Chapter 168
This night, Wang Kuo was busy for a long time, and he didn't stretch out tiredly until the sky brightened.

First of all, the memorial was to be sent to Zhu Yu. This was Wang Kuo's request to Zhu Yu to postpone the expedition for two days. It meant that the new soldiers were unstable and lacked weapons and armor. If they went out suddenly, there might be problems.

The second is to study the route of dispatching troops, which Wang Kuo spent a whole night sorting out!
After all, the war is changing rapidly. It may have been at Zhenlangguan a few days ago, but it may have entered now, so some things need to be considered.

Secondly, there are Wang Kuo's explanations to Jin Yiwei, as well as his explanations to the women in his family. He has to think about it carefully.

It has to be said that there are many benefits to having a big family and a big business, but sometimes it affects the whole body, and he needs to make changes in many things.

Wang Kuo's memorial had already been sent to the palace through his relationship. Wang Kuo, who was sitting next to the case, looked at the envelope addressed to the queen in front of him, thought and thought, and finally took out the fire folder and lit it.

Envelopes are the most important evidence at critical moments, and no one can be sure if someone who is not afraid of death will open the envelope to have a look, so word-to-mouth news is the safest.

Figured this out, Wang Kuo also exercised his muscles and bones again, and then he raised his head and came out with a valiant and high-spirited appearance. The servants of the Royal Academy who came and went couldn't help guessing, My lord, this is a good thing.

It is necessary to enter the palace for a battle, sometimes even if he doesn't want to, he can't stand the demands of the ladies.Therefore, it is necessary to properly adjust the mental state and physical strength.

At this time, at the court meeting, Zhu Yu also threw Wang Kuo's memorial at the feet of the Minister of War with a bang, and angrily reprimanded.

"Look, show me a good look. The mighty Ministry of War actually owes you equipment for the new barracks. What about the military salaries I give you every year? Do you eat them all?"

Guo Xiaofeng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was taken aback by this sudden scene, without even thinking about it, he knelt down naturally, yelling for injustice.

I was also thinking in my heart, this Wang Kuo's speed is quite fast, I only went to the Ministry of War to ask about this matter yesterday, and today this memorial actually fell on the Long case.

However, he didn't take Wang Kuo's complaint seriously. After all, a little general who is not even the commander of Jinyiwei, Lao Tzu's dignified minister of the Ministry of War, and a dignified heavenly official are still afraid of you?
However, just when this idea just popped up in his mind, a scene that broke his heart and gallbladder suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Your Majesty, I have something to play!" Fan Wang strode forward, bowed slightly to Zhu Yu, and then sprayed Guo Xiaofeng with full firepower.

Uncle can bear it, but auntie can't. You, Fan Wang, a minister of the Ministry of Rites, actually want to meddle in the affairs of the Ministry of War?
When Guo Xiaofeng saw Fan Wang, a fighter, stand up, he didn't even think about getting up and going back, but he didn't think that Fan Wang's appearance was just a charge.

The next scene really made him sweat!
Li Qingsong from the left servant of the official department, Zhang Liang from the right servant of the household department, Dong Yun, the young minister of the Dali Temple... All the senior officials from various departments came out to impeach him, especially the one who frightened him the most. There is the servant of his Ministry of War!

A full third of the ministers had already appeared in the bustling crowds, and this was the reason why Fan Wang hurriedly turned his head and winked to stop them after seeing that the situation was almost the same. Otherwise, it would be unknown how many people there really were!

"Your Majesty, I don't agree with you!" Lu Pu's old face trembled, what a familiar scene, this group of people overstepped themselves and directly impeached him, hehe, is it true that Mr. Ge is really nothing in your eyes? gone?

It was hard to accept it in his heart, but Lu Pu knew that this was an opportunity for himself. Although the minister of the Ministry of War was not very powerful, he also had a little influence in the court. If he helped him today, wouldn't he be able to tie him to his own? Is your warship on board?

"Your Majesty, Mr. Guo of the Ministry of War is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice. Our Tianming accounts..."

Lu Pu is the elder of the cabinet, so he has some understanding of the affairs of the various families in the court. What he has to do now is to muddy the water!
For example, when it comes to money, the affairs of the household department are indispensable. When the household department gets involved, it will be even more unclear.

Sure enough, when Lu Pu talked about the account issues, the Minister of the Household Department also hurriedly went out and cried poorly.

It probably means that there have been wars every year in the past few years, and the country has long been unable to make ends meet. He, the minister of the household department, said he was in charge of the money bag, but he was really poor!

You see, the Ministry of War wants money, the Ministry of Officials wants money, and the Ministry of Industry wants money... In short, they are poor and have no money!

However, although Lu Pu had a good idea, he couldn't stand Fan Wang and he wasn't just for nothing. When he saw them changing the topic, he hurriedly stepped out and brought the topic back up again.

He said that Guo Xiaofeng had a mansion in his family with countless servants and maids, so he almost pointed at Guo Xiaofeng's nose and said that he was corrupt and took bribes.

The most important point is that Fan Wang actually took out an account book related to the Ministry of War, some of which were illegible, and where the accounts were unclear, he even marked them out.

For a while, except for the officials who knew about this matter, the rest of the officials actually felt a sense of fear.

