Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 893 Demoting the Shu

Chapter 893 Demoting Shu (Tenth)

"Offering prisoners!"

Zhu Cilang waved at Pang Pang Hai, and Pang Pang Hai, who was frowning at the side, immediately walked to the side of the high platform energetically, and shouted to the soldiers of the expeditionary army below.

The soldiers of the expeditionary army immediately retreated to both sides of the road, and after the road was cleared, more than a dozen prison cars creaked from behind, and each prison car contained a Rakshasa man.

The first one was Alexei I, the last czar of the Raksha Kingdom.

Alexei has been in Liu Hongjian's barracks for more than half a year. His brows are tightly wrinkled and his clothes are very decent. If the Raksha people can speak Ming language, someone will shout that His Majesty is still fat.

Alexei had indeed gained weight. Although he was a prisoner, but because he was the emperor of the Raksha Kingdom, not only did Liu Hongjian not neglect him, but he also fed him with good food and drink along the way.

The only prohibition was not to step out of the cell. Alexei had his own tent during the march, and of course soldiers around the tent were strictly guarded.

Even during the march, there were carriages that shielded from the wind. Due to the shortage of covered carriages in the army, Lao Gu, who accompanied him for a long time, stayed in the same carriage with Alexei.

Another task of Lao Gu is to monitor Alexei and prevent him from committing suicide. When he was in the camp, the soldiers in charge of defense would open the tent to have a look every few moments.

However, to the disappointment of the soldiers, Alexei was a coward and had already lost the courage to commit suicide.

The reason why he was so cautious was that Liu Hongjian was worried that this guy would go to God without bringing him back to Daming. The prisoners who accompanied him included several city lords of the Raksha city, as well as members and ministers of the Raksha country council.

In fact, there were originally more than 30 captives, but only those in their early twenties were able to come to Daming safely. The reason is very simple. Except for Alexei, who enjoys VIP prison treatment, other Rakshasa officials do not.

They had to be locked in the prison van, which creaked and bumped for nearly half a year. Several elderly Raksha captives froze to death not long after leaving Moscow.

"This is the Tsar of the Raksha Kingdom, that is, their emperor, Alexei I, who provoked the war between the Raksha Kingdom and Ming Dynasty.

There are millions of people who died in the two countries because of this. If you add the Chahar Khanate, an ally of Ming Dynasty, at least 140 million people died because of this! "

Standing in front of the stage, Liu Hongjian pointed to Alexei and shouted to the officials and common people in the audience.

"Kill the culprit!"

"Punish him!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"King Qin is mighty!"

"Behead the Tsar!"


As soon as Liu Hongjian finished speaking, the people in the capital began to criticize Alexei.

Many old residents in the capital knew that there must be a prisoner offering ceremony when the army triumphantly returned. They indicated that when they came in the morning, they prepared a lot of rotten vegetable leaves, egg shells and other filth that had rotted after eating eggs, and began to throw them at the prisoners.

This frightened Wu Gang, the chief of the Wucheng Bingma Division. This prisoner is not an ordinary prisoner, but the emperor of another powerful country. Even as a victorious country, he should be given due respect.

And Zhu Cihong hadn't spoken yet, who would dare to be so presumptuous?
While Wu Gang ordered his subordinates to stop the people from throwing rotten vegetable leaves and rotten egg shells, at the same time he slipped out the old fritters that were the worst throwers and sent them to Bingmasi's prison.

The prison of Bingmasi is different from that of the bosses of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. They usually lock up green skins who have not been charged with petty theft, and these old fritters probably have a clear mind.

When he was caught, he shouted slogans such as killing the culprit, long live your majesty, and the mighty king of Qin, which made Wu Gang dumbfounded.

Zhu Cilang waved his hand to signal the excited people to stop shouting, and the people naturally obeyed when they saw the emperor standing up, and it didn't take long for the noise outside the Anding Gate, which was as noisy as a vegetable market, to quiet down.

"Богваснакажет..." Alexei seemed to recognize Zhu Cihong as the emperor of the Ming Empire, and shouted at the high platform in the prison car.

Zhu Cihong and Liu Hongjian didn't understand what this guy was saying, and the Minister of Rites immediately called for an interpreter who could understand Rakshasa. After the translation, they learned that Alexei meant that God would punish them.

It's just that Zhu Cihong doesn't believe in God, and doesn't know who God is, so he doesn't take it seriously.

Generally, if the crowd became agitated after offering prisoners, the emperor would immediately order the execution on the spot to vent public anger, but Zhu Cihong still hesitated.

As the emperor of the victorious country, he had absolute power to deal with the prisoners, but he wanted to hear Liu Hongjian's opinion.

"Liu Qing, how do you think this prisoner should be dealt with?"

"Your majesty, I believe that if the emperor does not kill the emperor, he has already lost his country and all his people. If he is willing to surrender, he might as well spare his life." After Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he went to Zhu Cihong and whispered a few times. sentence.

Zhu Cilang was also happy when he heard the words, and then he said to the interpreter: "You tell him, if you kneel down to me, you can spare him life and gain freedom, but if he refuses to kneel, God will punish him.

And God is the ghost-headed sword in the hands of the executioner. "

The interpreter frowned when he heard the words before he realized what it was like, and then trotted down the high platform and told Alexei Zhu Cihong's original words in Raksha language.

Alexei frowned when he heard this, but he did not kneel down after all, and Zhu Cihong was not angry either. He thought it was just Liu Qing's prank.

It was the first time he had heard of the saying that the emperor should not kill the emperor, but he didn't care if he killed the emperor of the Raksha kingdom. Everywhere, even if this guy returns to Moscow, no one will help him return to the country.

Moreover, it is tens of thousands of miles away from Moscow, and it is impossible to go back by one's own strength.

Pang Dahai naturally heard what Zhu Cihong said to the interpreter, and seeing that this Luo Sha Maozi did not kneel down, he ordered the executioner to do it in a rage.

The prison cart was quickly opened, and the executioner's ghost-headed broadsword gleamed coldly in the sun, and he ordered the executioners to raise their knives and kill all the Raksha country prisoners except Alexei on the spot.

Alexei watched the former courtiers die one after another in spite of the strong smell of blood. Not only did he faint from the horror, but he also became incontinent to urinate.

The executioner patted Alexei's face with the back of the knife to wake him up. Alexei was so weak that he couldn't stand up at all. He glanced at his colleague who was lying in a pool of blood and knelt down on Zhu Cihong's knees while shouting. before.

'Яготовнаколени, пожалуйста, дайтемнесвободу! '

"Яготовнаколени, пожалуйста, дайтемнесвободу!"

"Your Majesty, he said that he is willing to kneel down and hopes that you will set him free." The interpreter immediately translated what Alexei said to Zhu Cihong and Liu Hongjian.

"Hahahaha!" Zhu Cihong laughed happily when he heard the words.

There is nothing more proud than the emperor of a country kneeling before him, and so is Zhu Cihong.

"The emperor does not kill the emperor. God has the virtue of being good at life. I think you will find your way back when you lost your way. I will pardon you and make you a disobedient baron. I will give you a small courtyard!"


 Thanks to the dean of the book friend Feixiang, Kikujiro's summer reward of 100 coins, and thanks to the book friend Mouse for going to the street to reward 500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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