Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 829 The Passionate Blood of the Han People

Chapter 829 The Passionate Blood of the Han People

Zhu Cihong was indeed frightened.

Back then, his father had spent a lot of effort to keep Liu Hongjian, including his younger sister Kun Xing. In the final analysis, it was also because of this consideration.

Afterwards, Liu Hongjian and his father, the emperor, killed all the Tartars, one outside and one inside, and the Ming Dynasty was gradually rejuvenated.

After that, Liu Hongjian successively defeated the Raksha Kingdom, which intended to get involved in the Ming Dynasty, and took back North Korea, Northeast China, Menggu, Xinjiang, Taiwan and other provinces.

If you count the reform of the military system, the reform of household registration, the reform of the imperial examination, the ordnance institute, the engineering college, and the martial arts hall, Zhu Cihong's great achievements cannot be counted with two hands.

What Chongzhen and Zhu Cihong valued the most was that Liu Hongjian never cared about power and position, and was even afraid of trouble.

This is really a rare good courtier in the king's heart. Of course, neither Chongzhen nor Zhu Cihuang treated Liu Hongjian simply as a courtier, but treated him as a family member.

This was the greatest advice Chongzhen gave Zhu Cihong before his death.

If they just wanted to win him over with official positions and money, the two of them knew that this guy would have run away long ago, after all, how could he be short of money with his ability.

It's just that Zhu Cihong didn't expect that the emperor of Dongying would also learn this trick, and would marry his daughter to his Liu Qing, and entrust him with great things.

Zhu Cihong suddenly felt a little empty in his heart, as if a piece of precious jade in his hand had been taken away by someone else.

"Liu Qing, why don't I tell my mother that in two or three years, I will marry Zhao Ren to you too." Zhu Cihong said blankly.

As an elder brother, of course he knew what the two younger sisters were thinking. Zhaoren was stubborn since he was a child, and it was difficult to change what he decided. Although he was still young, he knew that the sister's heart had already flown out of the palace and to the county palace.

Although it sounds shocking for two princesses to be married to one person, but on second thought, his handsome Liu Qing has no bad habits and can help him govern Daming together.

Zhaoren liked Liu Hongjian, and he already knew that. The key point is that Kunxing didn't seem to reject him, since they were brothers and sisters after all.

When Kunxing first married into the Prince's Mansion, Zhu Cihong was still worried that his soft-tempered sister would be bullied by others, but there was none at all. Not only was there no Zhu Cihong, but he also found that his sister who married into the Prince's Mansion was happier than him.

If Zhaoren also married, not only would his Liu Qing stay in Daming with peace of mind, but Kunxing could also take care of Zhaoren, otherwise, with this girl's temperament, some catastrophes might happen in the future.

For them, it may be a good thing, although as the emperor he must be impeached by all the officials and reprimanded by the Queen Mother of Zhou, but at this time Zhu Cihong has been able to distinguish which is more important.

It's just... Zhu Cihong seemed to be thinking wrongly, and his words directly made Liu Hongjian sit up from the floor in a clever way.

"Cihong, what are you talking about?" Liu Hongjian is now a little sensitive to the word Zhaoren, and even the emperor forgot to call him.

Liu Hongjian took a look at Zhu Cihong's mournful expression, he was so smart, he understood right away.

"Where are you thinking! I don't like the emperor's two daughters! Don't let your imagination run wild." Liu Hongjian muttered and lay down again.

"Then what about other beauties?" Zhu Cihong insisted.

"You think everyone is the same as you!" Liu Hongjian dismissed.

He was a little upset. Every time he was exhausted from going out on an expedition, he heard that there were a few more princesses and princes in the palace when he came back.

Last night I had time to ask Kun Xing before I found out, good guy, Zhu Cihong is already the father of twelve children at a young age, who would feel at ease with this special mother.

"Don't think too much, I'm from Daming, and the blood of the Han people flows in my body, and my heart is here.

Unless one day you can't tolerate me, and the court can't tolerate me, otherwise, if you think about it, I won't care. "Liu Hongjian spoke harshly.

Damn, who doesn't want to stay at home with his wife and children every day, and walk the dog out for nothing.

I'm working so hard to fight the world for you, you're still at home thinking about everything, and you'll give birth if you have nothing to do, you can't let you take advantage of it all.

Only this time did Zhu Cihong really let go of his heart, hey hey, he apologized to Liu Hongjian.

"Although Dongying is not rich in products, the silver mine alone is enough for us to work hard.

If you want to keep this silver mountain, you must have a strong military strength, so as to teach others who dare to covet it not to do it.

As a Daming person, I will inevitably be rejected by Dongying people. I want to win over the emperor and use his identity to command Dongying, so as to seek benefits for Daming.

Alas, it's really kind to treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs. "Liu Hongjian complained a few words, then pulled the blanket over his lap.

There were many mosquitoes in summer, and Liu Hongjian had been bitten several times on his feet just a while ago.

"Do you need my help? Do you want money? Or people? Liu Qing, you can just ask." Zhu Cihong knew that he was wrong, and his attitude was very good.

"Where is the silver mountain, how could there be a shortage of money? As for the soldiers, our Daming's military department is very valuable, let them Dongying people fight by themselves." Liu Hongjian said in a low voice.

"Oh, I really need some Daming people to go over."

At first, Zhu Cihong felt a little frustrated that he couldn't help, but he immediately became interested when he heard Liu Hongjian's request.

"Who? Tell me quickly."

"Well, Dongpu needs a lot of old masters." Liu Hongjian said casually.

"What old master? Be more specific!" Zhu Cihong didn't quite understand.

"It's the kind of old master who fails the exams and has to go back to his hometown to teach the children how to read." Liu Hongjian explained.

"That's too easy, how many people are needed, and are there any other difficulties." Zhu Cihong said disappointedly.

In Ming Dynasty, there were too many scholars who repeatedly failed the exams. Not to mention other things, as long as he issued an imperial edict in the name of the court, he could casually summon tens of thousands of down-and-out scholars who were looking forward to and begging to work for the court.

"It doesn't need to be too much, let's prepare a thousand or eight hundred." Liu Hongjian said after thinking for a while.

This is his plan for the future. Dongying has never liked Liu Hongjian. Before coming to Dongying, he even thought of genocide.

But when he set foot on this land, he realized that he couldn't do it at all.

Maybe those daimyos and the shogunate are rich and unkind, but with conscience, the ordinary civilians there are innocent. The root of everything is the culture and the shogunate's long-standing nationalism, which has gradually formed slowly.

That being the case, then simply erase this culture.

The devil used to engage in enslavement education in the Northeast and let the Han people learn Japanese, so why not now?
Let all Dongying people learn Ming language, prohibit Dongying people from using Dongying characters, and naturally all clothing and hairstyles must be Sinicized.

Of course, there will definitely be resistance from the Dongying people, but at this time Liu Hongjian will no longer be soft-hearted, because he has clearly given the Dongying people a chance.

Those who obey prosper, those who oppose perish.

(End of this chapter)

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