Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 827 Low-profile version of the small steel cannon

Chapter 827 Low-profile version of the small steel cannon (fifth change, adding 1920 to the Silver League)

Nima!Liu Hongjian almost scolded his mother when he heard the words. Isn't this a critical moment?
Zhu Cihong also had doubts on his face, he still hadn't figured out what a stink bomb was.

"What's the current misfire rate?" Liu Hongjian asked with a frown.

" the prince, [-]% to [-]%..." Zhang Feng said shyly.

"That's [-]%?" Liu Hongjian said, glancing at the shells on the ground.

50.00% misfiring rate, isn't this fucking 200-year-old heartless cannon!The former depends on luck to hit or not to hit, while the latter depends on face whether to explode or not.

Not to mention that the hit rate of shells in naval battles is already pitifully low, if on the basis of the hit rate of only 5.00%, a misfire rate of 50.00% is added.

Can this battle still be fought?

"Currently Song Datou is trying his best to solve this problem, and has made progress. I believe that the misfire rate will be improved in a short time." Zhang Feng explained.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the people at the Ordnance Institute didn’t work hard. The update and iteration of firearms already required a lot of resources, and the Ordnance Institute didn’t notify the court that the new artillery was successfully developed.

People are also working hard to solve the misfire problem. This is not a problem that can be solved overnight. They are also out of the attitude of the responsible person. Before the misfire problem is solved, people will not rush to ask for credit.

"Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, when the Artillery Workshop was developing primer shells, it accidentally produced an interesting gadget. I will take you to have a look."

Seeing that Liu Hongjian's face was not very friendly, Zhang Feng knew that Liu Hongjian was not satisfied with the current work progress, but he was very sensible, and when he spoke, he said it directly to Zhu Cihong, but in fact he said it to Liu Hongjian.

Only then did Liu Hongjian temporarily put down the new cannon and followed Zhang Feng to another test area.

In the open space of this test area, there are three steel pipes similar to the steel pipes used to erect tripods in later generations. They are about three feet long and have a base at the bottom.

Liu Hongjian looked familiar at this thing, he waved his hand and didn't let Zhang Feng start a conversation, and walked closer to take a look on his own.

"Fuck me, isn't this the little Japanese's little steel cannon?" Liu Hongjian's teeth dropped out of shock.

He also watched the anti-Japanese dramas of later generations. A Japanese devil wearing a butt curtain helmet threw a small steel cannon on the ground, and another devil held a small cannonball with both hands and stuffed it in front of the barrel.

There was only a thud when the shell was fired into the barrel, and then exploded in the open space not far away, sending up a burst of smoke and dust. Although the Baru army could not be killed, the appearance was definitely there.

Isn't the object in front of me a replica? It seems that human beings don't distinguish between regions and races in technology. As long as the technical conditions are met, some inventions will be surprisingly similar.

"Small Steel Cannon? Is this the name you gave this new firearm, my lord? It sounds nice!" Seeing Liu Hongjian's happiness, Zhang Feng echoed.

"Liu Qing, is this thing so small, so powerful?" Zhu Cihong didn't know why, all the artillery pieces of the Ming Dynasty were bigger and heavier, as if the bigger and heavier the artillery, the more powerful it would be.

Seeing such a small thing on the ground, Zhu Cihong felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Reporting to the emperor, this small steel cannon is naturally not as powerful as a heavy ship-mounted cannon, but fortunately it is lighter. We all call him a new type of heartless cannon." Zhang Feng explained.

The small steel cannon is actually a kind of mortar. Its barrel is at a large angle to the ground, and the gunpowder is excited by the gravity of the shell falling vertically into the bottom of the barrel, thereby injuring the enemy.

But the small steel cannon is an innovation after all. It has a special front sight like a ship-borne artillery or a city blaster. To put it bluntly, the shell is shot towards the enemy, but no one knows where it lands. It is called a heartless cannon. The heartless cannons of the early Ming Dynasty were lighter and made of better materials, so they were called the new heartless cannons.

"You fucking heartless cannon, this thing has a big conscience, go back and find someone to go to the Engineering College to ask Zhang Jiaoyu, let him develop a set of calibration methods for mortars!" Liu Hongjian criticized.

