Chapter 108
"Your Majesty, the officials are still kneeling in the Golden Luan Hall, and it has been two hours now."

Shao De'an is always paying attention to the situation in the Golden Luan Hall, but this is not what he wants to pay attention to, but what His Majesty asked him to pay attention to.

Looking at His Majesty's gloomy, watery face, Shao De'an's heart was beating uncontrollably. After following His Majesty for so many years, he knew clearly that if he angered His Majesty at this time, even he might not die. To peel off the skin.

Zhu Yu stared blankly at the memorial on the case, and it wasn't until a moment later that the blank eyes gradually returned to normal, and became brighter and brighter like stars.

"Let me always pay attention to them, and report whenever there is a situation."

"It's Your Majesty, the servant obeys the order." Shao De'an responded respectfully, and only after waiting for a few minutes to see that Zhu Yu had no arrangements, he retreated lightly.

"Huh... If you want to force me, then I will see if you have the ability."

Zhu Wang was still in the mood to read the memorial, and as Shao De'an retreated, he also threw the imperial brush aside, and sat quietly on the chair with his eyes closed.

Two hours passed, that is to say, a full four hours passed. In fact, this time has already exceeded the limit of those ministers. After all, these people are no longer young, and they are basically 50 years old. People who can sit and never walk when going out, and people who can lie down and never sit.

What's more, the time of the early court also starts at three quarters of Yin time, which is the so-called four o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, these ministers basically got up around three o'clock, and rushed to court before they even had a bite of food.

Therefore, with the passage of time, some ministers who couldn't stand it suddenly fell to the ground, which also surprised the eunuch who had been paying attention to them, and quickly reported the news to Shao De'an, and Shao De'an reported it to Congratulations.

"Your Majesty, the minister of the Ministry of Industry just now fainted in the Golden Luan Hall, and has been taken away by the imperial doctor for treatment."

"Your Majesty, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials just now..."

"His Majesty……"

In less than half an hour, Shao De'an had already come four times. Except for the first time when one person fainted, several people would faint in the next three times. It was not until this time that Zhu Yu's persistence was finally defeated by this group of people. Ministers broke.

He couldn't help but sighed and said: "Declaring my will, Sun Deqiang perverted and deceived the king, and the Ministry of Punishment will immediately arrest him for crime."

Zhu Yu's eyes were cold and heartless, as if what he wanted to judge was a chicken, and what he wanted to deal with was a dog, which didn't arouse the slightest disturbance in his heart.

"Yes, the servant obeys the order." Shao De'an immediately lifted his spirits when he heard the words, knowing that His Majesty had softened, but he was also happy to see this result, because since Sun Deqiang gained power, he has become less and less important to him. .

In the long run, Shao De'an even doubted whether he would be replaced by Sun Deqiang.

"Wait a minute, you go to the Fusi of Nanzhen first, pass on my order, appoint Wang Kuo as the commander of the Jinyiwei, and order him to handle all matters in the Jinyiwei as soon as possible."

Shao De'an, who had just walked to the door, was shocked again when he heard the words, and secretly thought that it was true, His Majesty really wanted to promote Wang Kuo.

Thoughts turned in his mind, Shao De'an's expression didn't change at all, he just kowtowed to accept the order, and then he backed out gently.

Following Zhu Yu's order, soon there was a commotion inside and outside the capital.

Some of the ministers held a big banquet, some walked around and kept in touch with each other, and some hid at home to rejoice. In short, they were all different, but they were all extremely excited.

And Jin Yiwei inside and outside also formed a clear response. The Jin Yiwei of Beizhen Fusi were all downcast and listless. Even those commanders and commanders who were looking forward to Sun Deqiang's resignation also showed disappointed expressions.

They thought that if something happened to Sun Deqiang, they would have a chance to make further progress, but they didn't expect that His Majesty would directly decree to promote a pacifier.

The long hope was suddenly shattered, how could they not have mixed feelings in their hearts?

"No, it's impossible. It's impossible for His Majesty to treat me like this. The miscellaneous family don't believe it."

Sun Deqiang stared at the officer of the Ministry of Punishment with horror in his eyes, looking at Huang Tongtong's imperial edict, he couldn't believe it.

"Humph, believe it or not, it's up to you." The person who came was a third-rank left servant of the Ministry of Punishment. Thanks to Sun Deqiang's performance during this period, he had just been promoted.

It's just that his heart was not only not grateful for Sun Deqiang, but was full of hatred, because it was this guy in front of him that caused his mentor to go to prison, and finally died in prison.

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Zhiqiang yelled angrily: "Come here, why don't you push him back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation."


All the officers of the Ministry of Punishment agreed almost unanimously, and stepped forward to roughly put the shackles on Sun Deqiang's body.

No matter how much Sun Deqiang struggled, he was no match for the force of the guards. After several guards accidentally hit him several times in a row, Sun Deqiang understood some truth.

