop up?

High dive?Liu Hongjian thought about it for a while, and it seems that there is a record in the history book he brought, what the hell, he is a shameless person again!

It is said that in the 12th year of Chongzhen, Lu Xiangsheng led the Tianxiong Army in Jiazhuang, Julu, and was surrounded by the Qing army. Died on the battlefield, only 39 years old.

After Lu Xiangsheng's death, the main force of the Ming army led by Gao Qiqian collapsed without a fight. After the war, some soldiers searched for Lu Xiangsheng's body on the battlefield.

When the people of the three counties heard it, they wept bitterly, and the sound shook the world, but Gao Qiqian slandered Lu Xiangsheng for escaping responsibility by feigning death. be restrained.

Lu Xiangsheng was the only good general who saved the world in the late Ming Dynasty. His Tianxiong army shocked the world, and Sun Chuanting's Qin army one northeast and one northwest resisted the pressure of internal and external troubles. Later generations said that when the two died, the Ming Dynasty fell.

Ma De, is this guy still alive?Liu Hongjian gritted his teeth with hatred.

"My lord, this Eunuch Gao has always been respected by Wu Sangui, ignored the frontier army, and has been domineering in Shanhaiguan Town. He must have heard of the recent incident and came to ask for money."

Wang Yuanba had never had a good impression of Gao Qiqian, knowing that the new commander-in-chief in front of him was not easy to mess with, so he purposely told Liu Hongjian.

Ma De, dead eunuch, I want to see what kind of medicine is in your gourd?

As for Gao Qiqian's understanding, Liu Hongjian is naturally more thorough than Wang Yuanba. Eunuchs supervising the army is a scene in the Ming Dynasty. Eunuchs don't know the army, but they always tell the generals what to do. Moreover, the eunuchs can go straight to the sky, so they are very good for the generals. They are afraid.

But Liu Hongjian did not have these worries. As for the holy family, he was the most trusted and relied on person by Chongzhen. It was Chongzhen's promise to come to Shanhaiguan as if I were in person.

For some reason, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had a special liking for eunuchs, such as Wang Zhen, Liu Jin, and Wei Zhongxian, which can explain that the history of the dynasty's demise is the history of the eunuchs' fortune.

Although Mr. Zhu Chongba, the founding emperor, despised and distrusted eunuchs so much that the eunuchs in the Hongwu Dynasty were basically not involved in the government. If Comrade Zhu Chongba knew that his descendants would hand over power to these eggless people.

It is estimated that the coffin board can be kicked away.

Eunuch Gao has lived a very comfortable life in the past few years. He has the filial piety of the general Wu Sangui every month, spends a lot of money every day, and even takes in two new concubines to meet his twisted and perverted needs.

The battle at Shanhaiguan has recently been rumored in Shanhaiguan Town, and the people in the town are all happily celebrating the victory of the Ming army. Eunuch Gao couldn't sit still any longer.

What?Won the battle?How can this credit be missing from our family?Gao Qiqian then rushed to the military camp in a hurry by Jiaozi.

"You maidservant, don't you know who our family is? Our family is the supervisor of this Shanhai Pass, how blind you are, how dare you stop this supervisor!"

Today, the guards at the barracks happened to be a few teenagers from the Qianhu Office of Wansui Mountain. The beardless old man in front of him was very unfamiliar, so the teenagers prevented him from entering.

It's been a month since I've been in the barracks for a while, how dare these poor big-headed soldiers be so rude!When I see Zongbing Wu later, I must let him teach this servant who knows no respect.

"Hey, isn't this Eunuch Gao!" Liu Hongjian greeted him with a smile.

"Bold, why are you so rude? Didn't you see that this is a dead eunuch?
Really blind, remember, anyone who meets an old man who doesn't grow a beard is a eunuch without eggs. When you meet an eunuch, you should be more polite, understand?Otherwise, you don't even know how you died! "

Liu Hongjian frowned, carefully teaching the young men under him.

At first Gao Qiqian thought that the manager was here, although this person looked unfamiliar, but after all he was teaching this ignorant leader for him, and he also had a smile on his face.

But it sounds like something is wrong, what is a dead eunuch?Still old and immortal, no beard, no eggs?

As a eunuch, the parents of the body, hair and skin, hated the most when others scolded him for having no eggs. Liu Hongjian's phone call directly made Gao Qiqian blow up.

