Chapter 135 Golden Army
"Dog slave, what a bastard!"

Inside the Jinluan Hall in the capital, Zhu Yu looked at the several memorials in front of him, but finally couldn't restrain his anger, and suddenly threw the memorial to the ground fiercely and roared.

Shao De'an looked at his nose, nose and heart, bowed his head and remained silent!

This is already Zhu Yu's first time today that Long Yan is furious, he naturally knows how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

"Look at what is written here? Huh? Jin Yiwei arrested him, and Jin Qiao resisted to the death. During the arrest process, he actually sent me a whole family of beheads?"

"And there's more than one? Give me enough..."

"Five or six hundred lives, how dare he kill them? Even if I have been the emperor for so many years, I can't kill as many people as he did this time!" Zhu Yu was so angry that he couldn't help but yell!
"Who does he think he is, but a slave of mine, a dog."

"How does he want Shi Ji to record me? Is it fatuous or a cruel tyrant?"

Zhu Wang was furious, but this anger came and went quickly!In a blink of an eye, he regained his composure.

"Go and send someone to investigate for me, and ask Guan Xu, the governor of Dongshan, to submit a memorial to explain the ins and outs of this matter clearly. I want to see if the Jin family is really going to rebel!"

The king's heart is unpredictable, which is the true portrayal of Zhu Yu at this time. One moment he was angry at Wang Kuo's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but the next moment he was concerned about the actions of the Jin family.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this servant will send someone to investigate!" Shao De'an bowed respectfully, and stepped back slowly out of the Golden Temple.

At the same time, Wang Kuo, who was rushing to other prefectures in Dongshan Province, also received two pieces of news. The first one was that Anming Pass was broken, and the Jin army advanced, burning, killing and looting based on Anming Pass. Cold River City!
Hanjiang City is a county seat located behind Anming Pass and in front of Annan Mansion. This county seat is also majestic and tall, easy to defend but difficult to attack!
Hanjiang City is a pass city that is also used to defend against the Kingdom of Jin. The difference is that there are only 5000 troops stationed here all year round, while Anming Pass has nearly 2 people.

The function of Hanjiang City is to buy buffer time, the purpose is to buy time for the chief envoy of Dongshan Province to dispatch troops.

Two days ago, An Mingguan was under the cooperation of the Jin army, and suddenly a group of soldiers opened the city gate from the inside.

Although the guards discovered it in time at the time, after a chaotic battle, Tianming soldiers were still defeated because of their numerical disadvantage, and the Jin army took advantage of the momentum to attack Anming Pass.

Hearing this news, Wang Kuo could only let out a long sigh in vain. It has to be said that it is a pity that Tianming Pass was lost this time.

It turned out that Wang Kuo learned from the letter that the reason for the defeat this time was that the Jin army was too cunning.

The Jin Army claimed to have an army of 80 this time, but it was actually 40. The commander of the Jin Army was treacherous and ghostly.

The 30 army attacked the city with siege equipment. Under strong pressure, after a while, the defenders, who were already less than [-], could only fight and defend repeatedly.

This battle took more than half a month, and the Jin army lost [-] people and suffered countless injuries!
The Tianming defenders lost 3 people and injured more than [-] people, of which [-] were seriously injured!

After half a month of fierce fighting, both sides were exhausted. It was at this point in time that more than 500 Jin troops entered the city in the name of doing business as early as half a month before the Jin army besieged the city. , also taking advantage of this opportunity, launched a war to snatch the city gate from the city in the early hours of the morning.

A battle broke out between the inside and the outside. The Tianming defenders fought fiercely for more than half a month, but they did not find any abnormalities. In addition, they were tired and neglected the defense of the city. Therefore, in just half an hour, the city gate was completely lost.

There were even less than a thousand soldiers who escaped from the city alive in the end, which shows how heavy the casualties were in this battle.


Wang Kuo galloped on a horse, followed by dozens of guards and a hundred Jin Yiwei. At this time, they were less than two days away from the nearest city. This was also since he received the news. reason.

This city is called Dongfeng City, and after Dongfeng City is Qingshan City.

Wang Kuo was very clear about his own position. He was just a commander of Jinyiwei. Although his official position was not low, he was not a person in charge of military power, nor was he expected to charge into battle. Therefore, it is better to stay away from things like war.

But even if he had this idea, he was still worried about Du Weiwei and Yin Qingqing's three daughters, because Wang Kuo knew that he might be assassinated not long ago, so he didn't take the three daughters with him.

Now that the army is in turmoil, even if Wang Kuo wants to run away, ahem, if he wants to leave, he must first pick up the three daughters.

Speeding along the way, Wang Kuo also saw more and more refugees who had left their homes. These people were the people near Hanjiang City.

"Go and inquire, and see how the battle is going!" Wang Kuo had been riding for half a day, and he was a little tired at this moment, so he couldn't help but stop slowly, and waved his hands to inquire about the latest situation.

Because he has been running on the road all the time, the news has to be transmitted later. At this time, Wang Kuo only knows that Hanjiang City is going on a war to seize and defend the city.

"My lord, I just found out clearly that Hanjiang City has not yet fallen, but..." Wang Kuo frowned when the guard hesitated to speak.

"But what?"

"However, some villages and towns near Hanjiang City have been massacred, and the Jin Army has also sent troops to follow some small roads to the back of Hanjiang City, and is already attacking other counties."