He remembered clearly that the two small steel cannons from the pillar in Liangjian blew up the devil's headquarters into the sky.

Artillery in the traditional sense can be divided into cannon, howitzer and mortar according to the shooting angle.

Although cannons and howitzers have relatively long ranges, very fast muzzle velocity, and great power, they are difficult to kill enemies hiding on the reverse slope because of their relatively low trajectory.

Although the range of the mortar is very short, it can use the ultra-high trajectory to cross the mountain and kill the enemy on the reverse slope. This will soon appear in future wars.

To put it bluntly, this thing is an enhanced version of the grenade.

"Yes, yes, I'll ask for advice after I'm humbled." Zhang Feng agreed without saying a word.

The shells of small steel cannons are also explosive shells, but due to the different firing methods, the misfire rate of small steel cannons is much lower than that of rear-loading heavy artillery.

"Come on, let's adjust as soon as possible, time is running out, when the army goes out next month, we must reduce the misfire rate to less than [-]%.

Also, mass production of this small steel cannon will start soon, and it will be of great use to me. "Liu Hongjian explained a few words and planned to leave the testing ground.

"Oh, by the way, who is the developer of the small steel cannon? Reward 2000 taels of silver, Your Majesty, should this silver be paid by the Ministry of Households?" Liu Hongjian finished speaking and looked at Zhu Cihong.

Zhu Cihong was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

"What Liu Qing said is that when I go back, I will distribute it to the household department."

The two sang together and left the firearms testing ground at the foot of the mountain, leaving only Zhang Feng with a dull expression on his face.

It has long been heard that the king of Anguo County is highly trusted by the emperor, but now it seems that what he said was not rigorous at all, the king of Anguo County dared to blackmail in front of the emperor.


"Are you going back to the palace tonight?" Liu Hongjian in the carriage glanced at Zhu Cihong and asked.

"Can you not return?" Zhu Cihong replied with a wry smile.

His words were a double entendre, on the one hand, he was under the pressure of the courtiers and the Queen Mother Zhou, which meant that it was okay to say no?To be scolded.

On the other hand, it seems to be asking Liu Hongjian again, if you don't go back, can you help me get rid of my mother and those officials who like to curse?

"Promise! The court can still play without you." Liu Hongjian subconsciously said.

360 days a year, [-] hours a day, this is a job done by people, that is, Zhu Cihong is easy to bully, otherwise if he came to do it, he would have thrown out the picker.

"I mean it doesn't matter if you take a rest for a day or two occasionally." Liu Hongjian realized that what he said just now was a bit too much. Although he was only joking, if the words reached the ears of those who cared, it would be a major event that could destroy the family.

"Hey Liu Qing, do you think I don't want to? But you don't know how many memorials I have to deal with every day, which is so thick. It's just that the cabinet picks important ones for me to deal with."

Zhu Cihong didn't care at all, instead he was gesturing his daily workload in the carriage.

"That's not okay. I think we should make a rule. For example, the court will rest for three days every month, and the chickens will also have a holiday!" Liu Hongjian said with a smirk.

Liu Hongjian was different from other officials. All the ministers in the cabinet hoped that the emperor would work hard for twelve hours a day. They thought that would be a wise emperor.

But they don’t even think about it themselves, you know how to go home from get off work to accompany your wife and children to go out to restaurants to have fun and play dice, the emperor deserves to have to work for twelve hours?

Over the years, Liu Hongjian has been acting rashly, and he is also subtly influencing Zhu Cihong. In the past two years, he has made some achievements. At least Zhu Cihong has not become a nerd in the eyes of Confucian scholars.

"Then I won't go back today. It's just that Liu Qing will go back to the palace with me tomorrow. The queen mother still talked about you a few days ago!" Zhu Cihong was also itchy in his heart, and he didn't want to go back to the palace where he stayed for more than ten years. .

Still feel comfortable outside!

But Zhu Cihong also left himself a backup, he would definitely be admonished by the Queen Mother Zhou if he went back alone, but if he took Liu Hongjian back together, he might be invisible.

"Alright, I just took Zhaoren away when I left tomorrow, I've had enough of her."


 Thanks to the book friend Tianmengjing for the reward of 2000 taels, the widow immediately went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes, thank you, in return I will continue to update

(End of this chapter)

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