Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 820 I will be your boss in the next life

Chapter 820 I will be your boss in the next life (seventh update, add update 1420 for the Silver League)

"Regret? Regret what?" Chang Yu was surprised. In his eyes, the prince would never speak like this.

"If you stayed in the Jinyiwei yamen honestly back then, you would probably be a member of the Jinyiwei now. If I were gone, you would most likely replace Mr. Liang and take over as the next Jinyiwei commander." Liu Hongjian sighed road.

He was telling the truth, there was no problem with Chang Yu's ability, and Liang Yang, who had been handling the Jinyiwei affairs on behalf of Liu Hongjian, was old, and had expressed to him more than once in the past two years that he wanted to retire.

"My lord, what are you talking about? Being able to fight the world with you is the luckiest thing in my life. Besides, we have a title now!" Chang Yu said carelessly.

Chang Yu really didn't regret it, even in such a situation, in his opinion, a man was born as a human being, so he naturally wanted to do some vigorous things, but Liu Hongjian gave him honor and gave him the battlefield he wanted.

Naturally, danger comes with it. This is the awareness of every soldier. Everyone is afraid of death, but if you walk with a group of brothers, it is not so difficult to accept.

"Hehe, let's drink some of this." Liu Hongjian shook his head, took out a small jar of wine from the ring, and handed it to Chang Yu.

"Your Excellency is really stingy, even at this juncture, you have hidden private goods." Chang Yu didn't ask where the wine came from, and took a few gulps after taking it, and then said jokingly.

Liu Hongjian didn't say a word. The reason why he said this was because there was nothing he could do. These veterans believed in him surprisingly, as if there was nothing they couldn't solve as long as he was around.

It's just that under the current situation, he is really powerless, or helpless.

This group of Dutch people will definitely not let it go, but they have no reinforcements outside and no supplies inside. Although Liu Hongjian didn't say it, there is not much food in the ring.

Even relying on eating Dutchmen can't last for a few days. At this time, the corpses will not be destroyed after two days at all, unless the soldiers of the Ming army take the initiative to attack, but that is in the hands of the Dutch.

The two drank the wine one by one, and fell asleep in a daze after a while, only to hear the non-stop heavy rain outside the cave.


On the fifth day, the heavy rain still did not stop, and the soldiers in the cave were lucky to have survived another day, but there seemed to be a dispute on the Dutch side.

"Lord Nash, should we call for reinforcements?" Froman asked in a low voice, looking at the heavy rain outside.

In fact, he wanted to say this sentence two days ago. In order to blockade the headquarters of the Daming Sea Company, a meeting was held, and a large number of warships were specially mobilized from Batavia and India. The nearest squadron was only six or seven days away.

He wanted to say it, but he didn't dare to say it. After all, half of the credit for inviting reinforcements would be given away. He didn't care, after all, it didn't matter to him whether the reinforcements came or not.

But he knew that Nash would never agree, so who would be happy to distribute the credit to others?

But as his deputy, he had to say that it was already the fifth day. Although he didn't know where the Ming army got the supplies, he was really tired of spending every day on such a shabby island.

The soldiers below also complained about this, and Froman only dared to speak out through the resentment of the soldiers.

"Hmph! Are you scared?" Baron Nash frowned and glared at Froman.

He knew what Froman was thinking in his heart, but it took so long, not only lost one battleship, but also many soldiers died. If he would pay half of the credit for it later, he would probably be depressed for a year.

Moreover, six warships encircled and suppressed ten merchant ships, and they had to ask for support. If this matter was passed on, the company's executives would probably die of laughter.

"However, the morale of the soldiers is not very high, they..."

"Okay, I understand what you said. Let's stop another charge later. If you still can't defeat this group of Ming troops, I will ask for reinforcements."

Baron Nash is also helpless, he can't win a battle by himself, he must find a way to boost morale.

"Tell the soldiers, if the Ming army can be defeated today, everyone will have a share in the ship of silver seized a few days ago!" Baron Nash almost gritted his teeth and said to Froman.

Doing so is definitely against the company's regulations, but compared to his future future, Baron Nash is willing to take this risk, not to mention sharing the money with everyone, who would talk too much?
Froman's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Since no matter what he did, he couldn't be credited with it, so it was a good choice to share a sum of money. His original intention of joining the East India Company was for salary.

The heavy rain still didn't stop, but became even bigger.

"My lord, the Dutch have made some changes. They seem to be about to charge." Chang Yu was drenched and trotted into the cave from outside.

Liu Hongjian was wiping the shiny saber in his hand. This saber was handed over to him by Uncle Chongzhen back then.

"Made! The one who should come is here!" Liu Hongjian stood up abruptly when he heard the words, sheathed the long knife and left the cave.

Under the heavy rain, the guns could not be used. Both sides knew that the Dutch had a huge advantage in numbers, while Ming relied on only twelve AKMs.

However, the water vapor on the island and the poor sightlines completely affected the actions of the snipers. Baron Nash must have thought of this.

"The Dutch are coming!" shouted a soldier.

"Pass down the order, kill one for no loss, and kill two for blood! Fight it!" Liu Hongjian drew out his saber with a hasty clang, as if he was going to lead the way.

"The lord said, you won't lose if you kill one, and you can earn blood if you kill two, and you will fight with me!" Chang Yu roared, winked at Kuo Duan and Niu Zhuang, and rushed into the enemy line.

Niu Dabangchui and Kuo Duan naturally understood what Chang Yu meant. The guards on the left and the right stood beside Liu Hongjian. Liu Hongjian was speechless. The two of them would not let him kill people, so they could only stand in the rain to check the situation of the battle.

Hand-to-hand combat is no stranger to the people of the Guards Battalion. The Guards Battalion itself is a special battalion. Under the leadership of Chang Yu, more than [-] soldiers of the Guards Battalion disappeared in the mist and rain.

Da-da-da-a Dutch soldier had just rushed to the edge of the cave from the heavy rain when he was shot dead by Yang Tianbao who was ambushing around the cave.

"One." In the heavy rain, Yang Tianbao wiped the rain from the corner of his eyes and muttered.

Da Da——Jin Yangming not far away also fired. He seemed to be competing with the captain Yang Tianbao.

Half an hour later, the rain gradually decreased, but the battle continued. Liu Hongjian frowned. He didn't know why the Dutchman went crazy, so persistent this time.

The Ming army is still too small. After all, the two hundred naval soldiers are not very good at land combat, let alone hand-to-hand combat. Most of the fallen Ming army soldiers are naval soldiers.

Chang Yu's personal guard battalion was also a bit unable to hold on, his arms and thighs were injured, but he still roared towards the surrounding Dutchmen.

"Let's go together, I hope we can fight side by side in the next life!" Liu Hongjian took a breath, and said to Niu Dazhuan and Kuo Duan in an unquestionable tone.

Kuo Duan naturally also saw the decline of the Ming army, and he turned his head to look at Niu Da Bangchui, which meant that he listened to Niu Zhuang's advice on this matter.

Niu Zhuang had been with Liu Hongjian for many years, and it was the first time he was able to make decisions for his master. He knew what his master said, and at the same time he was a little moved.

"Okay, but master, I will be your servant in the next life." Niu Dabangchu sniffed and clenched the saber in his hand.

But who would have thought that the three of them were about to charge, when there was a burst of shouting and killing on the east sea, Liu Hongjian took a closer look.

Obediently!So many boats!
(End of this chapter)

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