The guard's words made Wang Kuo's heart sink. He didn't expect the situation to be so urgent now. It seems that this time, how many innocent people will suffer.

"Give me an order, everyone speed up, let's take the path, the goal is directly at Qingshan City!"


With an order, everyone applauded and accelerated, and soon stepped into a remote path from the official road.

"My lord, there are two roads ahead, one is a short road, but it will take a detour through Annan Mansion, and the other road is farther, which one shall we take?"

"Annan Mansion?" Wang Kuo was taken aback when he heard the words. He knew that Annan Mansion was a city relatively close to Hanjiang City.

The distance between the two is only about a hundred miles. Cold River City is very big, but no matter how big it is, its function is only a frontier fortress and used for border trade. After all, it is not a prefectural city.

But Annan Mansion is a prefecture city, the size is almost the same as Hanjiang City, but its status is much higher than that of Hanjiang City.

To put it simply, there will be at most a county magistrate in Hanjiang City, but there will be a magistrate in Annan Prefecture. The most important thing is that it is still the fiefdom of the King of Han.

"Let's go to Annan. It's closer there, and it's a hundred miles away from Hanjiang City. I don't believe that the Jin army can reach there now!"

Wang Kuo only made up his mind to take Annan after a little consideration, because he could arrive at Qingshan City half a day earlier by this road.

It turned out that after dealing with Xu Shasha's matter, Wang Kuo did not choose to return to Beijing, but went another way to find Zhang Shaojun and the others, but he didn't want to learn the news that Anming Pass was lost halfway through.

"How about it, can you still hold on?" Wang Kuo looked back at Xu Shasha who was following behind him, seeing her pale face, he couldn't help asking with concern.

After driving for several days in a row, especially since he didn't have much rest today, Wang Kuo couldn't help but worry about Xu Shasha who was still injured.

"I'm fine!" Xu Shasha glanced at Wang Kuo expressionlessly. The expression on her face was indescribably indifferent, which showed that she still had a lot of opinions on Wang Kuo.

"In that case, let's continue walking!" Wang Kuo nodded indifferently, and at the same time gave the order to move forward.

Immediately, everyone galloped away again, leaving dust flying behind them.

"Send a scout ten miles ahead to investigate, and report every quarter of an hour."

After traveling for dozens of miles, Wang Kuo suddenly found that there were fewer and fewer people fleeing, and he couldn't help but feel worried, so he quickly sent scouts to find out the news.


Suddenly a horse came galloping from a distance, and shouted loudly while riding a horse and galloping!
"Report, my lord, I found a group of Jin troops slaughtering villages ten miles ahead, please give me instructions!"

"Hehe, instructions? What instructions do we need for people like this?" Wang Kuo heard.A sneer suddenly sneered in his heart, adding all of them, there were more than 150 people. He didn't know how many people were in the Jin army, and he didn't want to know.Hearing this, he subconsciously ordered to make a detour.

Here is less than [-] miles away from Annan Mansion. Although there is still a Jinyiwei hundred households in Annan Mansion, and Feng Yong's men and horses are there, but Wang Kuo can only say a word in his heart, what's the matter? up!
"Everyone..." Wang Kuo looked back and ordered, "Changing lanes with me!"

"Yes, my lord!" The guards nodded in agreement, but their voices were not as loud as before.

Wang Kuo frowned, he knew the reason, but he didn't want to put himself in danger, so his brows relaxed in an instant, and he was about to move forward.

"Dog officer, you are not human at all!" Xu Shasha's voice sounded, and Wang Kuo's pat on the horse paused slightly, and he turned to look at her!
"Seeing that my compatriots are being slaughtered, you, as an official of the court, have done nothing. What are you not a dog official?" Seeing Wang Kuo's gaze, Xu Shasha did not flinch, and still looked up at each other.

"You say I'm not human?" Wang Kuo's voice became colder: "Do you know what my duty is? I am the Jinyiwei, who arrests people, not kills, and I am not an officer or soldier. Naturally, there will be soldiers on the battlefield. My Jinyiwei Is it because I rushed up that there is no one else at dawn?"

"And look at my brothers, don't I think about their lives? Am I going to take them to commit suicide?"

"Hehe..." Xu Shasha sneered immediately when she heard the words, with contempt and disdain clearly visible in her eyes, "Are you afraid of death after all?"

"Officer Dog, no matter how much you say, it's because you are afraid of death!"

"Am I afraid of death? Hehe!"

Wang Kuo sneered when he heard this.

His face was a bit ugly when Xu Shasha said it, and he felt ashamed and angry as if someone had uncovered his scars. When he was about to order Xu Shasha's mouth to be sealed, he suddenly saw a group of guards from the corner of his eyes, almost half of them Everyone looked disappointed.

This also shocked Wang Kuo. Knowing that his actions had lost his military spirit, he gritted his teeth and laughed wildly for a moment in his heart!
"What a big joke, I am afraid of death? Today I will let you see what is a man and what is an imperial order!"

Wang Kuo yelled angrily: "Spy, how many people in the Jin army are massacring the people?"

Wang Kuo knew that his bodyguards were warriors recruited from the common people. Warriors had one advantage, but also one of their disadvantages, that is, these people were too chivalrous.

So at this moment, no matter whether it is for buying people's hearts or for the little conscience in his heart, he can only go this way!

Of course, if there are too many enemies, you can only continue to feel embarrassed!

(End of this chapter)

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