Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 808 Save me some money

Chapter 808 Save me some money

Daimyo, in Dongying, is equivalent to the princes in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, or equivalent to the warlords in the Republic of China. Most of them are ruthless people who hold military power.

The history is almost surprisingly similar. At any time, as long as you have military power, you can separate one side without even being recognized by the ruler.

Dongying is no exception. 100 years ago, there were dozens of daimyos in the small Dongying, and the military strength ranged from hundreds to tens of thousands. Even in the so-called end of the Warring States period, there were five or six daimyos who were capable of competing for supremacy.

They don't need the emperor's acknowledgment. In fact, when the military strength reaches a certain level, they can turn against the enemy.

And Tagawa Qizaemon is one of the many names, of course, starting from today.

Shichizaemon was a little dazed after hearing Liu Hongjian's order. The Tagawa family has been in business for generations. Although he has a small family fortune, he has never been involved in political power. Watch out for him.

"What are you looking at? Do you know what it means to do as the Romans do?" Liu Hongjian glanced at Shichizaemon who was staring blankly at him but hesitated to speak.

As he expected, Dongpu became chaotic. If he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, how could he be worthy of the busy work of this month?

But after all, this is the place of the original daimyo, and rashly invading as Daming will inevitably be attacked by all the daimyos, so Dongpu must be chaotic, and then Liu Hongjian set a small goal for himself, such as occupying the land first. His small piece of territory is still in the name of Dongying Tianchuan's family.

"The subordinate listens to the prince." Shichizaemon was completely out of temper, and even a little agitated in his heart.

"However, my lord, my subordinates know Dongying people best. They are all bullying and fearing hard. If you want to conquer this place quickly, you must use ruthless tactics." Shichizaemon walked to Liu Hongjian and whispered.

Liu Hongjian nodded with a smile and remained silent. In terms of his understanding of the Dongying people, he is no less than anyone else. After all, he has learned the history of humiliating the Chinese people in later generations, and he still knows the pissing nature of this neighbor very well.

Selfishness, greed, treachery, and everything they can do at the war level, the operation of secretly tearing up the contract can make the Germans ashamed, and the shamelessness of undeclared war is enough to make the United States ashamed.

Shimane is a small coastal town, with only a thousand defenders. Du Yongan and Cui Geng ended the rule of the Tokugawa family here with only a few hundred grenades.

Then the two drove the Shimane garrison who had surrendered, and swindled open the gates of Hino and Misato cities with lightning speed.

The islands in the west of Dongying are far away from Edo, the home of the Tokugawa family, and the only Shenshi Castle where heavy troops are stationed has also urgently assembled troops to Edo two days ago.

No way, compared to remote areas like Shimane, Edo is the core of the Tokugawa family's rule, while newly rising forces such as Saito and Nishimoto are the major concerns of the Tokugawa family.

This gave Liu Hongjian an excellent opportunity. Many fake Dongying warriors led by Liu Hongjian ran around in the eastern part of Japan with many real Dongying warriors.

In just ten days, Sera, Takada, Hiroshima, Iwakuni, and Sanyo changed hands one after another, and the Tagawa family became the new owners of this land, although the Tagawa family still knew nothing about it.

"My lord, news came from my subordinate's eyeliner in Edo just now that the Tokugawa family and the Saito allied forces fought another battle, and the Tokugawa family lost again." Shichizaemon said very excitedly.

"The Warring States Period has come again, what do you think about this new daimyo?" Liu Hongjian teased.

The failure of the Tokugawa family had already been expected by him. In just over a month, the two heads of the family died suddenly. Tokugawa Iemitsu was better, because he had prestige after all.

Although Tokugawa Iezuna had no prestige, it was due to the fact that the army was well-equipped and numerically superior. However, under Liu Hongjian's strong intervention, the battle of Daiko Town, which could have been won, inexplicably exhausted the most elite troops.