"Hey! Where did you come from, you bastard, how dare you insult our family? Hurry up and ask your general soldier Wu to come out!" Gao Qiqian was a little terrified when he saw two strong men holding strange firearms standing behind Liu Hongjian. .

The eunuchs have always had the power to fight against others. He believed that as long as he met Mr. Wu, he would have to make the dog officer in front of him who dared to insult him kneel on the ground and beg for mercy without saying a few words.

"Oh, so this father-in-law came to look for Xiaoguizi! I'm so sorry, Xiaoguizi went to a very mysterious place two days ago, and she told everyone not to disturb her!"

Liu Hongjian looked at the distraught Gao Qiqian in his spare time. What he likes most is the way you clearly don't like me and can't kill me.

"Bastard! You just need to report for our family, and General Wu will definitely come to see our family! If you miss our family's important matters, be careful that our family will destroy your entire family!"

Gao Qiqian heard Liu Hongjian's strange anger, he couldn't help feeling angry in his chest, and couldn't suppress it anymore, he is the supervisor of the Shanhaiguan town, and he was appointed by fate, anyone who sees him is not polite.

It's been many years, the last time I was insulted like this was when I was the little yellow gate in the palace.

"Alright then, since Eunuch Gao is so anxious to see Xiao Guizi, how can I not be as good as Eunuch Gao's wish?

Come, send Eunuch Gao to the underworld to meet Xiao Guizi! "

Liu Hongjian was too lazy to act with the dead eunuch in front of him, so he directly ordered the soldiers behind him to arrest Gao Qiqian.

Seeing the soldiers behind Liu Hongjian holding the rope, Gao Qiqian felt uneasy and immediately hid back.

Niu Dabangchui and Li Baida didn't care what kind of supervisor you were, they lifted the skinny eunuch up from left to right, and kicked Gao Qiqian to his knees on the ground.

"Dog, our family is an army supervisor! How dare you treat our family like this, our family will definitely report to the Holy One and punish you for your serious crime!"

Hearing about Yincao Difu, Gao Qiqian couldn't imagine that Wu Sangui might have encountered an accident, but he still roared sternly.

"Oh? Isn't Eunuch Gao going to see Xiao Guizi? If you see Xiao Guizi, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the emperor!" Liu Hongjian took Shang Fang's sword from the servant, and took off the brocade-yellow silk forging.

With a loud clang, he drew out his sharp sword, raised his head and dived his eyes because of the flash of the sword light, and almost peed in fright.

Why do you just do it!
"Our family is a military supervisor. What crime did our family commit? How dare you lay hands on our family?" Gao Qiqian's voice was trembling, but he still insisted on not begging for mercy.

"Hmph! I am the current Duke An Guo! Is it a crime to insult the current Earl?" Liu Hongjian decided to let the dead eunuch in front of him be a fool.

As soon as Gao Qiqian heard the name, he knew who the person in front of him was. Although the sky was high and the emperor was far away, as a supervisory department, he still had some impressions of the affairs in the court. Isn't this the upstart of the court who killed trespassers?

"Oh, so it's uncle! Slaves..."

Before Gao Qiqian finished speaking, Liu Hongjian stabbed Gao Qiqian's chest with the sword in his right hand, right in the heart, and blood burst out from Gao Qiqian's chest immediately.

"" Even if the superintendent is guilty, he should be transferred to the emperor to determine his life and death. Gao Qiqian's eyes are full of puzzlement and fear, fear of death.

"You, you, you, you, your uncle!" Liu Hongjian kicked the dead eunuch to the ground, Ma De, I finally unleashed my Tianzi sword.

"Hang this dead eunuch in Shanhaiguan town, and expose his body for three days!" Liu Hongjian gave an order to the soldiers behind him.

Lu Xiangsheng, I have avenged you and the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army who died in vain, rest in peace in heaven!
The surrounding soldiers were also stunned. As a native soldier, how could he not know the prestige of the supervising army? Now, the new commander-in-chief killed the mighty Gao Qi with a single sword strike.

While the big soldiers were surprised, they also admired Liu Hongjian's resoluteness in his actions.

In addition, the Commander-in-Chief of the Shanhaiguan War was determined, not to mention killing tens of thousands of enemies, and he was merciless in initiating a silver reward, which made the soldiers even more awe-inspiring.

"Why are you so dazed! Go and find someone who knows the way for this officer, alas! I have to do my old job again, it's really exhausting!"

(End of this chapter)

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