Chapter 125 Guan Xu (sixth watch, ask for monthly pass)
As Guan Xu got up, Keyan also recovered from his thoughts, and took two steps to catch up with Guan Xu.

The two walked out of the study one after the other, and soon came to the avenue from the backyard to the front yard. After walking for a while, a group of people appeared in sight.

At this time, there were only four or five people left behind Wang Kuo, and the other Jin Yiwei were left in the front yard by him!

It is a very disrespectful behavior to lead a group of people to walk around other people's houses wantonly.

Not to mention that Wang Kuo can't act wild at will in the governor's mansion. Even if we talk about it carefully, there hasn't been any conflict between the two so far.

As the saying goes, everyone carries the sedan chair. Before there is a conflict, it is not only Wang Kuo, but even Guan Xu does not want to tear his face.

So proper respect is essential, which is why Guan Xu decided to come out to greet him after hearing the key statement.

In fact, the key will appear in the front yard, which is a kind of test for him by Guan Xu, and even if there is no statement about the key coming back, Guan Xu will go out to meet him at the right time.

I have to say that sometimes people are like this, and the time to appear on the stage has to be carefully thought out, what is the best time!

Life is full of knowledge, just like the simple greeting or not, if he goes out early, he may pass it on, and he will become his dignified chief minister, from the second-rank minister to the Jinyiwei!
But if he went out late, or didn't go out, he would invisibly offend Wang Kuo, the celebrity beside His Majesty, and even offend Jin Yiwei, the incomparably sharp knife!

"My lord, this is Wang Kuo, Commander of Jinyiwei, and the villain has already invited you here!"

The little official had already seen the two figures coming out from a distance, seeing that his lord came out to greet him, the little official couldn't help trembling in his heart, and said to himself thankfully that he didn't offend Wang Kuo just now, otherwise, seeing his lord's attitude, he would Even if it doesn't die, it will probably drag a layer of skin!

Thoughts turned in his mind, the little official also took two steps to one side very winkingly, and said!
"Master Wang, this is our chief political envoy!"

"Mr. Guan, Wang Kuo, the next official, has admired your lord's name for a long time. When I saw him today, he is indeed worthy of being called a Confucian general, and he is also the military god who protects half of our Tianming Dynasty!"

Wang Kuo's voice was loud, and his tone was full of admiration. Even the expression on his face was that of meeting an idol, which made the smile on Guan Xu's face even brighter.

While secretly thinking that this kid will be a man, he couldn't help but smile!
"Your Majesty Wang is the Commander of Jinyiwei, responsible for monitoring the world's officials for His Majesty. His power is hard to beat, and Guan has been admired for a long time!"

"My lord is joking, but the kid is just doing things for His Majesty. In this point, we are not the same!"

Wang Kuo just shook his head indifferently to Guan Xu's flattery, and his humble appearance made Guan Xu laugh out loud.

Wang Kuo's words have a sense that everyone has different responsibilities and positions, but they all don't distinguish between high and low.

But if Guan Xu believed him, he would be really stupid!
Since there is no distinction between high and low positions, why does everyone want to strive for the top and go to the cabinet?Desperately go to the position of the chief assistant?
Since there is no distinction between high and low, why are civil servants gaining power and military officials being suppressed?
Why is there still talk about scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce?
"Yes, we officials seem to be superior, but in fact we are not all serving His Majesty!" Guan Xu responded with a smile on his face, and then pretended to be stunned: "Look, my official I hit it off with Mr. Wang, and I forgot that I was still standing here! Mr. Wang, let's talk inside?"

"Guests do as they please, Mr. Guan please!" Wang Kuo smiled slightly!
"Okay, then I won't be polite!" Guan Xu was not polite either, and turned around with a smile and walked towards the living room in the backyard. At the same time, the young man who was following Guan Xu also hurriedly followed.

Wang Kuo glanced lightly at the young man who was following Guan Xu, and found that although this guy was wearing a military uniform, that is, the clothes of a soldier, it couldn't hide his sharpness, which showed that this guy was by no means as simple as he appeared on the surface.

Wang Kuo was thinking about something in his heart, but Wang Kuo didn't show it, he followed Guan Xu with a smile and walked towards the living room.

A group of people soon came to a huge living room. The reason why the living room is so big is actually related to Guan Xu's position as political envoy.

The chief envoy holds both military and political positions. It can be said that as long as it is in Dongshan Province, whether it is political affairs or military affairs, there is nothing that the chief envoy cannot control!

Therefore, it is a matter of urgency to have a huge reception room with many civil servants and generals.

Guan Xu, as the host and the one with the highest official position, naturally sat at the head position, while Wang Kuo sat at the lower left hand position.

Of course, if Wang Kuo took out the imperial decree and acted in the capacity of the emperor's order, then he would be sitting in the main seat.

It's just that for Wang Kuo, low-key is the kingly way, and there is no need to do such simple things just for a seat.

The two sat down one after another, the young man consciously stood behind Guan Xu, and Zhang Shaojun and several hundred households also stood behind Wang Kuo.

Guan Xu's eyes flitted over the few people behind Wang Kuo indiscriminately. Guan Xu still admired the arrogant soldiers behind Wang Kuo, which may be related to his years of being in the army.

