Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 88 is finally on the road

Chapter 88 is finally on the road (please recommend tickets!)
Since Li Zicheng died under Liu Hongjian's AKM, the peasant army, led by Li Zicheng's younger brother Li Zijing, fled frantically to his hometown in Shaanxi.

The reason is simple. The last straw that overwhelmed the peasants in the northern provinces was the three rates levied by the imperial court. Their land had already been snatched by merchants and high-ranking officials.

It stands to reason that whoever farms the land should pay the tax, but this is not the case. In the Ming Dynasty, scholars were treated preferentially, and anyone with a reputation could be exempted from taxation.

These old scholars who feel that there is no hope for official careers use their own privileges to do business, and they don't have to pay taxes anyway. They buy land when they make money, and they still don't have to pay taxes anyway.

But someone has to pay taxes, so this burden falls on ordinary people who have no money and no land. They can only work as tenant farmers for landlords and merchants, and then pay taxes from their meager income.

The common people of Jin and Shanxi dared not speak out but dared to be angry. The hearts of merchants became more and more arrogant.

Of course, the course of history was cut off by our Comrade Anguobo Liu Hongjian.

Li Zijing had no ambitions, ever since he saw Daming's sharp firearms, he stayed in his hometown in Shaanxi and dared not go out.

Since the imperial court issued a free call, fewer and fewer common people have followed Li Zijing around. Although it is very hard to be a tenant for a landlord, at least you don't have to put your head on your belt every day and live in fear.

The reason why the people in the two places think so is because the people in Shanxi and Shaanxi, including Li Zijing himself, think that Dashun is no better than Daming.

He only thought that with the territory and army in his hand, he could be like his elder brother Li Zicheng and beg for the Northwest King Dangdang from the Ming Dynasty. In order to show his favor to the Ming court, he stopped looting everywhere.

Anyway, the army was supported by those merchants, and the Ming army was restrained by the Tartars, so I just had to wait quietly for the Ming court to recruit security.

So Comrade Li Zijing left the main force in Shaanxi. In Shanxi, except for Datong, which was controlled by General Liu Zongmin, only Yuan Zongdi's troops were stationed in Taiyuan Mansion.

Li Zijing implemented a policy of loosening externally and tightening internally in Shanxi. Merchants were not allowed to transport military rations to the Daming border, but he did not prohibit small private transactions. This is why Liu Hongjian personally went to Shanxi.

As a businessman, if you don’t make money, you can’t get up early. If someone sends you money, there is no reason not to accept it.

There is a businessman sitting in the middle hall of the Lincheng County Yamen. He is about 30 years old, wearing a blue-gray gown, wearing a flat-style hooded cap, and a goatee. His face is calm and slightly worried.

"Brother Gu has been waiting for a long time! I'm sorry, I'm rude!" said Liu Hongjian, who was dressed neatly, before he reached the central hall.

Yang Xue had already explained the situation of the visitor to him before, and knew that the person's surname was Gu Mingran, and he was the eldest son of the Gu family in Meng County, Shanxi. Although the Gu family was not ranked well in Shanxi, they still had a considerable family business in Meng County.

Hearing the movement outside, Gu Ran immediately got up and went to meet him.

"Where is it, Gu is overjoyed to make friends with someone like your lord. This must be the daughter of Mr. Yang's family! I have only heard of her name but I have never seen her, but today I see her. She is really a hero among women! Good luck meeting you!"

"Brother Gu was joking, how can the little girl, He De, deserve such a compliment!" Yang Xuefu saluted.

Yang Xue had many negotiations with the Gu family when the Yang family was prosperous, but since the Yang family was framed by Gao Qiqian, the business relationship with the Gu family was also cut off.

Gu Ran expressed deep sympathy for what happened to the Yang family, sighed a few words, and saw Yang Xue was sad, so he did not say any more words of comfort.

"I heard that Brother Gu's family runs the largest grain store in Meng County. I wonder how much grain we can provide this time?" Liu Hongjian asked straight to the point.

