Chapter 91

Three days later, in Meng County, Shenxianju Restaurant.

In the past, the Shenxianju Restaurant, which was full of wealthy gentry and merchants, was particularly deserted today, because Shenxianju was directly occupied by rich people who spent a lot of money.

Sitting in the private room of the restaurant, Liu Hongjian frowned looking at the bags of white powder on the table.

"Big stick, does this thing work?"

"Ah, my lord, I guarantee that it will work with a human head. Yesterday I tried it with a pig raised in Fang County Magistrate's backyard, and I heard from Steward Mao that the pig is still lying in the pigsty!"

Niu Dabangchui slapped his chest, and the pile of powder on the table was the legendary Mongolian perspiration medicine. In order to cope with this operation, Niu Dabangchou searched around the pharmacy in Linxian County, and only then got a considerable amount of Mongolian perspiration medicine.

"Well, don't be sloppy, this is Shanxi after all! In this way, if you increase the dose for me, the medicine is enough!"

Although he had sleeping pills in his ring, it was too slow to take effect, and it was not enough to knock down so many people. Liu Hongjian thought about it and said to Niu Zhuang.

"My lord, these medicines are enough to kill dozens of people. I heard from the shopkeeper of the pharmacy that taking too much medicine can easily turn people into dementia..."

"Never mind him, he's not a good bird. If he's demented, it's because God has the virtue of being good at life. Listen to me and give him ruthless medicine..."

Niu Zhuang scratched his head and led the way.

"Old Chang, have you arranged for the aftermath?" Liu Hongjian turned to Chang Yu again.

"Don't worry, my lord, the soldiers at the gate of the city have been bought by the officials with a lot of money, and the officials have also arranged thirty gunmen with hundreds of firearms around the restaurant. There are also ten in this restaurant. Unless there is an army coming, no one will stop them." Hold us."

Chang Yu said in a deep voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Mingyu hurried in from outside to report.

"My lord, they are here!" There was a noise from outside, Liu Hongjian ordered Chang Yu and Chen Mingyu to go out to greet him, while he himself sat firmly in the box.

Although according to the agreement, each of the eight great aristocratic families has a principal, but these eight families are all very lucky, and dozens of them came just by servants.

Wang Youcai entered the private room immediately, and the other seven people also entered to salute Liu Hongjian.

"Master Zhao, according to your instructions, I have already brought the principals of several other families here, and I will introduce you!" Wang Youcai changed into his previous humble face again, and the people behind him were not surprised at all. .

"This is Fan Jian, the eldest son of Fan, whose style name is Shuhuan.

This is Jin's eldest son, Jin Kaiyan, who has a different character.

Wang Decai of the Wang family, Liang Shanggao of the Liang family.

Tian Ruhai from the Tian family, whose style name is Boju, Zhai Yong from the Zhai family, and Huang Shulang from the Huang family. "

Wang Youcai introduced to Liu Hongjian one by one, and several people behind him also saluted one by one.

Liu Hongjian casually took the tea and pretended to be arrogant, and finally took a sip of the wine and sprayed Wang Youcai all over with a puff.

Boju?Do not lift?What kind of bird name is this...

"Master Zhao, be careful, is the tea too hot?" Wang Youcai didn't care about being sprayed all over his body, and instead stepped forward to help Liu Hongjian slap his back.

"Damn the lowly slave, what did you do, make such hot tea, does this restaurant not want to open?"

Wang Youcai sternly questioned the servants waiting outside the door.

"Ahem, it's none of their business. The names of these dear friends are unique. I'm just surprised. It's okay. Please sit down, everyone!

Oh, by the way, the other brothers all have their own characters. I don’t know what your character is, Brother Youcai? "

Liu Hongjian took a sip of tea and asked smoothly.

"Oh, my lord, you mean the young one. The young Wang Youcai has a talented character." Wang Youcai was asked by the "Zhao Si" adult just after he sat down, and he said with some complacency.

Pfft—Made, I really owe you so much.

"Well, not bad, your father is really talented, oh, you are also very talented!" Liu Hongjian held back his laughter.

Wang Youcai's father, Wang Dengku, was originally an illiterate butcher. Because of his handsomeness, he joined an old man's family.

He was greedy, took advantage of his power to bully others to buy and sell by force, and used his privileges to buy people's land wantonly, so that the people in a radius of dozens of miles around Shouyang became tenants of the royal family.

"Don't dare to act, dare not act, my lord is absurd!" Wang Youcai hurriedly responded.

After a while, a row of beautiful maidservants meanders here with steaming Shanxi dishes. Shenxianju is indeed worthy of the word "shenxian". It is said that the chef of Shenxianju is an apprentice of the imperial chef of the Wanli Dynasty.