Especially when he saw Zhang Shaojun, he took a special look at the gun Zhang Shaojun was carrying behind him.

Although he didn't know him, but based on Guan Xu's experience in leading troops for many years, he immediately felt that this thing is not simple, it should be a weapon.

It's just that no matter whether it's the experienced Guan Xu or the young man standing aside, neither of them think much about it, or maybe they don't care at all!
"I don't know if Mr. Wang is here this time, but is there anything you want me to do?"

After some dispensable nonsense, Guan Xu also brought up the topic!

"Master Guan, this kid is here to Dongshan Province by order to investigate a case!"

When Wang Kuo heard that Guan Xu had brought up the topic, he quickly put away his smile, and his expression became righteous.

"Because the tax money in Dongshan Province this year has been reduced by nearly half compared to previous years, His Majesty specially ordered the boy to come and inquire. So if the boy has offended you, please forgive me and hope that Lord Guan can support you!"

As soon as Wang Kuo's words fell, Guan Xu's expression suddenly changed, because he knew that there was so much less tax and money, and he was even clear about whether there was anything tricky about it, but what he didn't expect was that, after all, It's beyond his imagination that he will investigate this matter thoroughly this year.

But it was only a moment before Guan Xu reacted. Thinking of Jin Yiwei's actions in the past year, it seems that this matter is not so difficult to accept.

It turned out that the reason why Guan Xu was surprised was because this kind of thing did not happen this year, but it had already started to happen in recent years, from the initial reduction of [-]%, to the reduction of [-]%, and even to the direct reduction of half this year. , Guan Xu knew it well.

It's just because in the past, all the officials protected each other, even if Zhu Yu wanted to, he was powerless, so the corruption in the local officialdom became more and more serious.

Thoughts were turning in Guan Xu's mind, but it didn't show on his face, not even the slightest change in his expression, and he patted his chest to assure him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. This incident happened in Dongshan Province. In the final analysis, Guan is also to blame. If it is useful to go to Guan's place, just ask Mr. Wang. As long as it is within Guan's ability, Guan will never let it go Don't refuse!"

"Your Majesty Guan is righteous, and I bow to you!" Wang Kuo cupped his hands in admiration, and then changed his voice: "However, please rest assured, Lord Guan. Your Majesty has given the full authority to handle this matter, and has given you the authority to deal with it." It is the right to kill first and then play, so the lower official just hopes that the adults can help the lower official to stabilize the officialdom and army in Dongshan Province, and leave the rest to the lower official."

Wang Kuo seems to be reassuring Guan Xu, but he is actually warning Guan Xu not to make trouble, otherwise I have the right to kill you directly!

There was no hint of warning in the tone, but it made Guan Xu understand the threat, which is also a state.

Of course, having said so much, An Xin Wan Wang Kuo will not forget to give it!
"Furthermore, according to investigations sent by the lower officials, it has been discovered that this matter is dominated by Kim Jong-ah, who participated in politics on the left, and a group of corrupt officials from Dongshan Province are assisted by a group of deceitful acts. And the adults have been secretly investigating this matter for these years. And collected quite a lot of evidence, speaking of which, I have to thank you for your help!"

"Hehe..." Guan Xu couldn't help saying hello to Wang Kuo's words when he heard the words, secretly thinking that this son is really not easy, but at the same time he has no choice but to accept this gift from Wang Kuo.

Looking at Guan Xu with a smile on his face, Wang Kuo knew that Guan Xu would help him, even as he said just now, maybe he would give him some criminal evidence related to Kim Jong Ah!
Because before coming here, Wang Kuo had already sent someone to notify Feng Yong, and asked Feng Yong, a local snake, to investigate the officialdom in Dongshan Province.

It was also from the investigation that Wang Kuo learned about it.Although Dongshan Province is headed by Guan Xu, there is actually another force that can oppose Guan Xu, and that is the group of people like Kim Jong Ah!
With the help of the Jin family's power, Kim Jong-ah has arranged many officials of his own clan in Dongshan Province over the years, as well as some officials who have defected to the Jin family. Under the secret development, he suddenly let him develop a force that can counter Guan Xu. Forces come.

In fact, it cannot be said that Guan Xu is incompetent. It is because the officialdom is deeply intertwined and the relationship is intricate, and the Jin family is powerful. It has promoted the rapid development of Kim Jong-ah's power, until he finds out that something is wrong.The Kim Jong Ah Group has already grown and grown to the point where it is difficult for him to eliminate it.

In fact, there is another concern, that is, pulling out the Kim Jong Ah Group will mean that there will be a violent shock in the officialdom of Dongshan Province and affect his status!
Let me ask you, how can you, the chief officer, not be responsible if something happens to your subordinates?

It is precisely because of knowing the official situation in Dongshan Province that Wang Kuo can guarantee that Guan Xu will help him!

Because the relationship between the two is mutual benefit, Wang Kuo can help Guan Xu not to be implicated, and Guan Xu can also help Wang Kuo one step faster and get rid of Kim Jong-ah and the group more safely!

(End of this chapter)

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