Chapter 174
"Send people to clean up the battlefield, and send all the spies to the front to inquire about the enemy's situation, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

Half an hour later, Wang Kuo finally led his new army to annihilate the Jin army in front of him after a desperate beating.

However, the victory in the first battle did not make Wang Kuo forget about it. Although he won this time, it was only bought with a strong loss.

Not to mention the casualties of Duan Kui and Zhang Shaojun on both sides, there were less than 500 casualties, and the 500 soldiers led by Ren Xuedong had more than [-] casualties.

In other words, after just one battle, nearly one-fifth of his [-] troops were lost!

Of course, no matter how good the result is, it is not as important as your own soldiers!

"Zhang Shaojun, Duan Kui, your injuries are relatively minor. Count the battle damage immediately. I want to know as soon as possible how many soldiers we died in this battle, how many soldiers were slightly injured, and how many were seriously injured. of!"

"Yes, my lord!" Hearing the words, the two quickly retreated to make statistics, and Wang Kuo also sent his own soldier leader to lead people to inquire about the enemy's situation. He clearly remembered that the Jin army still had at least 1 troops The army did not show up!

At this moment, the post-war soldiers also recovered from the initial victory carnival, and gradually became demoralized one by one!
In fact, there is no way to do this, because no matter who it is, after seeing their former friends and brothers die in front of their own eyes, they will feel shocking and trembling!

"You go to organize all the households, and even the general banners to hold a meeting for the soldiers. At this time, everyone needs warmth and care!" Wang Kuo glanced at Ren Xuedong, who was seriously injured and still stubbornly refused to seek medical treatment. , also arranged a task for him.

With all the people around him leaving and performing their duties, Wang Kuo gradually became more relaxed. Through the already bright sky, he felt the humidity in the air, and felt a little dull in his heart.

Time was passing by slowly, and the soldiers' mood was slowly recovering. Soon the soldiers who were in charge of inquiring about the enemy's situation also came back, and returned a news that surprised Wang Kuo.

It turned out that the Jin army suddenly sent [-] troops here to attack them, and was also discovered by the guards of Yingdong County. This guy turned out to be a smart man.

Because I was afraid of the Jin army's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but I also heard that these Jin troops were rushing for reinforcements, so I couldn't ignore it.

So with an idea, he came up with a trick to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and sent thousands of troops to directly harass the Jin army!
It's quite like if you come out, I'll leave, return to the city to defend the city, and if you don't come out, I'll call the formation, with the attitude of attacking at any time.

As a result, the generals of the Jin Army were so frightened by him that they dared not go to support at will. In fact, this was also related to his carelessness.

Because he had already received the news that the army that Tianming came to help was a recruit.

In the hearts of the generals of the Jin army, not to mention the recruits of the Tianming Dynasty, even the elites of the Tianming Dynasty, meeting their equivalent elite troops would be the stuff of death. It was completely wiped out at one point.

When he heard the news, he was completely stupid. If the soldiers around him hadn't reminded him many times, he would have thought it was a dream!

In this way, the general of the Jin army who missed the rescue opportunity also had to face a serious problem, that is, he was actually at a serious disadvantage, so disadvantaged that if he did not retreat in time, it would be a dead end.

As for the guard on Tianming's side, after hearing the news, he was also like in a dream, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he asked the soldiers who came to deliver the message.

"I said you kid is not lying to the general, right? Even those [-] recruits who have not been baptized in war can defeat the [-] elites of the Golden Army?"

"Hehe, your joke is really, really not funny!"

The obvious look made the reporting soldier look anxious, and hurriedly explained.

"General, this is true, and it is not a defeat. It is said that the Jin army was almost wiped out!" The soldier who reported thought for a while, maybe because he felt that such a statement was not convincing, and hurriedly said!
"General, this is the soldier we went to inquire about the enemy's situation. I saw with my own eyes that the Golden Army had gone out with a total of 1 people. As a result, after more than an hour, only about a thousand people fled and ran back to the Golden Army. station!"

"You, are you telling the truth?" The guard still couldn't believe it, but seeing the soldiers under him didn't look like he was joking, so he couldn't help asking again, his tone even stuttered because of nervousness!
The soldiers who reported did not dare to laugh at their general, so they could only nod fiercely, saying!
"General, it's true..."

"Report!" Suddenly, before the soldier finished speaking, there was a loud report from the door, which caused the guard's eyes to light up suddenly.

If what the soldiers reported was true, then there should indeed be news coming from this meeting!

Sure enough, after he came in eagerly, a soldier reported the matter to him again, the difference was that this soldier spoke more carefully!

"What, you mean that the Jin army is already reorganizing the army, and it looks like they are going to retreat?" The guard couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and he stood up from behind the case and asked.

"Yes, general, the Jin army is already in the process of reorganizing the army. As for whether to retreat, the subordinates are not sure yet!"

