Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 846 Ula, You Big Watermelon

Chapter 846 Ula, You Big Watermelon

"Return to Your Majesty, the anger in my heart is enough to burn Busagen City, and all the Ming troops in the city need to wash away my shame, please fight!"

Morozov knelt down in front of Alexei I when he heard the words.

For more than a year, Morozov has been thinking about revenge all the time, and vowed in front of the whole family to take back the lost Far East.

Now is the chance.

For this war, Alexei tried his best to rescue him from prison. His Majesty needs him, and the people of Rakshasa need him.

In Morozov's view, the people of Daming are as stupid as Yuri, so Busagan City is not so much a city, but on the other hand, this simple city is no different from a prison.

His city defense is not enough to resist the strong artillery fire, and the army in the city cannot all climb the city wall to fight. His army can completely surround the city and wear it down slowly.

On July 25th, Tsar Alexei I finally saw the city of Busagan through the telescope. This city, which changed ownership for the second time within two months, was destined to become the place where he and the Ming emperor would have a decisive battle.


The Rakshasa soldiers were roaring, and this roar carried all the Rakshasa people's hatred for Daming.

Morozov looked at the city of Busagan hundreds of yards away expressionlessly, and then gave the news of the artillery attack.

Of course Liu Hongjian and Zhu Cihong on the top of the wall heard the roar of the enemy. In fact, the roar of tens of thousands of people was still very spectacular, but Zhu Cihong frowned.

"Liu Qing, what are the Rakshasa people yelling at? It's so ugly!"

"Your Majesty, they said they want to take your dragon head!" Liu Hongjian said brazenly.

"Liu Qing, you... You are joking, I think they want to take your head more." Zhu Cihong was choked by Liu Hongjian, but then retorted.

The director of rites at the side, Bingbi Pang Dahai, had a circle of black lines on his head, thinking that if the emperor loves me so much, even if he dies now, it will be worth it.

In fact, the Ula of the Raksha people has no specific meaning. It can be understood as long live when the tsar is parading, and it can be understood as "kill" when he charges together.

Hearing this, Liu Hongjian snorted and stopped talking to Zhu Cihong. In fact, there was nothing wrong with what Zhu Cihong said. If Morozov, who was carrying a knife, had to choose, he would definitely kill Liu Hongjian without even thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, my lord, the Raksha people's cannons have been dispatched, and there are still 450 steps away from the city!" Chang Yu came trotting to report.

"Understood, order Kong Ermaozi, the Artillery Battalion is on standby!" Liu Hongjian said.

These fifty rear-loading howitzers were Liu Hongjian's trump card, but since they were newly developed equipment, there were only these fifty in the entire Ming Dynasty.

In fact, artillery is second. The biggest problem facing ordnance is ammunition. The production process of grenade is too complicated. There are only a dozen or so old craftsmen in the whole ordnance factory.

And one person can make at most two pieces a day, as long as other craftsmen cooperate to produce them and accessories.

In fact, what Liu Hongjian didn't know was that the Ordnance Institute was speeding up its research and development efforts to provide powerful firearm assistance to the empire as soon as possible. Three craftsmen had accidentally blown up and died while developing and improving grenades.

Only more than 600 shells were shipped along with fifty rear-loading howitzers. Good steel must be used on the blade. Liu Hongjian planned to bring the enemy closer.

After a while, the artillery battalion of the Raksha people finally arrived at the designated position. Morozov was relieved. The fact that the Ming army in the city did not fire the artillery only meant that the range of the Ming army's artillery was not as far as theirs.


The Raksha soldiers started roaring in unison again, as if they were waiting for the order of His Majesty the Tsar to attack.

"Ula, you big watermelon, Kong Ermao, right now, fire at Maozi's artillery phalanx!" Liu Hongjian saw that it was almost done, and immediately gave orders to Kong Ermao who had already prepared.


At the same time as Liu Hongjian gave the order, Kong Er waved his hand, and the 25 cannons on the front wall spit out the anger of grenades one after another.

Of course, the range of the howitzer could not be as far as that of the Rakshasa. In fact, Liu Hongjian was very accurate about the distance.

As far as the artillery camp of the Raksha people below the city is concerned, the howitzers just covered the last row, while the front row of the Raksha people just entered the shooting range.


The grenade landed on the Rakshasa's artillery camp with a huge impact and exploded. Several unlucky Rakshasa artillerymen were immediately blown to pieces.

"What?" Morozov's eyes widened instantly.

Why did Ming’s artillery shells explode when they hit the ground?Why didn't Yuri tell the old man?

asshole!He definitely didn't want the old man to win, otherwise he would be even more ashamed!Morozov said with a gloomy face.

The shelling continued, and Morozov did not rush to order a retreat. His emperor was watching him from behind, and he retreated as soon as he met him. It was so shameful!
"Made, it's cool! I like this artillery, and the prince is the best!" Kong Er, who was on the top of the wall, also clearly saw the power of the rear-mounted howitzer.

In short, the attack method of the front-mounted artillery is a point. Where the shell falls, the ballistic trajectory is its killing range, while the howitzer is a surface. Because of the power of five Ming-made hand grenades bundled together.

But this is enough. Since the artillery is erected on the city wall, the range and field of vision are both dominant.

On the other hand, the Raksha people had quite a number of cannons, eighty or ninety, but most of the shells hit the city wall, and only a small part landed on the top of the city.

Although the city walls of Busagan City are not as good as Daming, with the current density of artillery fire, it is not a problem to last for at least half a day, not to mention that Kong Er is still bombarding the Rakshasa artillery below the city.


In less than a quarter of an hour, half of the Rakshasa's cannons had been overturned to the ground.

Morozov knew that he had lost the artillery duel, but the anger in his chest was still burning. He didn't believe that a small city could hinder his 12 army.

"Ostrov, I order you to attack the East City with 2 people!

Paul, you led 5000 people to attack the southern city!

"Your majesty, prince, the enemy has launched a general attack!" Babara clenched his fists and said, he felt an impulse in his heart now, he wanted to lead troops out of the city to charge and kill, instead of hiding behind the high wall.

"Why are you in a hurry? Go back and wait!" Liu Hongjian gave Baba a glare.

This guy was born in the ancient cavalry of the League. He has always been proud of cavalry and believes that attack is the strongest defense.

But Liu Hongjian was different. The reason why he dared to bring [-] to [-] troops to hide in the not very strong city was not only because of the fifty extra howitzers.

In fact, apart from the fifty howitzers, except for the 25 above the east gate, there are only eight or nine on the other three gates.

Liu Hongjian didn't want to confront the Raksha people head-on as he did a few days ago, especially after the Raksha people copied his throwing cavalry.

Instead of bombarding from both sides, where is the comfort of standing on the city wall and bombing from one side?
 Thanks to the book friend 20190420140500604, who gave me 100 taels of reward for creating a better world.

(End of this chapter)

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