Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 849 The Lord Will Be With Us

Chapter 849 The Lord Will Be With Us

Early the next morning, Zhu Cihong stretched and poked Liu Hongjian who was still soundly asleep beside him.

"Liu Qing, it's time to get up!"

Last night, the two of them ate barbecue meat and drank soju in the tent, and accidentally got drunk, that is to say, Zhu Cihong is a layman, if Chongzhen was here, Liu Hongjian would definitely be punished for a serious crime, at least dozens of boards would be beaten.

The enemy is at present, and as the commander-in-chief of the whole army, he takes the lead in getting drunk and even leads his son to death.

"Does it still smell like meat?" Liu Hongjian asked in a daze.

"What did Liu Qing say? The barbecue has already been cleaned up by Da Da's companion. How can there be... Huh? It really smells like meat. Could it be that there is still meat to eat this morning?

Liu Qing didn't say that, although the common people live better now, they still can't reach the point of eating meat every day. Soldiers who eat the household department like this should complain to me again. "Zhu Cihong said while dressing.

Under Liu Hongjian's contempt since he set off for the expedition, Zhu Cihong finally learned to dress himself, although Liu Hongjian also had his wife to help him dress at home.

"Well, that's good, it's nothing to worry about, I can sleep for a while longer!" Liu Hongjian fell silent after finishing speaking.

"Then, I'll go to the top of the city to have a look, don't sleep too long." Zhu Cihong put on the dragon robe, opened the curtain and walked out.

After reaching the top of the city, they saw black ash as far as the eye could see, even the crenels on the top of the city were completely blackened by the fire, and many places below the city were still emitting black smoke.

And the long-lasting smell of barbecue came from the bottom of the city.

"Ouch~—vomit~—" Zhu Cihong seemed to understand something, and started to feel nauseous after being dazed.

"My lord, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell? This old servant is going to wear an imperial doctor!" Pang Hai saw that he was frightened, and quickly ordered his servants to find Qi Mingyin.

"What's the fuss, I'm fine! Vomit~—" After speaking, Zhu Cihong ran towards his big tent.

"Liu Qing! Wake up! Tell me what kind of meat you gave me last night?"


Almost at the same time, Morozov and Tsar Alexei I were also looking at the city of Busagan with binoculars.

The two of them didn't sleep well last night, and the smell of barbecue permeated the entire barracks for a whole night, which caused the Raksha soldiers to complain about the bad food all night.

"Your Majesty, the city wall of Busagan is made of blue bricks. It must have been weakened after a night of fire. Today the city will be destroyed!" Morozov said.

He didn't mention the fuel for burning the city wall, because he really couldn't talk about it.

Alexei I was silent, and walked towards the Raksha army that had already assembled.

After yesterday's bitter battle, the Rakshasa people still maintained a good morale, which is the pride of the Cossacks.

"Warriors of the Rakshasa, yesterday you proved your loyalty with your courage, and I, Alexey Mikhailovich, your emperor, am proud to have warriors like you.

However, this is not enough, our enemies are still huddled in the city, the decisive battle is today, and the Lord will be with us! "

Alexei I stepped on his horse and gave a speech to the rows of soldiers.





"Liu Qing, the Raksha people are in Wula again, but their morale is really good enough."

Zhu Cihong seemed to admire the Raksha people outside the city. He felt that Ming's soldiers were nothing more than that. Even with such heavy casualties, he couldn't guarantee that Ming's army could maintain such a strong morale.

"You still don't understand soldiers!" Liu Hongjian smiled slightly and shook his head.

Wanting the soldiers to work hard and eat enough is a prerequisite, but it is not the decisive condition. Once you reach that point, as long as you work hard like Xiao Zhu, grab your imperial robe and charge forward, the soldiers of Ming Dynasty will definitely prove it with your actions Call heartfelt.

"Report to the emperor and lord, the artillerymen of the Raksha people are coming up again!" Kong Er's idiot hurriedly came over to report.

