Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 951 Treaty of Versailles between China and Europe

Chapter 951 Treaty of Versailles between China and Europe

"What is a cigar?" Zhu Cihong asked Liu Hongjian in confusion.

"A kind of poison." Liu Hongjian said bluntly, he just took one look at the man and knew that this guy was a smoker.

"Since it's poison, why do you still need to take it?" Zhu Cihong asked in surprise.

"You are really not a qualified CEO, because this kind of poison is not fatal, but it is addictive. Once you become addicted to smoking, you will become like this." Liu Hongjian shook his head and said.

After accidentally discovering those pressed tablets in Nanyang, Liu Hung-chien added tobacco leaves to make cigars, and sent them as gifts to the European aristocracy through an informant.

Of course, except for the first year when it was a gift, later it was all about collecting money. After Liu Hongjian left Daming, the penetration of cigars was always in charge of Xishan Shanghe.

As the helm of Xishan Shanghe, Zhu Cihong didn't know about it, which made Liu Hongjian very contemptuous.

After asking about the defense situation of various countries, Liu Hongjian threw them into the sea and fed them to the fish without hesitation. For Liu Hongjian, they had lost any value.

In fact, there is no need to ask at all. The distribution of military forces in the European countries has been figured out by Ming Jinyiwei for a long time, but the sea route to Europe is still very long, and Liu Hongjian is just passing the time.

The fleet continued westward for several days, and Liu Hongjian finally got the latest news about Europa.

"Report to the emperor, Governor Qi and the Dark Legion have conquered the capital of the Great Franji Kingdom, and they have continued to attack the Little Franji Kingdom." The sentinel ship came from the Iberian Peninsula. Although the soldiers were tired, they saw Zhu Cihong Still very excited.

The Dark Legion is actually a pawn that Liu Hongjian arranged in Europa more than 30 years ago. These years, they have been operating as a mercenary group in Northern Levia and the European countries, and have accepted their employment.

At first, the European countries also doubted the identity of this mercenary army, but later they still cooperated with it due to various pressures. For more than 30 years, those doubts have long since dissipated. The Dark Corps even has a good reputation in Europa.

Also because they are often hired to participate in various wars on Europa, the Dark Corps has always been very powerful, but the Europa people never dreamed that one day this mercenary group that often helped them win battles would fight back.

Cooperating with Qi Laosan's squadron, they fraudulently opened the gate of Little Frangji Country in just one day, and then the old trick was repeated and quickly rushed to Little Frangji.

When the Ming Fleet landed on the Iberian Peninsula a few days later, most of the entire peninsula had been captured, and the kings of the Francophones fled to France to seek asylum.

For more than 30 years, this legion has only appeared in the information of the Great Ming Jinyiwei. During more than 30 years of brutal battles, soldiers have changed one crop after another, but the average age of the legion has always remained at around 26 years old. When Zhu Cihong saw the Great Qin Kingdom The eyes of this legion were widened.

Soldiers who were comparable to black charcoal stood in the open space. Except for their eyes, their military uniforms were all black. If you look closely at the eyes of these soldiers, you will find that madness is brewing in their eyes.

"Brother Liu, how did you conquer these black people? They be in awe of you." Zhu Cihong really didn't know how to describe it.

When Liu Hongjian left Daming, he took this army back into Daqin's possession. At that time, the staff headquarters agreed without hesitation. There was no other reason. To raise an army in such a remote place, who knows who it is for wedding clothes.

But obviously Liu Hongjian did it.

"It's not difficult, Your Majesty. I'll feed them, clothe them, treat them when they're sick, and avenge them if they've been bullied. They will work hard for me. It's a good deal for both parties, isn't it?" Liu Hong Gradually said very calmly.

In fact, he wanted to say, wasn’t Daming the same 40 years ago?As long as someone feeds, how much is life worth?

Zhu Cihong remained silent, while Liu Hongjian was fine. He gave orders to Xing Shan and other officers directly under the regiment:
"March north and attack France!"

