Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 83 Chongzhen Army Parade

Chapter 83 Chongzhen Army Parade ([-])

The next day, the Xishan Camp in the capital.

The [-] recruits from the Xishan camp were assembled by the generals in the vast Beijing camp early on. Not only did all the recruits have no complaints on their faces, but they were full of excitement.

Because the whole army got an order yesterday, the emperor is going to inspect the Beijing camp.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty is coming to the barracks?This is undoubtedly a thunderous news for the recruits who have just joined the army. You must know that the Chongzhen Emperor in the past rarely even went out to the imperial city, let alone go to the military camp to see their suffering haha.

This idea was of course Liu Hongjian's idea. He activated the morale of the frontier army, but the [-] recruits in the Beijing camp were about to be handed over to Chongzhen.

You are the emperor, and these soldiers are your knives. If you can't even hold the knives, it's too bad.

Of course Liu Hongjian didn't dare to say that. He knew that his boss was just as bad at playing political tricks as he was, but he didn't need it with these big-headed recruits who couldn't read.

In the letter, Liu Hongjian even gave Chongzhen some ideas, and, in such a dynasty where imperial power was supreme, there was no need for any ideas at all.

As long as Chongzhen is willing to let go of his status, walk around the barracks, and casually say a few words of encouragement, the recruits in the Beijing camp will go through fire and water for him. It's such a simple matter.

But Chongzhen still thought about it for a long time. He hadn't been out of the imperial city for more than a year. The last time he went out of the city was to see off Zhou Yanru, the former chief minister of the cabinet, for his expedition to build the captives. As a result, he died a few months later.

The new army of the Beijing camp has been training in the Xishan camp for nearly four months. During these four months, under Li Banghua's repeated urging, the soldiers are tense, and even though the training intensity is much higher than before, they have no complaints.

Of course, this is the credit of Li Banghua, a veteran military training driver. His military training routine is actually very simple. At the end of training every day, the supervisor will select one hundred excellent performers, and reward them with ten taels of silver, a meal of meat, and the last hundred sticks. If it is twenty, the military rations and salaries will be halved.

Now there is money in the national treasury, and Chongzhen also knows the importance of the [-] soldiers, and he didn't even frown when he approved it.

With sticks and jujubes, old Shangshu played a good hand of cards, which made the recruits in the Beijing camp love and hate him at the same time.

At three o'clock in the morning (around ten o'clock in the morning), a convoy of Haohao Tangtang from outside Xishan Daying meandered from the direction of the capital.

The Red Helmets of the [-] Battalion took the lead first, followed by the big Han generals of the Jinyiwei guarding Chongzhen's Luanjia. After the expansion of the Jinyiwei, Liang Yang, the commanding colleague, selected [-] skilled Jinyiwei and restored the old system.

Behind them are many ministers of the court, as well as General Ming Jia, the fork knife guard of the Fifth Army Battalion...

Chongzhen stepped down from the imperial chariot and walked towards the reviewing platform. Behind him were the pro-military commander Cao Wentai who was carrying the AKM, and the eunuch Wang Chengen, the inspector of ceremonies and the eunuch Bingbi, and behind him were important officials such as the Sixth Ministry.

Chongzhen stood in front of the stage without saying a word, and the ministers behind him didn't dare to say much. It was only early in the court that they suddenly learned that they were going to review the Beijing camp with them.

The reviewing platform of the Xishan Camp was much larger than that of the frontier army. The guards and ministers were all standing on the platform, so there was still a lot of space.

"Let's get started!" Chongzhen gave an order to Wang Chengen beside him with his hands behind his back.

With a wave of Wang Chengen's hand, more than 700 Jiannu captives who were strung together like grasshoppers were brought to the front of the battle. The rebel general Kong Youde and Jiannu's prince and general Dingguo Duoduo were also among them.

The old soldier Yuzi respectfully obeyed Wang Kong Youde. He was lucky. The AKM bullet passed through the shield and the soldier's corpse and did not hurt him, but Prince Yu Duoduo was not so lucky.

