Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 806 Consecutive Horizon

Chapter 806 Lian Heng ([-])
"Tell them that if they want to gain a firm foothold, they must cooperate, otherwise they will be defeated one by one by the Tokugawa family." Liu Hongjian said calmly.

"Oh, this king will help them." Liu Hongjian added.

If those big names were not fools, they would definitely understand the countermeasures under the current situation, but the reason why Liu Hongjian sent this anonymous letter was not superfluous.

Not to mention whether the daimyo and daimyo trust each other or not, if there is no speaker to mediate in the middle, even if the union is finally achieved, it will delay a lot of time.

Or maybe Tokugawa Ietsuna sent troops to wipe out one or two families, and these big names would probably be forced to unite, and Liu Hongjian was like an invisible big hand in the sky of Japan.

When sending an anonymous letter for the first time, all the big names, including the Saito family, dismissed it, thinking that they had encountered a second idiot.

When they sent the anonymous letter for the second time, they were skeptical, but they chose to give it a go in order to keep their status, wealth and lives.

After tasting the sweetness, all daimyos have to weigh the weight of this third anonymous letter. The civil strife in the Tokugawa family has ended, and they will face the wrath of the Tokugawa family next.

It's just that the daimyos don't know who to vent their anger on first. The only thing that is certain is that cooperation benefits both sides, as long as the daimyos are not too inflated in their hearts, they will understand it in their hearts.

And almost all the daimyos were a little bit guilty, since the owner of this anonymous letter could assassinate Honda Chiyo, Coleridge, Tokugawa Iemitsu, and Jon one after another, could it be possible... hiss—I dare not think!

On May [-]th, Tokugawa Ietsuna issued an order to mobilize [-] troops in Edo Castle to counter the rebellion. At this time, there were already [-] daimyos from all over the country gathered in Daiko Town.

Fifty thousand to eighty thousand don't say that Liu Hongjian has no confidence in the coalition forces, and Da Ming has no confidence in himself.

The Tokugawa family was able to dominate in the Warring States Period, and their military level was still online. As a family that ruled the entire Japan, the Tokugawa family's army was not only quantitative, but also much better than the coalition forces in terms of weapons and equipment and the quality of individual soldiers.

Moreover, the new group of the coalition forces, not to mention whether there were past festivals or not, there are many fighters who are fighting independently.

"Oh, it seems that we still have to stir it up." Liu Hongjian sighed.

"Ermu, I remember that Dongying people like to sit on high ground when they fight wars. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Liu Hongjian suddenly remembered that later generations had seen a movie called Kagemusha, in which no matter whether it was Takeda Nobuhiro, Oda Nobunaga, or Tokugawa Ieyasu, they would always find a high ground to sit and command during a war.

Akira Kurosawa is a very pragmatic and truth-seeking director, and Liu Hongjian felt that this habit of Japanese people should not be groundless.

"Returning to the prince, this is indeed the tradition of the Japanese people. Could it be that the prince..." Shichizaemon looked at the guards with strange muskets behind them, thoughtfully.

"Tianbao, Zhennan, Xiaojin, you bring ten people over to 'watch the battle', remember, don't intervene until the last moment!" Liu Hongjian answered Shichizaemon's doubts with action.

Putting cold shots in the back is addictive. Liu Hongjian definitely does not want the Tokugawa family to succeed in suppressing the rebellion, but he also does not hope that the Japanese coalition forces will win a big victory.

The best result is that the Tokugawa family was defeated and the Japanese allied forces won miserably. This requires the tactical ability of Yang Tianbao and the three of them. It is different from ordinary soldiers.

If ten ultra-long-range snipers cooperate properly, they can single out the commander of the side with a greater chance of winning, and they can control a war.

After all, there was no electronic equipment at this time, and the communication was all based on roar except for the standard bearer at the beginning of the war. If the opponent's standard bearer and commander were killed first, even the most well-equipped army would become a headless chicken.

"It's my lord, I've been waiting for your order for a long time!" Before Yang Tianbao finished speaking, Jin Yangming rushed to talk, he finally got 100 taels of silver for sniping Jon a few days ago, this guy is a bit addicted.

"Pay attention to safety, and follow Yang Tianbao's command in all actions. If you don't obey, you will be subject to military law. After the end, immediately rush to Shimane to meet up. Go." Knowing that Yang Tianbao didn't like talking, Liu Hongjian added another sentence.