The Dark Legion only had more than 4 infantry troops, and the intelligence showed that the French army had 10,000+ troops, but Liu Hongjian was not worried, because the vortex of the battlefield was not here.

As early as Jin Yiwei learned of the Europeans' conspiracy, the General Staff Headquarters began to secretly mobilize a large number of troops to Moscow. The frontier army and the imperial guards mobilized a total of no less than 30 troops. Know what that means.

When the Europa Combined Fleet arrived at the Cape of Good Hope for the first time, the war in Eastern Europe had already begun. It swept across half of Europa in one and a half months, and the Western European countries had to mobilize a large number of troops to resist Ming Dynasty. The fleet was able to take the Iberian Peninsula so smoothly.

In the next two months, Europa was completely plunged into the abyss of war. The Ming army in Eastern Europe was in dire straits, and France in Western Europe was in jeopardy.

In March of the 36th year of Taishun, the Europeans finally succumbed to the Ming Empire. Liu Hongjian and Zhu Cihong sent troops to the Palace of Versailles in France, and signed the Treaty of Versailles between China and Europe with the European countries.

The treaty agreement is as follows:

First, the Fifteen Countries of Europa paid 5000 million taels of silver to the Ming Empire and the Great Qin Kingdom, which was paid off in 20 years, with an annual interest of 8000%, and the total principal and interest amounted to more than [-] million taels;
Second, the countries set up embassy districts in the capitals, and Europas were not allowed to live there;
Third, the standing armies of various countries should not exceed [-], and large warships should not be built;
Third, demolish all the forts along the Atlantic coast, the Baltic Sea coast, the Mediterranean coast and the main rivers of the countries, and station the imperial troops in the capitals of the countries;

Fourth, the Europeans are forever prohibited from establishing or participating in various organizations that are "enemies of the Ming Dynasty", and offenders will be put to death;
Fifth, if an incident of "harming the people of Ming Dynasty" occurs among officials of various countries, they must be suppressed immediately, otherwise they will be dismissed immediately and will never be appointed;

Sixth, the countries acknowledged the mistake of tearing up the Moscow agreement, the mistake of launching the Malacca naval battle and the Sino-European war, and submitted letters of apology to the Ming Empire and the Great Qin Empire.

The Treaty of Versailles between China and Europe was completely drafted by Liu Hongjian, who did not allow any arguments from the Europeans. Based on his memory of the humiliating treaty in later generations, he imposed it almost intact on the arrogant Europeans.

Regarding this treaty, the Great Ming Empire's General Staff Headquarters kept silent, and Zhu Cihong was also silent. They originally only wanted to teach the arrogant Europeans a lesson, and they were also surprised why Liu Hongjian could draft so many items so proficiently.

"Brother Liu, is it too cruel?" Zhu Cihong finally couldn't bear it.

"It's not cruel at all, unless you want to fight the Europeans again in 30 years, if you are still alive at that time." Liu Hongjian said seriously.

He didn't want to go this way, but the arrogant Europa forced him to do so. He couldn't guarantee how long this treaty would last, and the grievances and wars between the empire and the Europa would never disappear.

He must weaken the fighting spirit and combat readiness of the Europa people as much as possible, and stay ahead forever economically, militarily, and technologically, as before and in the future.

In April of the 36th year of Taishun, the combined fleet of the Ming Empire and the Great Qin State returned from the Baltic Sea. The fleet was fully loaded with spoils confiscated from the palaces of various kingdoms.

The smug Zhu Cihong stood on the deck and looked at the endless Atlantic Ocean, suddenly feeling empty in his heart.

"Brother Liu, I'm planning to take a Zen position when I go back this time." Zhu Cihong said calmly.


 Thanks to the book friends for the 100 taels for lighting up the lamp and looking at the ax while drunk, and thank the book friends for the one-year-old Jiulongtan and the book friends 150920083008419 for the 1000 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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