Chapter 804
"My lord, this subordinate has gained a lot of experience. Those firearms of yours are too...too domineering." Shichizaemon looked at the AKM with the bull's big club, feeling guilty in his heart.

In fact, both Honda Chiyo and Coleridge are high-ranking figures, and guards are indispensable when going out. It is difficult for ordinary assassins to break into the target, not to mention a successful assassination.

Before that, Shichizaemon had been worried that something would happen to this daring young prince who played cards against common sense. Liu Hongjian was the benefactor of the Zheng family, and his elder brother Zheng Sen strictly ordered him to protect Liu Hongjian comprehensively.

After all, more than a dozen people dare to play assassination, and it is still grandiose, who would dare to believe it?

But after two blood-pumping assassinations in a row, Shichizaemon truly understood Liu Hongjian's support.

Although there are many guards around Chiyo Honda and Coleridge, the weapons in the former's hands are all cold weapons, which is not worth mentioning.

Although Coleridge's Dutch camp has all been replaced with muskets, their muskets are all single-shot, and their firepower is very scattered when they do not form a square formation. They were shot by Niu Dabangchui and others in one round. All met God.

The whole assassination process was done in one go, and Liu Hongjian never procrastinated in his work, so it was not ambiguous at all to run away after pretending to be forceful.

"My lord, who shall we kill next?" Kuo Duan raised his head and asked Liu Hongjian while pressing the bullets into the magazine. Obviously, this guy enjoyed the process of assassination.

Run after hitting, how exciting!

"Kill the yarn! Didn't you see that the whole city is under martial law now? Just stay there!" Liu Hongjian said angrily.

No one would have thought that the person who killed Honda Chiyo and Coleridge was hiding in a cellar in Edo Castle.

"Okay! Brother Niu, come and have a drink..."

Kodan has no temper at all, this cellar is owned by Shichizaemon's cloth shop in Edo, in addition to a lot of sundries, several jars of old wine were collected by several people.

They are all nervous and fierce people, and the samurai outside are chaotically trying to kill them, but they can still drink happily and peacefully, Shichizaemon smacked his tongue secretly.

"Furuki, does the Tokugawa family have any enemies in Japan?" Liu Hongjian asked Shichizaemon in a low voice.

"Returning to the prince, yes, there are. When the Tokugawa family unified Dongying, they did a lot of wicked things, which caused many daimyos who later surrendered to complain.

The Miki family, the Saito family, the Nishimoto family...just...they just dare not speak out. Compared with the power of the Tokugawa family, they are too weak. "

Shichizaemon knew in his heart what Liu Hongjian wanted to do, but the Tokugawa family had unified Dongying for nearly 40 years, and there were almost two generations.

"Weakness doesn't matter, there is still this king, and this king will help them become stronger." Liu Hongjian said with a smirk swearing.

"You immediately write letters to those forces that hate the Tokugawa shogunate, just anonymously, and tell them that the Tokugawa family will soon be in chaos, let them accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity!"

Liu Hongjian is not worried that these guys don't believe it. Troubled heroes come out of troubled times. If the situation is right, no ambitious person is willing to fall behind. Chaos is the ladder to control power, and it is the original sin of ambitious people to push the wall down.

Sure enough, as he expected, not only the situation in Edo became tense after a few days, but also the wind direction of several surrounding cities was a little different.

Tokugawa Iemitsu naturally knew this very well, but when he was extremely depressed, until now he did not understand who was behind all this.

In order to solve the sudden crisis, Tokugawa Iemitsu had to submit another request for negotiation in the name of the Japanese imperial court, and in order to show his sincerity, he agreed to go to the flagship of the Holland Mary to negotiate.

Tokugawa Iemitsu, who has been trading with the Dutch for a long time, knows that the Dutch are the most mercenary, and everything they do in Japan is just to make money.

For the Dutch, as long as they are willing to pay, there is no problem that cannot be solved. If there is, then double it.

The Iwami Silver Mine is in his hands, and the output of the Iwami Silver Mine is Tokugawa Iemitsu's confidence. He vowed that after appeasing the Dutch, he would definitely target those daimyos who were about to move.

Is it just that Liu Hongjian will give him a chance?The answer is of course no, he is also waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to muddy the water even more.

Two consecutive assassinations occurred in Edo Castle, and even those in power became panicked. Even if they went out, they would deploy several times more armed forces for defense. Tokugawa Iemitsu was even more so, and he often stayed in the shogunate.

"Tianbao, how sure are you?" Liu Hongjian who got the news excitedly asked Yang Tianbao, the leader of the sniper team.

The old tortoise, Tokugawa Iemitsu, was very cautious. When he left the shogunate, he brought more than 5000 guards, and the three floors inside and outside the three floors couldn't see the real deity at all, which made Liu Hongjian very painful.

But who knew that the Dutchman was also very sincere about the negotiation, and even drove the Mary to the beach to greet him. Tokugawa Iemitsu's guards expanded the alert range to more than 300 paces, which they thought was a safe enough distance.

Not far from the sea was escorted by several Dutch warships, and there were more than [-] Japanese samurai and musketeers on the shore for defense. Both sides believed that it was safe.

As the sun was shining, the two parties specially chose the deck of the Mary for the negotiation, so Liu Hongjian's mood was also very bright.

There is a distance of more than 400 steps from the Mary to the outer safety zone of the Tokugawa guards. In the sniper team, there are three people who can guarantee a hit rate in more than 400 steps.

Yang Tianbao, Li Zhennan, Jin Yangming, and the best marksmanship among them is the captain Yang Tianbao.

Yang Tianbao can be regarded as the first batch of subordinates who followed Liu Hongjian in the South and North Wars. Although he has just turned [-] now, he has become very calm after the baptism of war.

"Eight points." Yang Tianbao glanced at the warship in the distance, picked up the AKM and looked through the newly developed scope of the Ordnance Institute, and said in a low voice.

His eyesight is different from ordinary people, but the combat terrain is by the sea, the farther the distance is, the greater the impact of the wind will be on the bullets. If it is on a windless plain, Yang Tianbao is at least [-]% sure.

"What about you two?" Liu Hongjian nodded, then asked Li Zhennan and Jin Yangming.

"Six points." Li Zhennan said shyly.

"I... I'm only five or six points sure." Jin Yangming followed.

The limit sniping distance of the sniper team during normal training is 400 steps, and the distance of more than [-] steps is indeed difficult.

"That's enough, Li Zhennan, you and Yang Tianbao are aiming at Tokugawa Iemitsu at the same time, and Jin Yangming is aiming at that Viscount Jon in the Netherlands.

Remember, there is only one chance to shoot, so run away after shooting. "Finally, Liu Hongjian added another sentence.

 Thanks to the book friends Drunk for the light to watch the axe, Gu Xingyin for the reward of 100 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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