"Understood, have all the cannons at the top of the city been dismantled?" Liu Hongjian said.

"Back to the prince, it was dismantled according to your order, and it is all placed in the city." Kong Er said again.

"Well, go and inform Governor Barbara. If there is a possibility that the city wall will collapse, immediately order the soldiers to go down to the city and defend it. Don't stick to it." After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he took Zhu Cihong down the city.

A quarter of an hour later, the offensive and defensive battle of Busagan started amidst the artillery fire of the Raksha people.

It's still yesterday's tactics, except for the chug of the AKM on the city wall, there is no shadow of the howitzer.

The city wall that had been burned overnight was indeed no longer strong, and the Raksha people's cannons smashed the east city wall to the point of collapse in just one round. Babara immediately ordered the soldiers on the east city to retreat urgently.


The city wall was about to collapse, and Kong Er stared straight at the east wall.

Boom—With a loud bang, a section of the city wall in the middle of the East City that was five or six meters long collapsed.

"Ula~! Ula~!" the Rakshasa soldiers shouted excitedly.

"The enemy is charging, the howitzer is ready!" Kong Er yelled, unable to charge.

"Ula~! Ula~! Ula~!"



The soldiers of the Daming Artillery Battalion who had been waiting for a long time activated their howitzers almost at the same time, and the shells exploded among the swarming Rakshasa cavalry, and the Rakshasa camp suddenly turned upside down.

"Mortar ready! Fire!"

Seeing that the Rakshasa Qi reported that he had rushed into the range of the small steel cannon, Kong Er's fool immediately gave an order to his subordinates.

There was another roar, and the mortar gunners became more proficient in their operations. The shells of the eighty small steel cannons covered the gaps in the city wall with almost no dead ends.

The Raksha people thought that breaking through the city wall meant victory was in sight. They rushed towards this victory on the ashes of yesterday's Raksha soldiers, completely unaware that there was another hell behind the city wall.

Seeing their companions fall one by one, many Rakshasa soldiers felt inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Morozov was roaring, and he angrily ordered the supervisors to shoot the retreating soldiers and send more soldiers to join the charge.

"Lin He!" Liu Hongjian said with a cold face.

This move is actually a dangerous move. Although it was a bit of a surprise for the Raksha people, it would be hard to say if the Raksha people rushed into the battle if they were not well controlled.

"Humble post here!" Lin He stomped his feet as a military salute.

"The Musketeer Battalion is ready, set up in a wedge formation, don't let a Rakshasa rush in!"

"Humble post!" Lin He trotted away immediately.

The Luocha people charged wave after wave, but they were blocked by the Ming army's howitzers, mortars, musketeers, and grenadiers at the gap in the city wall from the range.

The fierceness of the battle was even worse than yesterday, and soon the gaps in the city wall were filled with corpses of Rakshasa people. Even so, the Rakshasa people still charged bravely without fear of death.

After more than an hour, the corpses were piled up like a mountain, and the howitzers could hardly hit the Raksha people on the corpse mountain due to the problem of the shooting angle. ,

"My lord, the howitzer is no longer useful, and the shells are almost exhausted, so is the mortar!" Because the artillery fire was too loud, Kong Er said at the top of his throat.

"Barbara, are you ready?" Liu Hongjian ignored Kong Ermao, but turned to the Governor of Menggu, Babara.

"My lord, my cavalry has long been hungry and thirsty, and they are waiting for your order!" Babara said excitedly, licking her chapped lips with her tongue.


PS: Cossacks, strictly speaking, Cossacks cannot be called a nation, it is a mixed group of Tatars, Russians, Lithuanians and Poles.

Strictly speaking, the Russian Empire is an empire without an imperial nation. The so-called imperial nation refers to the existence of a certain political, economic, social and cultural dominant ethnic group within the empire, and the empire belongs to them to some extent. , such as the Han nationality in Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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