"Okay, okay..." The guard heard the words, like ants on a hot pot, circling in circles, walking back and forth with his hands behind his back: "Well, you should immediately send someone to the direction of Yingnan County to confirm whether it is real or not. Reinforcements are here!"

"And you, immediately gather everyone and prepare to send troops to intercept with this general!"

"Grandma, as long as it is confirmed that it is true, this is the best opportunity for us brothers to make contributions!"

"Yes, General!" The two soldiers looked at each other, seeing a look of unconcealable excitement in each other's eyes, and then hurriedly left together.

They have been suppressed and beaten by the Jin army for so long, it is time for revenge!


Besides, Wang Kuo at this time has finally determined the number of casualties in this battle.

Looking at the report in hand, I still breathed a sigh of relief. Although the battle suffered heavy losses, only more than 700 soldiers actually died in the battle. Among them, Ren Xuedong was responsible for an astonishing 600 people in the defensive formation.

As for the remaining personnel, the slightly injured accounted for more than 1000 people, while the seriously injured only had about [-] people.

"Have all the disinfection methods I gave you been used by wounded soldiers?" Wang Kuo looked at the report and pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked Duan Kui.

"My lord, my subordinates have already used it, and the wounds of all wounded soldiers have been washed with the alcohol you mentioned!"

Duan Kui heard the words and hurriedly reported!

These alcohols were all prepared by Wang Kuo before he left Beijing, and it was no joke to go out to fight. Naturally, he would not forget items that could be disinfected like alcohol.

"Okay, you are responsible for leaving 1000 troops and handing them over to Ren Xuedong. They will temporarily set up camp here to protect the wounded soldiers. The rest of the troops will be organized immediately. I want to see where his golden troops can go!"

Under Wang Kuo's probing, he also successfully heard the news that the Jin army was about to flee. Wang Kuo had no reason to let go of this kind of beating the dog in the water.

"Yes, my lord!" Duan Kui nodded, and suddenly asked like Wang Kuo: "My lord, there are more than 1 people left in the Jin army, should we send someone to contact the guard in Yingdong County?" one time……"

"Report, my lord, Ma Lan, the guard of Yingdong County, has sent soldiers to ask to see my lord!"

At this moment, the voice of a soldier at the door suddenly came into the tent, making Wang Kuo smile at Duan Kui.

"No, look at him, he thinks faster than you. Hasn't someone been sent here?"

After teasing Duan Kui, Wang Kuo said to the outside with a majestic voice!
"Let him in!"

"Yes, my lord!" The soldier outside the door agreed, and soon a soldier wearing Tianming's armor opened his tent and entered the road!
"The villain won Zhang Hao, a thousand households in Dongxian County, and met General Wang!"

In the army, there are very few people who address you as a lord, and they are basically called generals. This is because Wang Kuo came out of the capital, and his subordinates are used to calling him lord, so the soldiers under him also call him that.

Otherwise, the soldiers under him would still call him a general, not an adult.

Wang Kuo understands this truth and doesn't want to correct it. Whether it's his own subordinates or the soldiers in front of him, it's just a title, so don't take it too seriously.

Wang Kuo stood up from behind the case, and went straight to the subject with a smile on his face: "So it's General Zhang. I don't know that General Zhang is here this time, but what arrangements does your general have?"

"Don't dare to be a general. A villain is a thousand households. I don't dare to be called a general!" Shaking his head modestly, Zhang Hao then clasped his hands solemnly and said: "The villain is ordered by my general this time. One is to come to investigate To investigate the situation of the reinforcements, the second is to implore General Wang to send troops together and leave the more than 1 gold troops behind."

Sure enough, they were all members of the army, and they spoke happily, without the twists and turns of the literati, which made Wang Kuo listen quite comfortably. He just lowered his head for a moment of thought, then suddenly raised his head and said.

"Your general's thinking coincides with this officer's. This group of golden troops came from Anming Pass. They burned, killed and looted all the way, and they committed all kinds of crimes. Now they are alone. If we can keep them, it will be a disservice to our army." An encouragement, but also a blow to the morale of the Jin army!"

This group of Jin troops came from Anming Pass, initially there were only 5 people. They wanted to attack Zhenlang Pass by surprise, but they didn't want to expose their tracks on the way.

This is because the Tianming soldiers are defending various passes and cities, and cannot mobilize large forces to encircle and suppress them. This is why these 5 people have survived until now.

But there is a problem that no one can ignore, that is, where do these people's food and grass come from?

In fact, needless to say, as long as you use your brain a little, you can know that these food and grass must have been burned, killed and looted by them. For this reason, I don’t know how many people have been murdered!
Therefore, whether it was out of emotion or reason, or for the sake of military merit, Wang Kuo would not allow them to leave without incident.


"In this way, you go and report to your general. Now that the Jin army is reorganizing and about to run away, there is no time to discuss it, so this officer proposes..."

(End of this chapter)

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