Chapter 81
Seeing that Chongzhen had no objection, Zu Qiuqing stepped forward to take the phone, pressed the power button, and the screen suddenly changed from dark to bright.

"噔噔 噔 噔噔 滴 ... Didi Didi ~~~~" The ringtone of the mobile phone was particularly powerful, sitting on the dragon chair that scared Chongzhen.

Wang Chengen, who was lying on his waist and head, thought it was some kind of new hidden weapon, so he hurriedly used his body to protect Chongzhen.

"There are assassins!" Someone in the hall shouted behind him, and a team of wrestlers rushed in from outside the hall.

"Don't be surprised, Your Majesty, An Guobo said, this is called the start-up ringtone, and it won't attack people. The humble minister was also taken aback at the beginning!"

Zu Qiuqing quickly knelt down and explained that it was his fault that the emperor was startled, and he should remind everyone.

"Retreat!" Chongzhen waved his hand to signal the guards to retreat, and then asked Zu Qiuqing to stand up.

"Please look, Your Majesty! This is the video of the battle at Shanhaiguan!" Zu Qiuqing followed Professor Liu Hongjian's steps, found the location of the video step by step, clicked play and handed it over to Chongzhen.

The video was recorded and broadcast directly outside Shanhaiguan after the war. When the battlefield was not cleaned up, there were dead bodies everywhere as far as the eye could see.

Weapons and battle helmets were scattered all over the ground, warhorses that lost their masters stood beside the cold body of their masters and snorted, wounded soldiers lay on the ground and howled...

As soon as the camera turned to night, the picture was a little dim.

"Soldiers! You must remember that this victory was won by the warriors in front of you with their lives. They should not be forgotten...

I will give a memorial to the emperor, requesting the emperor to build a monument in the capital. All the warriors who sacrificed their lives to resist foreign humiliation will be honored by future generations, and the Ming Dynasty will never die!Incense lasts forever! "

There was a clanging sound in the video.

"Your Majesty, I remember this voice, it's An Guobo's voice!" Although Li Banghua couldn't see the picture, he still remembered Liu Hongjian's voice, and said excitedly.

Chongzhen continued to watch the video in silence.

The camera switched to the daytime, and what came into view was a tall and strange mountain. After a closer look, the mountain was actually made of corpses. Chongzhen's hand grasped the soft dragon chair, and he couldn't help using his strength. .

"Your Majesty, this is Jingguan. These corpses belong to the Tartar army. The commander-in-chief said that this is to deter the Tartar army and let them know that I am majestic!"

After reviewing that cruel war, Zu Qiuqing's eyes became moist.

"Anyone who offends our great Ming will be punished no matter how far away!" In the video is Liu Hongjian's high-pitched roar.

"Anyone who offends my great Ming will be punished no matter how far away!" Thousands of cavalry roared in unison, and Chongzhen's eyes were red when he shouted.

Once upon a time, my Ming Dynasty was able to gallop beyond the Great Wall again...

After the video was played, in order to silence the ministers, Zu Qiuqing took the phone and sat down on the jade steps, and played the video to the ministers again.

Most of these civil servants' understanding of war has only been read in books, and a few of them have experienced the real battlefield. There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood, broken limbs and ruins, which made some timid ministers wave their sleeves to cover their eyes.

"Your Majesty, the border guards are bleeding blood on the front line. What they are most afraid of is that the victory they sacrificed their lives in exchange for will be obliterated in a few words. The more than 8000 brothers who died are still waiting. Please the Emperor make decisions for them!"

Zu Qiuqing finally couldn't bear it anymore, burst into tears and knelt down.

After hearing Zu Chou Qingxin's unwilling cry, Chongzhen's eyes turned cold immediately, and he looked at the minister who opposed the award just now.

Jiang Dejing, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, was still kneeling on the ground, wondering what he was thinking, while behind him, the most powerful censors who had just shouted just now, were kneeling on the ground and their bodies were shaking non-stop.

"Jiang Dejing, what else do you have to say!" Seeing that Jiang Dejing was silent, Chongzhen asked coldly.

"Your Majesty, over the years, the frontier army has indeed often concealed military information, corrupted military salaries, and embezzled money, which has caused the treasury to be overwhelmed. However, the battle of Shanhaiguan this time is indeed a big victory. I am guilty of slandering the border guards. , please punish the emperor!"

The old officials who can stay in the court are all the so-called clean streams who have no surplus money after cleaning their homes, but it doesn't mean that they are good officials if they are not corrupt.

When Jiashen was in a state of calamity, many ministers threw themselves into wells, drank medicine, or hanged themselves. However, when the burglars besieged the city, why did the bell ring in the front hall of Chongzhen to summon a group of ministers, but no one came.

