Chapter 116 King of Han
"According to my order, the guards of Zhenlangguan and Anmingguan must keep these gangsters out of the gate. If there is any mistake, I will take their heads."

Inside the Golden Luan Hall, Zhu Wang was furious and slapped the dragon case again and again.

Last year's Tatar invasion caused heavy losses to the Tianming Dynasty, so Zhu Yu couldn't help getting excited just after getting the news this time.

Wang Kuo stood in the middle of the row, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and remained silent.

It was about the military affairs, so he didn't have the right to speak at all, not even the military officers in the Golden Luan Hall could speak much, only the civil servants were the main force of this court meeting.

"My dear friends, let's all talk about it, how should I deal with this matter?" After Zhu Yu finished his anger, he did not forget that the actual problem had not been resolved. Seeing the civil and military gathering of the Manchu Dynasty, there was a look in his eyes. The look of anticipation.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Tatars and the Kingdom of Jin have closed the customs at the same time. It is obvious that the two have already communicated. Therefore, our court should act like a thunderbolt to let them know how powerful our Tianming Dynasty is. As long as it hurts, Only by hurting them can they be completely settled down, and they will never dare to violate my frontier."

The person who spoke was Fan Wang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. In terms of external affairs, Fan Wang has always been a main fighter, so it is not surprising to have such remarks.

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with Fan Shangshu's words." Unexpectedly, as soon as Fan Wang finished speaking, a person walked out of the queue impatiently and shouted hastily.

"Your Majesty, although the Tatars are nothing to worry about, but this time with the participation of the Kingdom of Jin, I will deal with Yi Luo on my own. Therefore, I believe that the purpose of his Tatars to fight the autumn wind every year is to be able to go smoothly. To survive the cold winter, since that is the case, why don't we give him food and let him retreat?"

"In this way, not only can we demonstrate the strength of our celestial dynasty, but we can also make friends with our neighbors and avoid the disaster of swords and swords. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

"Fart!" Fan Wang, who had just retreated to the rank, suddenly turned red, and cursed angrily without even thinking about it.

"Is the prestige of my kingdom in the sky obtained by begging for mercy?"

Fan Wang once again stepped out of the ranks, his eyes actually gleamed with indifference, he looked around in the court of civil and military affairs, and then he clasped his fists and bowed to Zhu Yu in salute.

"Your Majesty, according to Master Li's words, where is the prestige of my celestial dynasty? Where is the backbone of my celestial dynasty?"

"What's more, the Tatar tribe is ambitious. If you don't hurt him this time, will you still have to pay tribute to him every year in the future?"

"Furthermore, there are 20 troops from the Kingdom of Jin stationed outside the Anming Pass. Does that mean that my Celestial Dynasty will also pay tribute to the Kingdom of Jin so that they will retreat on their own?"

"Your Majesty, what Fan Shangshu said is really insulting to the prestige of our Celestial Dynasty. I believe that Fan Shangshu disregards the national system, but in fact is a national traitor and should be punished!"

That Mr. Li was scolded, he only felt angry in his heart, and he was even more angry when he heard Fan Wang's words, and he put a big hat on him without thinking about it.

This person is Li Changping, the left servant of the household department, that is, he took over the position of Li Jing, the former left servant of the household department, and Li Jing has been transferred to the Ministry of officials to serve as the left servant.

"Your Majesty, I think what Master Li said is true."

"My Majesty, the prestige of the Celestial Dynasty is not given by people, but by us..."

For a while, after Fan Wang and Li Changping finished speaking, all the ministers also chose to stand in line.Either support Fan Wang's main battle, or support Li Changping's main peace, in short, each has its own words and has its own reasons.

But it was actually Li Changping and a few others who were really targeting Fan Wang.

Looking at the chaotic court hall like a vegetable market, Wang Kuo has long been accustomed to it. After nearly a year of early court career, he has already known the faces of these ministers, so he will not be surprised.

They watched with great interest the civil and military quarrels of the Manchu Dynasty, and what's more, they kept cursing in the court hall. For example, Fan Wang kept angrily calling Li Changping a traitor and so on.

I have to say that this Fan Wang is steel, with a very strong head.

Not only did he dare to yell non-stop in the court, but just looking at the way he rolled his arms and sleeves, he was afraid that he would have to perform a full martial arts performance in a while.

bang bang bang...

Zhu Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the table hard. It has to be said that after Sun Deqiang's action half a year ago, Zhu Yu's voice in the court has become more and more powerful, although many times he still can't suppress the court. Civil and military, but it has been able to contend.

"Enough, I asked you to come up with ideas, not to scold the public."

With Zhu Yu's anger soaring to the sky, the hall was rarely quiet, and even Fan Wang, who was extremely stubborn, retreated under Wang Kuo's eyes.

"Okay, I've made a decision."

Seeing that all the officials were silent, Zhu Yu nodded in satisfaction.

"Military Minister Guo Xiaofeng accepts the order!"

"Minister Guo Xiaofeng, accept the order!"

As Zhu Yu's voice fell, Guo Xiaofeng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, hurriedly took a step from the ranks and knelt down in the tunnel.

"The Ministry of War immediately summoned 20 soldiers and horses, and the soldiers were divided into two groups to go to Zhenlang and Anming to garrison. We must guarantee that the two passes are safe!"

"Yes, I obey the order!" Guo Xiaofeng kowtowed to accept the order.