Two soldiers dragged Doduo by the shoulders and dragged him to the front of the formation. The frontier soldiers didn't treat him special because he was a prince, oh, it's not right to say that.

Duoduo's upper body has a lot more ropes than other Tatars, which can be regarded as special care, but there is no way, Duduo is only thirty, which is the year when he should fight.

Even though both legs were injured, when he was captured, one soldier still had his neck broken.

Doduo was shot in each of his legs, especially the one shot in the calf of his left leg, which directly shattered the leg bones. His legs were tightly tied with ropes to ensure that he would not die due to excessive blood loss. .

After more than ten days of torture, even Duduo, who was as strong as an ox, could only hang his breath, especially because his legs were tightly bound by ropes, and the lower parts were necrotic due to ischemia.

It's hot summer again, the wound is festering, and maggots are born, it looks so disgusting and disgusting.

The other Tartar captives were even more miserable. On the way from Shanhaiguan to the capital, Jiannu's pigtails with money and rat tails had been tortured by frontier soldiers to the point where there were not a few hairs left, and most of them were bareheaded.

More than 700 captives were weakly pressed in front of [-] recruits from the Beijing camp, and knelt down one by one, while the two princes of Jiannu were arranged in front and tied to pillars.

Even though they had never fought again, these recruits knew where the hundreds of people in front of them came from.

"Soldiers of the Beijing camp, you don't have to doubt that the people in front of you are none other than the Jiannu Tartars who have invaded Ming Dynasty for decades.

Speaking of it, I am ashamed, since I have been on the throne for 17 years, it is also the first time I have seen Tartars, the first time I have seen so many robbers who have plagued Ming Dynasty for decades!I don't know whether to be happy or angry now, maybe anger is not enough to express my feelings.

However, I know what to do now. I now need 780 eight hundred household officials to behead the 780 eight slaves in front of me! "

Dozens of big Han generals in front of the battle repeated Chongzhen's words with loud voices, so that all soldiers could hear Chongzhen's speech.

It was the first time that Chongzhen spoke so bluntly in his official speech. There was no way. The literacy rate of these recruits was estimated to be less than one percent. They couldn't understand what you said.

At the beginning, the new soldiers of the Beijing camp were still listening carefully to the emperor's instructions. When they heard the emperor's order, the newborn calves rushed out from behind before the roll call by the thousand household officials.

This is doing business for the emperor, beheading Jiannu Tartars in front of the emperor, ministers, and [-] soldiers. This is enough for these people to brag for half their lives, and there are more than a thousand officials in the school. How can they brag when they are not fast?

With an order, the excited new hundreds of household officials drew out their swords, raised the swords in their hands and dropped them, 780 eight Jiannu Tartars, and their heads fell to the ground.

The veteran Youzi Kong Youde's legs were a little out of control, and Duoduo who was beside him also woke up, turned his head to look behind him, and then lowered his head weakly.

Chongzhen turned around and said something to Cao Wentai, Cao Wentai trotted off the reviewing platform with a happy face.

Ever since he saw the power of AKM, Lian Jiazi Cao Wentai fell in love with it immediately. He felt that something was missing without shooting a few shots every day to enjoy himself.

He walked quickly in front of Kong Youde and Duoduo, took off the AKM on his back, clicked it on, and looked at the two in front of him with a sinister smile.

Da da da—da da da—a gunshot, and the two princes said goodbye to the world.

Kong Youde's eyes turned white and his legs twitched non-stop. Ma De, if he knew that he would die under this strange fire after tossing for a long time, it would be better to die directly in Shanhaiguan. Maybe this was the last thought in Kong Youde's mind.

I don't know if it was too close, or the power of the AKM was too great, Cao Wentai was spattered with blood by the two of them.

Made, I finally fired my gun!Cao Wentai wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve, spat at Kong Youde's body and said secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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