Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 900 Great Power Effect

Chapter 900 Great Power Effect (Part [-])
"Really? You have worked hard all these years!" Liu Hongjian was overjoyed when he heard that.

Last year, Li Xiangjun and Dong Xiaowan lived in the capital for half a year, and later returned to their mansion in Anping because they could not bear the severe cold in the north.

The reason why Liu Hongjian said this was because of his feelings. In the past few years, his family has always gathered less and left more, and what made him feel guilty most was that he was not around when his wife gave birth.

"My husband is the hardest one, we all understand." Kun Xing smiled slightly, his eyes bent into crescent moons.

"After finishing the matter at hand, I'll take you to the south of the Yangtze River. Are you interested?" Liu Hongjian said suddenly.

The fourth wife has given birth to a child. As a husband, he must take the time to see it. Thinking that he has not been able to fulfill his wish for a trip, he might as well take this opportunity to realize it.

Traveling as soon as you say it, and love without self-regard, the former can still be tried, but for Liu Hongjian, it is the current family that can make him self-conscious.

In the past, I would make excuses for myself with the bumpy journey, but now the cement and asphalt official roads from north to south have been connected, and the horse-drawn carriage has been running very smoothly and at a fast speed.

"Okay, master, Xue'er has never been to Jiangnan!" Yang Xue was the most lively, and when she heard that Liu Hongjian wanted to take them to Jiangnan, she immediately responded happily.

Yang Xue was born in the bitter cold of Liaodong, Sun Xiuxiu's ancestral home is Gaoyang, Baoding, Kunxing has never even been out of Shuntian Mansion in his life, and none of the three daughters has been to Jiangnan once.

However, they have repeatedly learned about the prosperity and elegance of Jiangnan from other people's mouths and books. Now that they can really go and see it, it makes the three girls happy for no reason.

Liu Hongjian was happy to see the three wives, and immediately asked Xiaobai to get a pen and paper to write back to the fourth and fifth wives. In the letter, he briefly explained his movements over the past year, and said that he would take his family to Anping to see them in a few days. They are so.

Then Liu Hongjian went to the palace again, he had to say hello to Zhu Cihong, lest this kid think he was going to run away.

When Zhu Cihong arrived at the Qianqing Palace, he had just left the court meeting and was still drinking porridge in the Qianqing Palace. He was stunned for a moment after hearing what Liu Hongjian said.

"It's good to go out for a walk. Liu Qing has worked hard during this time. You just go. You have to take good care of your sister-in-law and younger sister on the way." Although Zhu Cihong didn't want Liu Hongjian to leave the capital, he thought about how hard it would be to fool him. If you continue to help, you won't be too harsh.

At least for now, it seems that the people Liu Qing selected for him are doing well. Even if Liu Hongjian has been away from the capital for a year, the Ordnance Institute, the Lecture Hall, the Engineering College, the Xishan Commercial Cooperation, the Beiyang Navy, the Nanyang Navy, etc. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

He even hoped that Liu Hongjian would find his way back after the journey was over, because he really couldn't understand why his Liu Qing didn't value power so much. Anyone who needed him to discuss with his father and force him to become an official, the whole world would not It is estimated that there is only Liu Hongjian.

Liu Hongjian planned to leave in five days, but within these five days he still needed to go to various places to inspect the progress. Naturally, he couldn't just leave on a casual trip. He only hoped that it would be good if he could follow the plan.

The Ordnance Institute made every effort to expand the musket and artillery workshops, and divided the two into six, refining them into six specialized workshops for muskets, metal shell bullets, mortars, howitzers, mortar shells, and howitzers.

In addition, the Ordnance Institute is also responsible for many high-tech new projects, such as continuing to improve fuel engines, developing trains, generators, and light bulbs.

Song Yingxing told him that according to the established experience and the information he provided, the Ordnance Institute had completed the research and development of nitrocellulose three months ago, but compared to nitrocellulose, ray mercury seemed to be easier to preserve.