How did this guy find these ledgers?Isn't this Jin Yiwei's job?

Not to mention everyone's fear, Fan Wang also sent the ledger to Shao De'an, and Shao De'an handed it over to Zhu Yu.

Needless to say, if this kind of thing is exposed in front of all officials, it will naturally be strictly investigated!

What's more, in the final analysis, Zhu Yu didn't have a good impression of these officials. In his heart's words, he couldn't do without this group of people, and he would still be intimidating if he had them!

Since none of the officials defended you this time, how could Zhu Yu defend you? Following the request of Fan Wang and other ministers, he directly ordered a thorough investigation of the matter and arrested Guo Xiaofeng.

At this point, Lu Pu had no choice but to back away in frustration, and glanced at Fan Wang indiscriminately. He had already noticed Fan Wang.

In the past few times, he didn't think much about it, he just thought that Fan Wang had uttered the aspirations of all the officials, which made him the leader of all the officials, but today he killed a Minister of the Ministry of War, how can he be so stupid and can't figure it out , then he doesn't have to mess with officialdom anymore.

In fact, not only Lu Pu, but also the other two Ge elders also showed thoughtful expressions. Zhu Yu also looked at Fan Wang in surprise on the dragon chair, waved and called Shao De'an, and told him carefully. Two sentences, which made all the officials retreat.

Not to mention that after Baiguan retired from the imperial court, due to an accident in the Minister of the Ministry of War, the left and right servants of the Ministry of War also paid attention to this matter, and adjusted all matters related to the new barracks as quickly as possible. Finally, he walked out of Fengming Palace with back pain.

"What the hell, it really is repeated again and again, and there is only one thing, and countless times!"

Shaking his head and rubbing his waist again, Wang Kuo hurriedly left with lingering fear.

I don’t know why the queen, the lord of the harem and the mother of a country, likes excitement so much. After experiencing him once, Lu Zhan Sanying, she fell in love with this feeling, and even gave it to the imperial concubine Meng and the three heroes. Concubine Li Huanggui, Concubine Yin Huanggui and others called over.

Once again with more than one enemy, Wang Kuo also successfully defeated the enemy in hardships, but this is also a kind of battle that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred.

Leaving the palace, Wang Kuo understood what the queen meant. Simply put, she was a person who would do anything for her son. She wanted to use all available resources to help the king of Han ascend to the position of the ninety-five lord.

As for the Queen's idea, Wang Kuo has already seen it, but he also has his own concerns, because there is a lesson for this kind of thing, and that is Lu Buwei of the Qin Dynasty.

It is said that they were father and son, so they had their heads chopped off?
Forget it, let's take a step and take a look, the official at the border can't do it anyway!

Suddenly, Wang Kuo remembered what Xu Shasha said. Xu Shasha didn't know the official's name, so there are quite a few people guessing for him.

Not long after leaving the palace, Wang Kuo got the news of Guo Xiaofeng's arrest from Jin Yiwei. After thinking for a while, he also sent someone to send new instructions to Fan Wang, so he ignored it and was ready to let the situation develop on its own.

August NO.15, although the morning sun is bright, the air is still slightly cool in the morning.

This day was also the day when Wang Kuo's army set out, but according to Wang Kuo's request, the army that set out this time did not go directly from the barracks, but returned to the capital first, and set off after taking an oath at the General's Temple in the capital.

The movement of the [-]-strong army naturally needs to be reported to the Ministry of War for approval, and it still needs to enter Beijing, so not only the Ministry of War, but actually it needs Zhu Wang's approval.

Therefore, the news was quickly blown out like the wind, and it also made the civil and military officials who heard the news have different expressions, including ridicule, worry, and frowning.

The ridicule is to laugh at Wang Kuo's lack of self-knowledge. He is just a new army. Do you still think you are a soldier of a hundred battles?When you are completely wiped out, let's see what face you have to come back.

What is worrying is that Wang Kuo's actions are hard to see through. They don't know the reason why Wang Kuo did this, and they don't know whether Wang Kuo will do anything earth-shattering.

In fact, Zhu Yu also had a little bit of worry about this matter, but this worry dissipated as soon as it arose. Not to mention whether Wang Kuo is trustworthy, just say that the new army has just been handed over to Wang Kuo for a few days What kind of outrageous things can he do in just one day?Who is willing to listen to him?

As for those frowning and thinking people, I have to say that these are the people who know Wang Kuo best, because Wang Kuo really has ulterior motives in doing this.

In the early morning, the flags fluttered in the wind. The new army of ten thousand people wore the latest armor and held swords. They set out from the General Temple with mighty and unyielding steps. The places they passed along the way were crowded with people, attracting countless people to watch and send them off. .

In front of the crowd, Wang Kuo rode on a tall horse, walking in the front with his head held high, behind him were dozens of elite guards, Duan Kui and Ren Xuedong.

After that, there is a neat line of [-] new troops!
"My lord!" Duan Kui came to Wang Kuo on horseback, looking at the people who were blocked on both sides of the road by the guards and the soldiers of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

This kind of thing is really exciting just thinking about it!

Sure enough, if you want to get promoted and get rich, you still have to follow the right person!

(End of this chapter)

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