But the reason why this fairy house is named after the gods is not because of the dishes, but the row of places behind the restaurant called "Enfang". As long as you have money, the maids in the restaurant can take away to Enfang pastime.

Now it is a place that integrates catering, entertainment, and red DENG district.

After a while, the table was filled with jade plates and delicacies, and the maids standing behind had already poured wine for the young masters in front of them.

Fan Jian, who was a little older, reached out and touched the maidservant's buttocks when the maid was pouring wine, causing the maid to almost spill the wine.

There was already a wine jug beside Liu Hongjian, and Chang Yu immediately filled it up for Liu Hongjian with great insight. Everyone at the table thought that this person was courting him and didn't care much.

"This time, Daxi Kingdom is preparing military rations. You have come from a long way. I am sorry to trouble you. Come, I wish you a prosperous business with this glass of wine!"

Liu Hongjian didn't get up either, he picked up the wine and made a half-circle. Everyone at the table quickly stood up to show their respect.

Liu Hongjian drank it all in one gulp, and took the lead in stir-frying the mutton with a chopstick. Lamb shoulder is the best mutton, with fine fiber and smooth and tender taste.

"The amount of military rations this time is relatively large. I think you have already discussed it. Let's talk about how much each of your families will pay? No matter how much it is, the officials will buy it at a price of two or six dollars!"

"My lord, my little one has already discussed with my father. This time, I plan to use up 12 shi of the family's grain to fund the army!" Wang Youcai took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"My lord, my Tian family can produce [-] stones."

"My lord, the Jin family can produce [-] stones."

"The Wang family paid [-] stones."

"The Fan family offered 14 shi." The Fan family, Fan Jian, took a bite of a chicken leg and said indifferently.

Fan Jian's father, Fan Yongdou, was the head of the eight imperial merchants of Jiannu. In the late Ming Dynasty, he smuggled grain, grass and ironware, and sold looted property on behalf of Jiannu. Deliver military food and help Manchu eradicate the resistance forces.

Later, he was named Emperor Shang, Minister of Taipusi, and a second-rank official.

"Well, it's not bad, I'm sorry, everyone, come, come, I respect you for the second glass of wine, I will do it first!"

Liu Hongjian didn't care about Fan Jian's rudeness, Ma De, the richer you are, the happier I am.

"Master Zhao Si can take it seriously, entrust this business to us, and we brothers will naturally do our best to share your worries!"

Wang Youcai was the most virtuous person, picked up the wine glass and drank it down with a sip, and did not forget to compliment him when he was done.

The people at the table complimented each other happily, and after drinking for three rounds, Huang Shulang lay down first, and Wang Youcai also shook his head while his eyes were fighting.

Then there was Wang Jian, who still laughed at Wang Youcai for his inability to drink, and just after he finished speaking, he lay down beside the table and remained silent.

"Brother talented?"

"See my dear brother? No brother?"

"Fan Jian? Huang Shulang? Why can't you stop drinking? Get up, I haven't had enough yet!" Liu Hongjian yelled and kicked a few times to verify the efficacy of the medicine.

Seeing that everyone was unconscious, Liu Hongjian opened the door and glanced at the outer hall.

The dozens of servants in the outer hall were treated well, and they also enjoyed a handful of delicacies that only the upper class could afford in Shenxianju. As a result, under the greeting of Niu Zhuang and Li Baida, they all lay on the table like dead pigs. superior.

The restaurant, which was noisy just now, stopped after half an hour, and the owner of the restaurant still despised these people's drinking capacity at first.

But after thinking about it for a while, I found something unusual. Wang Youcai, the young shopkeeper of the Wang family, came to his restaurant. He was a very good drinker, why did he also lie down?

No, no, there must be fraud in this, and the few people who came out of the box were holding sharp knives, which made the restaurant owner even more convinced.

Just as he called a smarter servant to go out to report to the official, he was blocked by soldiers from the Longevity Mountain Qianhu Station holding a knife outside the door before he went out.

The owner of the restaurant immediately collapsed to the ground with ashes. The eight people in the private room are all giant businessmen from Shanxi. Now they are all in his restaurant. He is almost certain that if his family finds out, the restaurant will not open, let alone his life. .

It can't be said that after these villains leave, they have to run away.

Liu Hongjian was too lazy to chat with the restaurant owner, seeing that he had no intention of resisting, he left a few people to guard the restaurant and ordered them to leave after an hour.

Immediately, he, Niu Dabanchui, Li Baida and others left the restaurant carrying the profiteers like dead pigs.

The carriage had already stopped outside the restaurant, and eight profiteers like dead pigs stuffed it in. Chang Yu pulled out a few horses from the backyard of the restaurant, and the group rode out of the city.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that it is gold and the ax while drunk.Thank you, friends who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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