Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 852 Come to a yellow pee, wake him up

Chapter 852 Come to a yellow pee, wake him up

Raksha people like to grow beards, but their beards are messy beards, but ordinary soldiers are not allowed, so Alexei's long beard is particularly conspicuous in the chaos.

Knowing that the Ming army behind them had discovered them, Alexei was shocked, and still regretted that he would have stayed in the camp if he had known this, at least there were more than 2 soldiers in the camp to protect him.

"Your Majesty, your beard has exposed us, and they are shouting to capture you alive!" Priest Markov reminded Alexei while running.

It was precisely because of his proficiency in Ming that Markov was selected by the Czar from the church as an interpreter for the army.

"Your Majesty, cut it off quickly, the beard can grow back if it's gone, just in case..." The servant Pedro took out a sharp dagger from his waist and handed it to Alexei.

At this moment, Alexei was in such a state of confusion that he didn't have any ideas. Seeing this, he took the dagger and gritted his teeth while running, cutting off his beard.

Due to the jolt of the war horse, Alexei had never groomed his beard by himself, and his chin was cut in several places by the dagger, and blood dripped down his chin. Alexei also ignored the pain and fled westward frantically.

"The man in the red robe is the Tsar, capture the Tsar alive!" Liu Hongjian kept staring at Alexei, seeing that he had shamelessly cut off his beard, he felt speechless for a while.

"Liu Qing, the tsar also took off his robe." Zhu Cihong said excitedly.

He thought that going to the battlefield would be very dangerous, but it didn't seem to be what he imagined. At this moment, he only felt that galloping horses was very exciting.

"The one who wears a high hat is the Tsar, hunt down the Tsar!" Liu Hongjian also changed his slogan at random.

Zhu Cihong's 1000 Huben Army and Liu Hongjian's more than [-] Guards Battalion are the elite among the many regiments of the Ming Dynasty, and the horses are first-class purebred ancient war horses with excellent endurance.

Due to the orders of Liu Hongjian and Zhu Cihong, more than 7000 soldiers only attacked the tsar's guards who fell behind, and did not attack the tsar.

The two sides chased each other on the vast prairie until dusk.

Tsar Alexei I watched the number of guards around him decrease one by one. His horse had already foamed at the mouth and had no strength, but he still whipped the ass of the horse under his crotch desperately just to survive.

His beard was cut off, the knife wound on his chin had scabbed over, his clothes were only the lining, and his hat had long since disappeared.

However, the Ming army had no intention of letting them go. After running for the whole afternoon, not only did they not see any reinforcements behind them, but there were only more than 300 guards around them who barely followed.

"Your Majesty, save me!"

The servant Pedro's horse finally couldn't support it and fell to the ground. Pedro knew that his life was at stake and ignored the pain in his body. He got up and chased after Alexei, calling for help at the top of his voice.

Alexey turned his head to look at it and ignored it. He couldn't care about other people now that his own life was in danger, not to mention that he was really incapable of saving Pedro.

Eighty miles further to the west, we will reach Vecna ​​of the Raksha Kingdom, where there is a garrison of the Raksha people. As long as we persist there, the Raksha soldiers over there will definitely defeat this damned Ming army!
While fleeing, Alexi was thinking about it, but he was also worried about whether the horse under his crotch could last that long.

"Your Majesty, save me, ah—"

Pedro was still howling, and the more Alexei heard the sound, the more upset he felt. He turned his head and looked again, but just in time to see a famous soldier cut off Pedro's head with a knife.

"Tianbao, are you sure you can knock down the tsar's mount?" Liu Hongjian turned to the silent Yang Tianbao.

He was a little tired after chasing him all afternoon, and he was almost out of the border of Chahar. He was worried that there would be long nights and dreams.

"My lord, it's very simple." Yang Tianbao smiled and smiled.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because Yang Tianbao had already seen that Liu Hongjian did it on purpose. After all, he had been quite aggrieved in the city for the past two days. It was so easy to have such a way to vent, and he didn't want to The gun ends the hunting game.

"Then what are you waiting for? My horses are exhausted. Hurry up, don't hit that little tsar." Liu Hongjian said arrogantly.


As soon as Liu Hongjian finished speaking, there was a bang of a gunshot, and the buttock of the horse under Alexei's crotch was shot and fell forward. Alexei himself flew forward due to the huge inertia. Then fell to the ground and passed out.

Most of the remaining more than 200 guards left the Tsar who fell under the horse and fled westward. After all, they could not save the Tsar but died.

But there were still more than a dozen more sincere guards who stopped to save their master, but they had just lifted Alexei onto a horse with great difficulty, but the horse stood still and refused to run no matter how hard they whipped it.

War horses are the same as people. Once they stop strenuous exercise for a long time, they will feel tired. They are too tired.

Not long after, Liu Hongjian and Zhu Cihong led thousands of Huben troops to surround a dozen Rakshasa guards.

"You are very loyal, but if you want to live, you should hand him over, and I can spare you." Liu Hongjian said as he circled around a dozen Raksha people.

All the other Rakshasa guards ran away, and only these dozen or so stayed behind to accompany their master to die. Loyalty knows no borders or races. Liu Hongjian has always admired loyal people.


How could a Rakshasa person understand what Liu Hongjian said? A Rakshasa person rushed towards Liu Hongjian and Zhu Cihong with a saber in his hand, knowing that he was doomed. Zhu Cihong was startled.

But before the others rushed out a few steps, Yang Tianbao and other AKM shooters shot and killed the Rakshasa man on the spot. Several brothers in the Huben camp were still worried that this man was not dead, so they hacked him a few times.

Someone led the way, and the remaining Rakshasa people rushed up one after another, and then were beheaded and killed on the spot by the soldiers of the Huben Camp.

"Well, you are loyal, but why isn't this loyalty to Daming?"

Liu Hongjian sighed. If these Rakshasa people really offered their hands to the Tsar, Liu Hongjian would look down on them again.

But seeing these guys look at death like home, he suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, man, sometimes it is so contradictory.

"My lord, he seems to have just passed out."

Le Shulu, an officer of a thousand households in Huben Camp, and another officer of a thousand households dragged Alexei and threw him in front of Liu Hongjian.

Le Shulu is Babara's son, these two people are also very interesting, they are both in the army, but in order to avoid suspicion in front of Zhu Cihong, they even meet each other without saying a word, but at night they sneak into a tent Drink inside.

Although Le Shulu was as rough as his father, Barbara, but he was rough and fine. For example, if Zhu Cihong was around, he would call him Lord Liu Hongjian; if there were no outsiders, he would prefer to call Liu Hongjian the head of the mountain.

After all, Liu Hongjian was the head of the lecture hall, even though this guy hadn't been in the lecture hall for a few days since Kaishan opened the school.

"Here's a dirty urine, wake him up!" Liu Hongjian said maliciously.

After chasing the prey all afternoon, he finally caught it.


 Thank you book friends for the 100 taels of rewarding for their dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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