"Shangshu Dong Shaohua!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"The Ministry of Households immediately prepares food, armor, swords and other items to ensure all logistics supplies for the 20 soldiers. Before the soldiers and horses move the food and grass, they will make preparations in advance according to the route of dispatching troops."

"Yes, I obey the order." Dong Shaohua is also a member of the Zhuhe faction, but with Zhu Wang's order issued, he can only obey the order and thank you.

"Okay, except for the Ministry of War's plan to send troops and prepare for the war, the other loves will retreat."

Zhu Yu issued orders one after another, and when he finished speaking and retreated from the court, all the ministers of civil and military affairs also knelt down and bowed to the ground, shouting long live three times.

"My lord, it's about the prestige of the country, you, how can you not show up!"

In the Royal Academy, Wang Kuo and Fan Wang sat opposite each other.

Hearing Fan Wang's words, Wang Kuo shook his head lightly and explained.

"Your Majesty Fan doesn't know something. Since I heard that the Tatars were detained, I was also very angry, but you are not ignorant of His Majesty's situation. Our Majesty is soft and not hard, and you are competing in the court. Can."

"But if I also participate, it will make His Majesty feel that the imperial power is being controlled again. At that time, it will not be a good thing for you, me, or even the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty."

Fan Wang was complaining that he didn't contribute much in the court, but Wang Kuo was also very helpless. At that time, he observed that the number of the civil and military main fighters in the Manchu Dynasty was still relatively large, so the chances of winning in terms of momentum were higher.

Of course, even if the main battle faction loses and Zhu Wang asks for peace in the end, he, Wang Kuo, has nothing to do. After all, this is a world of imperial power, which is the so-called promise.

Unless in the future he can get more than half of the civil and military support of the Manchu Dynasty and hold military power in his hands, otherwise he can only be obedient.

So if His Majesty now makes an order, he really has no other way to change Zhu Yu's mind except to use the head on his shoulder to harden the steel.

Fortunately, in the end Zhu Yu's choice was fairly clear, at least it was in line with Wang Kuo and Fan Wang's ideas.

"Hey..." Apparently Fan Wang also understood this truth, and he sighed helplessly after hearing Wang Kuo's explanation.

"Yeah, but the official is abrupt."

"What did Master Fan say? Master Fan's heart to serve the country with all his strength, I know in my heart, and I am deeply moved, but sometimes, hey... there is nothing we can do."

The two sat opposite each other, discussing the situation, the war, and the world. After drinking a cup of tea, both of them recovered a little bit. Generally speaking, although His Majesty's choice was conservative, compared to the general acceptance of surrender. Gong is still acceptable.

Fan Wang didn't leave until it was getting late, but it was at this time that a Jin Yiwei suddenly rushed to report.

"My lord, there was a letter from the palace just now, and the Empress called you into the palace."

"Well, I understand, you go prepare the car!" Hearing the Queen's call, Wang Kuo felt his tongue go numb again.

Wang Kuo's speed was very fast, and he arrived outside the queen's palace in just half an hour, but he didn't expect to meet the second prince here, who is now His Highness the King of Han.

"Hmph, what a dog slave, don't you know how to salute when you meet me?"

"Slave Wang Kuo, I have seen His Highness the King of Han." He rolled his eyes in his heart, although he was dissatisfied with the King of Han, he still bent down and saluted very realistically.

Four months ago, the Emperor Zhu Yu suddenly abolished the First Prince's position as Crown Prince. As for the reason?Then it would be more realistic, but it was just a sentence of lack of virtue, so it was withdrawn.

It's just that just when everyone had already wished that Zhu Yu would change to a prince, they didn't want Zhu Yu to start crowning the king directly!

As for the position of the crown prince, it remains undecided.

First, the eldest prince was named King Qin, the second prince was named King Han, the third prince was named King Wu, the fourth prince was named King Wei, the fifth prince was named King Jin, and the sixth prince was named King Zhao...

And after the enfeoffment, Zhu Yu directly ordered these princes to leave the capital and go to Fandi!

So Wang Kuo was really surprised by the appearance of this King of Han!
But only for a moment, Wang Kuo suddenly remembered a piece of information sent by his subordinates not long ago, and suddenly understood it in his heart.

It turns out that the fiefdom of the King of Han is near Anming Pass, and the distance from Anming Pass is only more than 100 miles away. Such a distance seems to be very far, but in fact, even in this era, when the corps charged on horseback, it was only a day or even a day. It's just a two-day journey.

"So this guy came back to take refuge?"

"Well, let's go, my mother is waiting for you." King Han nodded, and his ugly face restrained a bit.

"Yes, please, Your Highness first." Although he said politely, Wang Kuo had guessed the reason why the queen called him here, and he gained confidence in his heart.

But just when Wang Kuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he lamented that his tongue and fingers were finally not so tired today.

Unexpectedly, a feeling of pity welled up in his heart, and this feeling startled him as soon as it appeared, and he quickly shook his head to throw this thought out of his mind.

"Hey, this queen is quite beautiful, even though she is a bit older, but it is also the time when she is full of charm!"

Wang Kuo couldn't help thinking of Long Rong'er again in his mind.

Speaking of which, although Long Rong'er looks a little fuller, her skin is smooth and tender, and her skin is white. At 35 years old, she is the most charming age. She is indeed a beautiful young woman.

Boss Cao's hobbies...seems to be...very good too!

(End of this chapter)

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