It is impossible to fight Liu Hongjian without itching in his heart, but there are more important things waiting for him to do.

"Ermu, are those Japanese warriors ready?" Liu Hongjian asked.

"Reporting to my lord, I followed your order and passed on the order half a month ago, and it should be almost here in Shimane now, and the [-] sets of Japanese military uniforms that my lord wants have also been prepared."

Tagawa Shichizaemon truthfully reported that Shimane was the site of the Iwami Silver Mine, and that the Tokugawa family had nearly 5000 troops in their garrison alone. Although a group was transferred due to civil strife, there were still a full [-] of them.

Although his warriors were loyal, they were not regular soldiers after all, and they did not have the ability to fight one against five. Liu Hongjian asked him to prepare [-] more sets of Japanese military uniforms, which made him very puzzled.

Could it be that the prince came here with an army?But this is too unbelievable, if this is the case, wouldn't the prince have already started the layout more than a month ago?
All of this is under the control of the prince?

"It's time for us to move, pack up, and set off immediately, let's go to Shimane!"

After tossing for more than a month, it's time to close the network.

A few days later, as soon as the group arrived near Kyoto, several snipers including Yang Tianbao rushed over and brought the latest battle report of the battle of Dazi Town.

After listening to several people's intermittent reports, Liu Hongjian fell silent.

The Battle of Dazi Town can only be described in two words, tragic!

The war lasted for three days and three nights. The 5 troops of the Tokugawa family were beaten and only a little over 2 retreated to Edo. , less than [-] people.

This is a war without a winner.

It stands to reason that general commanders choose to retreat when the battle damage reaches one-third, because morale will become low, but the battle of Dazi Town is completely different.

First of all, the soldiers of the Tokugawa family are all arrogant soldiers. Including Tokugawa Ietsuna himself, they did not pay attention to the coalition forces of Saito and others. They are just a group of miscellaneous troops. The Tokugawa family can gather again from other cities. There is an army of [-], but it is not necessary at all.

The battle at the beginning was indeed one-sided. The Nishimoto family was almost crippled after less than three hours of fighting. It was just a coincidence that the main general in charge of the left side of the Tokugawa family was suddenly killed by stray bullets, and the situation stabilized. .

On the second day, the situation was still deadlocked. Tokugawa Ietsuna thought that the Saito coalition forces were at the end of their battles and kept ordering a strong attack, and every critical moment of victory, his generals would die inexplicably.

At first, Tokugawa Iezuna didn't care about it. After all, it's a war, and everyone has artillery and muskets. Bad luck is inevitable.

But four or five times in a row the main charge of the key charge was killed, which made Tokugawa Ietsuna very angry, but sometimes fighting is almost like gambling. Under the psychological trend of gamblers, Tokugawa Ietsuna can only stick to it The scalp continued to fight, after all, it was too embarrassing to lose to a group of miscellaneous troops in the first battle in charge of the shogunate.

The morale of the Saito Allied Forces was quite high. After all, they were forced to fight, and if they lost, it would mean death for all the families. But later, many Mings gradually came back to it—the guy who wrote them an anonymous letter helping them.

Saito saw with his own eyes that the Tokugawa family, who was about to rush to their headquarters, had their heads cut off in half, so he felt that the leaders of the coalition forces were surprisingly united and decided to fight Tokugawa to the end.

The battle damage between the two sides reached a heinous level on the third day. Tokugawa Iezuna finally chose to retreat with bloodshot eyes, but he did not return to Edo Castle with his subordinates in the end.

Because Jin Yangming, who was hundreds of steps away, has been eyeing this guy for three days...

Shichizaemon's eyes widened in disbelief, while Liu Hongjian was silent for a while, then sighed and said:

"You guys are really talented!"

PS: Recommend a friend's book "I Really Don't Want to Be a Genie" about the story of infinite travel to help historical or literary figures fulfill their wishes. The first one is Wu Dalang, and now it is Chen Shimei. It should be a very interesting story. If you are interested, you can read it. read.

 Thanks to the book friend Ding Ding r, Drunken Lights and Watching the Ax for the reward of 100 taels, and thanks to the book friend 20180619001102112 for the reward of 2000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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