Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 78 Three Stooges

Chapter 78 Three Stooges ([-])

Adhering to Liu Hongjian's spirit of ransacking the house, Gao Qiqian's mansion was turned into a mess, and all valuable things were swept away. If he wanted to come to this mansion, he could sell it for a little money, Liu Hongjian thought.

Sitting by the stone table in the courtyard is a woman, dressed in green clothes, with long hair hanging down her back.

"Come and meet my lord!" Yan Yingyuan yelled after him, he also saw the poor woman, and thought that his lord was busy with the military all day long and didn't even have a maid at home, so he thought carefully.

The ethos of the Ming Dynasty was such that not only merchants, but even scholars were proud of taking concubines. At a young age, their own adults became uncles, chief soldiers, and the leaders of the Jinyiwei.

Yan Yingyuan, who has always regarded Liu Hongjian as a benefactor, saw that this girl was not only beautiful, but also literate. If she followed the adults, not only the girls would have a home, but the adults would also..., um, It's the best of both worlds.

"Little girl has seen you!" The woman looked back and saw a man in a python suit standing in front of Lord Yan, she knew in her heart that this was the noble person that Lord Yan said, and she was surprised that he was busy saluting at the same time when he was young.

"Well, where are you from, and why did you end up here?" Liu Hongjian glanced at the woman in Tsing Yi. Although the woman looked a bit haggard, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face.

Liu Hongjian couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Yan Yingyuan. Isn't this corruption? Yan Yingyuan hurriedly bowed to show his embarrassment.

The woman's name is Yang Xue, a native of Liaodong, who lived in Liaoyang for generations. Later, she became a slave and started an army. Her father brought the family to Ningyuan City to make a living by opening a grain shop, but Ningyuan also fell into the hands of thieves.

As a last resort, his father dragged his family into the customs again. Although he was displaced, fortunately, his father still had some savings in business, and his life in Shanhaiguan was not bad.

But then somehow Gao Qiqian took a fancy to him, Gao Qiqian had a high position and high authority, and he was forcibly sent to prison on the grounds that his father was a slave and spy. People were beaten to death with sticks.

His father was distraught when he heard about this incident, and committed suicide in prison, so Gao Qiqian plundered Yang Xue into the mansion.

Gao Qi has hidden himself as an eunuch, and there are already three wives and concubines in the mansion. Eunuchs are not allowed to have sex with men and women, and taking concubines is only for the glory of the family.

Gao Qiqian imprisoned her in a hut, and spent every day in soft and hard ways, but Yang Xue's character was so strong that she refused to do so.

In the end, Gao Qiqian also lost interest, but his concubine made things difficult for Yang Xue repeatedly, taking pleasure in insulting, beating and scolding Yang Xue every day.

Yang Xue talked about her life experience quietly, and then she started to sob softly, and the scene was a little awkward.

"I heard you can read?" Liu Hongjian said, alas, why did I bother?I really have nothing to do to find something for myself!

"My lord, the little girl is not only literate, but also a little arithmetic!" When he was young, his father hired a teacher for her and his brother, and when he grew up, he has been sharing errands for his father in the grain shop.

Going in and out of a merchant's land as a woman is considered a sight in Shanhaiguan Town, and it is precisely because of this that she was targeted by the supervisor Gao Qiqian.

"Oh? That's easy to handle!" Shanhaiguan has tens of thousands of soldiers. Although Wu Sangui has been executed, the barracks has always had the bad habit of being empty-paid. He is short of someone who knows arithmetic to help him supervise this matter.

Immediately, Liu Hongjian ordered Yan Yingyuan to arrange the matter, but then he was troubled by the placement of the woman.

Shanhaiguan is a military camp, how could a weak woman like her live with those vulgar soldiers, and even a separate barracks was not safe, so she had no other choice, so she was placed in the yamen where he lived.

Not only did the young adult in front of Yang Xueguan not show any signs of sex, but he even arranged an errand for her. He was overjoyed and quickly knelt down to thank her.

"My lord, Mr. Wang, the deputy commander-in-chief, invites you to go to the barracks. He said that he has caught some suspicious-looking people!" A soldier trotted in from outside the courtyard.

