Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 839 The last one is for you

Chapter 839 The last one is for you
Of course, Babara met Zhu Cihong's 'requirement'. It is understandable that the soldiers all like the emperor who is a martial artist.

Things that could have ended in a moment have also gained a sense of ritual.

While Liu Hongjian ordered Su Ketu to line up the Rakshasa people and kneel down, he asked Babara to find two wooden chairs from somewhere, one for himself and Zhu Cihong.

Zhu Cihong had a bitter face, he had only seen his father spanking courtiers on the Meridian Gate tower before.

"Let's get started!" Seeing that everything was ready, Liu Hongjian ordered Su Ketu.

Although the soldiers of the Rakshasa Kingdom couldn't understand what Liu Hongjian and the others were saying, their facial expressions were common all over the world, especially Su Ketu looked at them with a sneer after receiving the order, which made the soldiers of the Rakshasa Kingdom start to struggle in fear.

Su Ketu bowed his hands to accept the order, then walked to the side of the first row of prisoners, and drew out his sword.

"Ah——" the saber was raised slowly to reflect the cold light, and the Raksha man in front of Suktu stared at the saber in fear and began to howl.

Su Ketu ordered two of his men to hold down the struggling Rakshasa man, and with a knife in his hand, he dropped a head and it was chopped off.

The blood from the Raksha man's neck flew out several steps away, almost splashing onto Zhu Cihong's body. Liu Hongjian immediately pressed Zhu Cihong's arm.

In fact, Zhu Cihong was really taken aback. He glanced at Liu Hongjian gratefully. If Liu Hongjian hadn't held him down, he would have subconsciously jumped up just now, which would be too embarrassing.

Su Ketu put the saber back into its sheath after finishing the work, and then ordered his subordinates to do it. Babara must have choked up enough. Liu Hongjian saw that his hand holding the saber was trembling, and knew that this fellow was itchy, and he was hindered. Embarrassed about being the governor.

"Babara, hurry up, if you don't do anything, you will be gone." Liu Hongjian smiled and asked Zhu Cihong for Babara's instructions.

"Hey, I'll go and have a look." As he said that, he hurriedly cupped his hands to pick up the leak.

More than 400 Rakshasa people were not enough for the Ming soldiers to bite their teeth. They were killed and saved only a few moments later, and only a dozen were left. The open area where the execution was carried out was full of blood splatters, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Zhu Cihong felt a little nauseous.



The few remaining Raksha people knew that they could not escape their bad luck, so they twisted their necks and began to roar blah blah blah. Many syllables in Raksha language are retroflexed, which sounds like a tongue twister.

It's just that from the ferocious expression of the Raksha man and the eyes waiting for Liu Hongjian, it can be seen that this is definitely a curse.

The last thing to say is "lose your old mother", "R your immortal banban", "G your ancestor's card", Liu Hongjian didn't bother to pay attention to it, and seeing that Zhu Cihong had been silent, he suddenly had a very good idea. idea.

"Stop! The emperor said that the old man who screamed the most will do it himself!" Liu Hongjian shouted at Su Ketu.

Zhu Cilang's eyes widened immediately when he heard the words, and he said in his heart that if you don't cheat people like you, isn't it just to let you marry my sister?It's fine if you don't want to, why let me kill you?
I haven't even killed a chicken!
Zhu Cihong suddenly regretted what he said just now.

It's just that all the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty looked at Zhu Cihong at this time, and they all held expectant and excited eyes.

It is a good thing that their emperor wants to kill the enemy. It means that their actions are supported by the Emperor of Heaven, and it also means that the Emperor of Heaven is a martial emperor. It also means that there may be more wars in the future, and there will be meritorious service if there is war There is honor.

"Let's go, your saber is wiped several times a day, but it's useless. The saber needs to be irrigated with blood." Liu Hongjian knew that this was a bit embarrassing for Zhu Cihong, but since he couldn't make a trip out, he thought he had to Let this guy learn something.

And killing is the first lesson.

When he first led soldiers to kill people, he was also very scared, but after a fight, he didn't have that fear at all when he went to kill people again, and he was even a little excited.

An emperor who has never killed anyone himself is not enough to make courtiers fear, and an emperor who has never killed an enemy in front of soldiers is not enough to make Ming soldiers agree with him from the bottom of his heart.

And all that, as long as Zhu Cihong overcomes the fear in his heart, there will be no harm at all.

Zhu Cihong didn't know how he got in front of the prisoner, Liu Hongjian kept walking next to Zhu Cihong, but in fact he was pulling his arm, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to move at all.

"When you strike, you must hold your saber high. When you see the neck, you must strike quickly and ruthlessly, otherwise it will be bad if you don't have enough strength to get stuck in the neck of the person. Maybe the Raksha people will hate you even more. Just look at it." , let me demonstrate." Liu Hongjian taught Zhu Cihong the skills in a low voice, and then drew out his Yanling Saber.

"#¥%...&T$%***%¥##" Mao Xiong was still cursing in a retroflex.

"I lost your old mother—" Liu Hongjian cursed at the sight of this guy's death, and raised his sword after cursing back.

Puff - the sword slashed heavily on the Rakshasa man's neck, and the cursing stopped abruptly.

"It's your turn." Liu Hongjian took a piece of sackcloth from Su Ketu's hand, wiped off the blood on the saber, and then sheathed it.

Looking at the head in front of him, Zhu Cilang almost vomited, but he knew that all the soldiers were staring at him, so he pressed back the stuff that had reached his throat abruptly.

It must be impossible to hide, it's just a knife anyway, so Liu Qing will look down upon it, here I come!

While cheering himself up, Zhu Cihong drew out his saber and walked up to the last Rakshasa.

"Remember, be quick and ruthless!" Liu Hongjian reminded again.

Zhu Cihong nodded slightly and raised the saber, "Yeah—" Zhu Cihuang closed his eyes after aiming, and then slashed the saber at the last Rakshasa man with a loud roar.

He aimed quite accurately, and there was another snort, and the captive's head fell to the ground in an instant, but Zhu Cihong's level was not good after all.

The moment Liu Hongjian slashed, he turned sideways, which was just enough to avoid the splash of blood from his neck.

Zhu Cihong was lucky, his face was washed directly by blood, but his posture was much more coquettish than Liu Hongjian's.

Because he repeatedly chanted the mantra of quickness, precision and ruthlessness in his heart before the beheading, and he used too much force under tension, he not only chopped off his head, but also chopped it to the ground.

Zhu Cihong still maintained the slashing posture when he stabbed down. His body was half arched, holding the saber in both hands, blood dripped down his chin from his face, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.




The soldiers roared excitedly, at first it was only the front row, and then tens of thousands of people came and fell one after another. All the soldiers knew that His Majesty the Emperor Ming killed the captives with his own hands, and this was a supreme honor for them.

It's as if the chef brings the dish he made by himself to the boss, and the boss praises him for his cooking skills after eating it.

The captives were the dishes offered to Zhu Cihong by the soldiers.

And Zhu Cihong's posture is so handsome, as if he hasn't had enough chopping, of course, this is only in the eyes of the soldiers.

The actual situation was that Zhu Cihong slashed to the ground with too much force, and his arm was so shaken that he lost consciousness in an instant.

"Liu Qing...come here to help, leg cramps..."


(End of this chapter)

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