Just when Sun Deqiang was taken away by the Ministry of Punishment, Wang Kuo, who was in the Fusi of Nanzhen, also welcomed the eunuch who delivered the decree, and this eunuch was not an ordinary person, it was Shao De'an himself who came to congratulate him in person.

"Eunuch An, this villain is He Dehe Neng, and I still want to trouble you to go there yourself. If you have something to say, I will go find you."

Wang Kuo's posture is very low, just like his motto, one should be low-key in life and high-key in doing things. In front of Shao De'an, the chief eunuch, Wang Kuo not only greeted him with a smile, but also made people send Nanzhen Fusi, Some respectable people shouted out and greeted them together.

"Hey, what is the commander talking about, the miscellaneous family is just following orders."

Although Shao De'an said he was acting on orders, if he really came here on orders, then Wang Kuo would be really stupid.

The head of the majestic palace, the daily affairs are so busy, how can such a matter of passing the decree be arranged on him?

So Wang Kuo understands that this is Shao De'an conveying kindness to himself.

"Eunuch An is serious." Wang Kuo said politely, stepped aside quickly, and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. An, please come inside quickly. The younger one will let someone prepare a banquet. This time, if we have a chance, we must Have a drink or two."

When turning around, Wang Kuo also winked at Wu Dazhuang.

"Commander Wang is being polite. The miscellaneous family is following orders, so how can we drink? Forget it this time. If there is a chance in the future, the miscellaneous family should invite Commander Wang to have a drink."

Shao De'an nodded indistinctly. From Wang Kuo's attitude towards him, it can be seen that this young man is a spirited person.

The two went straight to the lobby of Fusi in Nanzhen, one behind the other. Wang Kuo deliberately took half a step behind to show his respect for Shao De'an. This simple action also made Shao De'an appreciate him more and more.

Being capable but not arrogant, having status but not oppressing others, being sensible and understanding of dignity, this is the role model for eunuchs of my generation!Shao De'an looked at Wang Kuo with a humble face, and nodded secretly in his heart.

After the imperial decree was announced, Wu Dazhuang finally rushed back with the banknotes in his arms.

Needless to say, Wang Kuo's purpose has always been to solve problems with money, so he never used other methods. After directly selling ten 1 taels of silver bills, the smile on Shao De'an's face became brighter and brighter like a chrysanthemum.

"My subordinates congratulate you for your promotion."

As soon as Shao De'an left, a group of Jin Yiwei from Nanzhen Fusi, led by Wu Dazhuang and Ji Ce, saluted respectfully like Wang Kuo and congratulated him.

"Well, everyone is our own brother, so don't come here." Wang Kuo nodded calmly, and he didn't look a little excited.

And in fact, it is true. When Zhu Wang bought the shares of soap and perfume from him, he had already guessed that this day would come, but what he didn't expect was that this day would come so soon. .

However, being promoted is still a good thing after all, but the most urgent thing is not to congratulate, but to hold the power in your hands.

"Wu Qianhu, send down the order immediately. Nanzhen Fusi can do everything normally. You and Ji Ce will take a hundred households with me. Let's go to Beizhen Fusi."

"Yes, my lord." Wu Dazhuang and Ji Ce looked at each other, and they both saw a touch of excitement in each other's eyes.

Adults get promoted and get rich, and those who serve as their subordinates are also honored.

The gathering of a team of hundreds of households only took a moment, so when Wang Kuo led the team to Beizhen Fusi in a mighty way, it was just a stick of incense time.

This time when he went to Beizhen Fusi, Wang Kuo learned the lessons of his previous tenure as Nanzhen Fusi, so even if he believed that he would not meet Nanzhen Fusi again when he took office this time, he still brought a team just in case. The people and horses went together.

Of course, this is also related to pomp.

After all, he is a senior member of the third rank, so it should be a little pompous.

Speaking of which, this Jin Yiwei is worthy of being the emperor's personal soldier, and whether his promotion or not depends entirely on Zhu Yu's mood.

It can be said that as long as Zhu Yu is happy, one moment you were an ordinary Jinyiwei, and the next moment he can make you a third-rank commander.

In the same way, as long as Zhu Wang sees that you are unhappy, even if you are the commander, you will become a prisoner in the next moment, just like that Sun Deqiang.

Life and death are boundless, everything is involuntary, it is all in His Majesty's mind!

"My subordinates welcome you! Congratulations on your promotion."

When Wang Kuo brought people to Beizhen Fusi, he saw that the gates of Beizhen Fusi had been opened far away.

A group of Jinyiwei officials with more than a thousand households have already waited outside.

Secretly sighed that it was worthy of being a department engaged in investigative activities, and they had already received the news before I arrived.

While sighing, Wang Kuo and his people finally walked into Beizhen Fusi.

"Come in with me."

Stepping into Beizhen Fusi, Wang Kuo's voice finally came slowly, making all the Jinyiwei officials who were still kneeling on the ground stand up quickly and followed his footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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