In addition, a gunpowder craftsman has developed a smokeless yellow explosive, which is more powerful than Daming's existing black explosives, and will not produce black smoke during combustion and release.

Upon hearing this, Liu Hongjian immediately received this craftsman named Huangshan, and rewarded him with 2000 taels of silver and a house in public.

No one understands the powerful effect of smokeless gunpowder better than him. Song Yingxing has never been on the battlefield, and he doesn't know what it is like to have a hundred artillery pieces or thousands of guns firing in salvo.

After a row of salvos, the position became billowing with black smoke, and the soldiers had to hold their breath, because the smell of burning gunpowder was too pungent, and it was easy to cause coughing after inhalation.

Moreover, due to the thick smoke blocking the line of sight, it greatly affects the accuracy of the firearm, and the smokeless gunpowder just makes up for this problem.

Liu Hongjian also went to check the development progress of cars and trains. In fact, cars are still the core of tractors, but after continuous modification, the fastest speed of this car has gradually surpassed that of horse-drawn carriages.

The train is still in the experimental stage, but Song Yingxing has figured out the original idea, and he believes that giving him another year will make a breakthrough.

Liu Hongjian felt that since a breakthrough was in sight, the construction of railways must be started in advance. Railways were not much slower than asphalt roads, but as long as the width of the train tracks was ordered in advance, there was no conflict between the two.

Repairing the train track is a big project. Liu Hongjian plans to build a trial track between Beijing and Tianjin Bao Shipyard first. Once the technology is mature, Wang Jiayan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, will be very busy.

The Martial Arts Hall and the Institute of Engineering are the two most relaxing places. One focuses on military science, and the other focuses on engineering and engineering. After the established teaching materials have become more and more perfect and the teachings have become more and more handy, Liu Hongjian no longer needs to intervene.

The first-term students of the Jiangwu Hall were finally sent down by Zhu Cihuang after being gilded in the Huben Camp, and all of them have already served as mid-level generals in the frontier army. They have experienced several wars in time, and with their military exploits, they will become generals and generals just around the corner.

On the third day, Liu Hongjian went to Tianjin Treasure Shipyard again. The fourth armored warship had entered the stage of launching and sea trials. Accompanied by Mo Huan, Liu Hongjian visited this heavy ship.

The battleship is 24 feet long, weighs 66 tons, has a draft of [-] feet, has two decks, and is equipped with [-] cannons, which is [-] more cannons than Fuchuan No. [-].

Moreover, the 66 artillery pieces are all howitzers, and with the use of more powerful smokeless powder, the range is [-]% longer than that of black powder.

The battleship is powered by fuel oil, and in terms of tonnage and the number of artillery, it easily meets the standards of a third-tier battleship.

Seeing the brand-new battleship Liu Hongjian suddenly had the idea of ​​going to sea to fight, but the new battleship is very different from the No. [-] Fuchuan, even if it is delivered to the Beiyang Navy, it will take at least two or three months to get used to it.

However, Mo Huan told him that the construction of the fifth and sixth battleships of the same specification is being stepped up, and two ships are being built at the same time. Besides, he is still planning a new dock, intending to build a more powerful three-decked battleship.

According to his plan, the steel-armored battleship with three decks could be equipped with ninety cannons, which would be enough to reach the level of a second-tier battleship according to Liu Hongjian's division.

The reason why Tianjin Treasure Shipyard was able to produce warships unscrupulously, not only did not encounter any obstruction or interference, it was all because of the strong national support of Ming Dynasty.

Tianjin Treasure Shipyard is a place that burns a lot of money. From research and development to trial production to launching and sea trials, each item will cost a huge amount of manpower, power, and financial resources.

According to incomplete statistics, Tianjin Treasure Shipyard spent at least 6000 million taels of silver in recent years.

But all of this, including the expenditures of Treasure Shipyard, Ordnance Institute and other institutions, not only did not affect the livelihood of the people, but also provided more jobs and brought benefits to the people.

Liu Hongjian called this the great power effect.

 Thanks to the book friends, I moved the train station here, and the reward for the tank camouflage uniform.

(End of this chapter)

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