After all, few of these ministers really died for Daming, not for righteousness, but for fame!

"Hmph! The decree is that Jiang Dejing, as the minister of the Ministry of Rites, does not think of offering advice for the country. He slandered the soldiers who died in the border war. The crime will not be forgiven. Jiang Dejing should be dismissed from his official position and fame, and go home to retire!"

"Sinners take the order to thank you!" Jiang Dejing raised his hands tremblingly, took off the black gauze hat on his own, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to Chongzhen, then got up and left the hall.

Once the fame and fame go, thousands of miles will travel.

"Wang Chengen, drag these three slanderers down, and the staff will be forty!" Chongzhen pointed to the three leading censors who had just shouted, and gave Wang Chengen an order.

Since you are proud of sticks, then I will satisfy you!

Several wrestlers were ordered to drag the three censors who were already limp on the ground, and followed Wang Chengen out of the palace.

The reason why the censors were frightened like this is because the court staff is only door-to-door. When walking the staff, the wrestlers will watch the eunuch's two boots swaying to do things.

If the toe of the boot is placed in a figure-eight shape, then the wrestler will be merciful, so as not to beat people to death.

If the toes of the two boots are pulled inward, it means that the wrestler hits the deadly place fiercely, and the person who is beaten will never survive.

Now Chongzhen was furious, and Wang Chengen had also led soldiers before, so he naturally hated these censors who only played lip service and murdered people. Thinking about it, these three censors who were tortured knew that they would die.

The hall was silent like cicadas, and Chongzhen stood in front of the hall, his heart was agitated. In 17 years, the imperial court had never fought such a war to relieve anger, especially the sentence that offends our Ming Dynasty, even if it is far away, Chongzhen was even more excited.

"Ai Qing, do you have anything else to say?" Chongzhen turned and sat back on the throne, looking at the ministers kneeling down and said.

Minister of the Ministry of Rites was dismissed because of this, and the censor who was in his early years was also pulled out. Judging from this situation, it is likely that he will not survive. the point.

But the six departments, the six departments, and the three divisions were all silent, which made Chongzhen feel more comfortable. Once upon a time, a simple request from Chongzhen was sprayed all over by the minister of the bird. Now, hehe!
How so sour?
Uncle An devoted himself to solving my worries and problems for Daming, and he was invincible. Not only did he grow up the ambition of Daming, but he also let me relieve my anger. I have Uncle An, who is really merciful and blessed by the ancestors...

"Your Majesty, the frontier army in the Shanhaiguan War praised our Ming Dynasty's prestige and Jiannu. The soldiers should receive this reward. I have no objection. They can be the supreme commander of this battle. Why is Mr. An Guobo and Liu adults only rewarded with some silver? Is it unfair? ?”

Seeing that the colleagues around him were silent, the upright Li Banghua expressed his dissatisfaction aloud.

"Hey! It's not for me not to do it, it's An Guobo for not doing it!"

Chongzhen sighed. In the private letter brought by Jin Yiwei to Chongzhen, Liu Hongjian specifically mentioned that this battle was all due to the Ming Frontier Army.

In Liu Hongjian's view, a title with only a false name and no fiefdom was not attractive to him, a person from modern times. It would be better to give him more money and save the suspicion of his officials.

But Chongzhen didn't think so. In his eyes, An Guobo was just afraid of taking on errands. The so-called the greater the official, the greater the responsibility.

What he wants to give, I don't know how many people want it, but in the eyes of this kid, they rush after him, what a lazy boy!
"This..." Li Banghua seemed to remember something, but he was speechless.

"Draft the decree, I want to shade his family!" In ancient times, if a minister had made great contributions and could not be sealed, or passed away for some reason, he could shade his family's children. This is the old system.

Chongzhen looked dumbfounded, what a headache!
 In the past two days, I have been urged by book friends to update the first two big ones. I have seen everyone’s posts. Whether you scold me or encourage me, I accept them all. It’s not that I don’t want more updates. The reason is at the top It’s mentioned in the post, and I’m usually busy at work. For example, I’m still working overtime even though it’s the weekend. How about this? Now the book has 64 fans. If the book can add five new fans today, I will I’ll add a new chapter when I go back, just remember to reward one yuan, if there are too many rewards, I’m in a hurry with you! !Although I am busy with work, I can basically support myself. I wrote the book out of interest and wanted to make up for a regret. Thank you, oh, I forgot one thing. Thank you for the 500 coin reward , Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of changing clothes in September, and thank you to the friends who voted for this book every day, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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