"To be honest, my Gu family still had [-] shi of grain in storage, but... but now there is not much..." Gu Ran hesitated to speak.

Sitting at the top, Liu Hongjian felt strange, I was looking for you to buy food, why did you come to me when you ran out of food!

Gu Ran's father, Gu Datong, was originally a scholar in the Wanli period, but his talent was mediocre. After more than 20 years of examination and examination, he was not awarded a Juren until he was 40 years old.

Although Gu Datong is a businessman, he has read the books of sages and sages for many years, and he has always had the old wish to serve the country. He knows that the people are suffering, and if he can make money, he will sell it to the people at a lower price as appropriate.

Because of this, it has caused the hatred of other colleagues. The eight major merchants have fixed the price of rice noodles to death. If you make small profits but sell more, how can you let others live?
So Shouyang Wang's family sent dogs to smash and loot Gu's store, but Lao Gu got angry and slapped Wang's eldest son, so Wang's family reported to Meng County Magistrate that Lao Gu had privately sold rice to the Ming army.

The county magistrate took the money and arrested Lao Gu indiscriminately.

"Since my father was framed, in order to rescue my father, I have handed over [-] shi of grain stored in the grain shop to Zhang County Magistrate of Meng County, but that guy actually accepted the gift and refused to do anything, and wanted to plot my family's fertile land. Alas, my Gu family Next time, I'm afraid there will be disaster!" Gu Ran sighed.

"It's unreasonable. If your father only cares for the common people, don't you say that the officials who have collected the food don't do things?" Liu Hongjian was also surprised, why are there so many brazen people in this world?

"I don't know, my lord. Although Shanxi is clearly in the hands of Dashun Li Zijing, it is secretly controlled by a few big businessmen in Taiyuan Prefecture. They are rich and powerful, and the officials are their lackeys in captivity!"

Speaking of this, Gu Ran's veins bulged, his hatred was obvious, but then he thought that he was powerless, and far inferior to the few big businessmen who controlled Taiyuan Mansion in terms of financial resources, and he sighed and became listless.

"Although your father was imprisoned, since they neither released nor executed him, they must be trying to squeeze some money out of your Gu family." Liu Hongjian analyzed.

"What your lord said is very true, but the day before yesterday, I bribed the jailer and went to see my father. My father heard that I gave away the good land at home to save him, so I scolded me.

I also know that these rice grains have been transferred to the hands of the surnamed Wang, but I have no power or power, so it's nothing..." Gu Ran said this, and he burst into tears, feeling sad!
"Brother Gu, don't worry, there may be a way!" Hearing this, Liu Hongjian suddenly had a bold idea.

"My lord, can my lord do anything? If my father can be rescued, I would like to donate [-] acres of good farmland!"

Gu Ran seemed to have grasped the straw to save his life. He had heard before that the person in front of him was a high-ranking official from the northern border. Although the [-] mu of fertile land was the biggest bargaining chip the Gu family could offer, it was different from his father. What is the ratio.

"Impossible! Those fields are the foundation of your family, how can I do such an inhumane thing!"

No way, I want your land to be useful?You bribe those dog officials who take money and do nothing but know how to use food to smash it, but when it comes to this official, it changes, you use food to smash this official!

"My lord's kindness must be remembered in my heart! But how can I let my lord go home empty-handed? In this way, there are still more than [-] stones of food in the lower berth. If my lord can rescue my father, I will give it to me!"

Hearing that the lord in front of him didn't accept the land that his family regarded as a treasure, Gu Ran was also secretly happy, and hurriedly bowed to salute, it seems that he really met a good person...

At last he was on the road, and Liu Hongjian felt happy. Although he had brought a lot of silver for this trip, he could save as much as he could. Good steel should be put to good use, and it would cost more money to set up factories in the future.

"Brother Gu, you don't have to be polite. I don't like those guys who bully others the most. Take me to meet the Wang family tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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