Semu people?There are foreigners here?

In the Yamen of the Shanhaiguan Military Barracks, three unshaven Semu men were tied to their bodies with ropes and sat back to back on the ground.

"Let us go, we are not spies!"

"We are here to find Lord Chief Soldier, we can help you! We are useful!"

The three Semu people struggled and shouted some blunt Chinese.

"Why are you shouting, be honest, and if you shout again, your tongues will be cut off!" A sergeant kicked the head of an older Semu man.

"Old Wang, what's the situation!" The old Wang was Wang Yuanba, the new deputy commander of Shanhaiguan. Liu Hongjian also wondered why there were people surnamed Wang beside him, and they were all older than him.

"My lord, these three sex-eyed men were wandering around outside the yamen early this morning, and the officials felt that something was wrong, and they were afraid that they were spies from the Tartar side, so they tied them all up.

Unexpectedly, they claimed that it was an urgent matter to come to the Chief Soldier, although the subordinate officials didn't quite believe it, but they were afraid of missing the Lord's business, so they had no choice but to invite the Lord to come! "Wang Yuanba bowed his hands and saluted very well when he saw that the commander-in-chief called him Old Wang.

Liu Hongjian circled around the three foreigners. All three were wearing very worn European-style robes. The older foreigner was wearing a three-cornered hat. He seemed to be blind in one eye and was wearing a blindfold.

My mother, isn't this outfit a Pirates of the Caribbean?

"Hello, where are you from? (Where are you from?)" Liu Hongjian became interested in these three people. Since they are foreigners, they should be able to understand English.

Liu Hongjian uttered birdsong, not only stunned Wang Yuanba beside him, but even the three foreigners were stunned.

"oh my god, my lord, you can speak our language. i am from spain, they are from germany, and we come to you to help you defeat the enemy."

I have been wandering in China for more than ten years and have never seen a Ming person who can speak their language. The foreigner wearing a pirate hat is quite a surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign land. .

Liu Hongjian: ...

MMP, as a patriot, I have never passed English, which is really embarrassing!
"Can you speak Chinese?" Liu Hongjian pretended to be calm. Anyway, the rough people around him couldn't understand.

"Of course, my lord, we can speak Chinese!" The pirate chief said in a hurry.

Juan Gonzalez is 45 years old, a Spaniard. When he was young, he was wanted by the Spanish Navy because he sold arms privately. As a last resort, this unlucky captain of a Manila ship ventured into the Indian Ocean alone, but was caught by the Dutch halfway through.

Spain and the Netherlands have been at war and are in a state of hostility. The Dutch not only accepted Juan's ship with a smile, but also detained Juan's people. Because of his rich sailing experience, the Dutch left him on a small boat as a second officer. .

He is the man who swore to be the One Piece!How could you be willing to stay on such a small broken ship, and still be a second officer!

So in the next few years, he has been waiting for an opportunity to escape, but the Dutch guards are so strict that even if he arrives at the port, his small broken ship will not be allowed to dock.

Just kept floating on the sea, until Zheng Zhilong, the real pirate king, defeated the Dutch navy, and then he was able to go ashore.

Unfortunately, Zheng Zhilong is also an extremely arrogant person. Juan was young and energetic, and refused to work for Zheng Zhilong. He blinded one eye and escaped.

In order to avoid being chased by the Dutch, Spaniards, and Zheng Zhilong, he planned to go to the capital to try his luck, but he didn't know where he was born and only knew to go north, so he ended up in Shanhaiguan Town in a daze.

Because Westerners like to speak straight to the point, and they don't understand the language, they often offend people and get beaten up. After more than ten years of learning Chinese, Comrade Juan couldn't find a place to live.

God knows how much Juan has been beaten over the years.

A few days ago, he heard that a new general soldier had come to the town, so he wanted to try his luck and ask for an errand, but last time he defected to Wu Sangui and was beaten badly, so this time he hesitated, and ended up being caught as a spy instead.

well!There is no way, there is no money in Daming, it is really difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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