And his own death became the last straw that crushed the Tokugawa family. The elite troops were gone, and the local troops gathered from all over the country were not convinced. In the case of a hasty fight.

On the other hand, the Saito Allied Forces, after experiencing the Battle of Daiko Town, conscripted captives and civilians as soldiers on the spot, and the number of troops snowballed. Instead, the number of troops snowballed. The land division was done before the war, and it was almost united.

"No... I don't have any thoughts, it's all thanks to you and the officers and men." Shichizaemon is an honest person who likes to tell the truth.

"Hahaha, this is just the beginning! This king will go to Kyoto again in the near future, and I will leave this place to you. You must connect Shimane-Hiroshima-Nagasaki in the shortest possible time." Liu Hongjian laughed He patted Shichizaemon on the shoulder and said.

At the same time, it is not only the Saito allied forces that are snowballing. Since there is no strong resistance, the strength of the new daimyo Tagawa Nanazawaemon is also constantly expanding.

Relying on the silver produced by the Iwami Silver Mine, Tagawa Shichizaemon quickly recruited more than 4000 soldiers from the surrounding towns, plus the original [-] soldiers, he was also considered a top-ranking powerhouse in the surrounding area.

The cities to the east and south of Shimane are heavily guarded by the Tokugawa family. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Liu Hongjian does not plan to head-on with the Tokugawa family or Saito and other daimyos.

"My lord, think twice, Kyoto is sandwiched between the Tokugawa family and the Saito allied forces, and now it is in a melee, what are you going there for?" Shichizaemon became anxious when he heard that.

He knew who Liu Hongjian was, but the Saito Allied Forces didn't know. Even if they knew, they would probably choose to do something wrong. After all, no one wants to have a knife hanging on their head.

On the other hand, the Tokugawa family hated Liu Hongjian even more, and it was really unwise to go to Kyoto at this time.

"Hehe, what I want is not just the Iwami Silver Mine. I will bring 1000 people with me on this trip. Don't worry, I haven't lived enough!" Liu Hongjian knew that Shichizaemon's worries stemmed from Sincerely, he briefly explained.

The guards that Liu Hongjian chose were naturally the original troops of the Guards Battalion. It's not that the Imperial Guards and Navy soldiers were not loyal enough, but that the functions of the arms were different.

The imperial guards are suitable for regular land warfare, while the navy is more concerned about the formation of troops, while the personal guard battalion is for special operations, and has always been trained in accordance with Liu Hongjian's method, completely implementing Liu Hongjian's combat strategy. The strategic policy of fighting if you can't beat it, and running if you can't beat it.

Although there are only 1000 people, there are all kinds of equipment, including snipers, grenadiers, shield soldiers, musketeers...

1000 troops are not many, but it is more than enough to ensure his safety. He has prepared a lot of grenades in his ring in advance, so he is sure to retreat even if he is attacked.

"This is not Daming, follow orders in all actions!" Seeing Du Yongan and Cui Geng stepping forward to speak, Liu Hongjian waited for them and said.

He knew that these two guys didn't want to persuade him to give up going to Kyoto, but wanted to go along, but the newly won territory was also very important, Shichizaemon was only a businessman after all, so he had to leave two people who could beat him as a deterrent Disobedience.

Du Yongan and Cui Geng were stared at by Liu Hongjian and swallowed their words.

"Remember, your lives are worth a thousand times more than the lives of Japanese people, and I have to pay pensions after I die, so save me some money!
Whenever you meet a Dongying person who says no to you, you would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Do you understand? "Liu Hongjian explained to his subordinates in his own way.

For these rough men licking blood, it was easier for the soldiers to understand with such rude words, because Liu Hongjian wanted them to be careful in everything.

On the eighth day of June, when Liu Hongjian once again had an audience with Emperor Komei as a carpenter, he was grandly received by the Emperor's family...


 Thank you book friends for the 100 taels rewarded by lighting up the lamp and looking at the ax while drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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