Chapter 184 Booty

The sky was getting dark, and Wang Kuo's heart was as dark as the sky now.

Every hour passed was a kind of torment. If there were another two hours and the tribe of the prairie people could not be found, then he would face a problem.

Whether to continue searching, or to camp and rest.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and at this moment, a fast horse galloped from the front left, and shouted loudly in a voice mixed with excitement while running.

"Report... Sir, the subordinate team found a tribe of prairie people more than 40 miles away in front of the left, with thousands of tents in it. It is undoubtedly a large tribe. Please give me an order!"

Hearing this news, Wang Kuo, who had an extremely gloomy face, was suddenly shocked, and his exhausted spirit recovered seven or eight points in an instant.

His face turned cloudy and he said: "Haha, good, good, boy, you have done a good job!"

After finishing a sentence, Wang Kuo waved his hand and ordered!
"Attention the whole army, everyone is advancing at full speed on the left front!"

With one order, ten thousand horses roar together, and the distance of more than 40 miles can be reached in half an hour at most under the full speed of the horses. However, in order to achieve a better charge effect, there are more than 30 miles, and there are still ten miles away from the tribe. Wang Kuo stopped the army.

The spies were in charge of observing the movement and preventing being discovered, while Wang Kuo ordered the army to eat dry food and rest.

The dry food here is not used for cooking, but some finely divided dry buns and white water.

After all, it was a ten-mile journey, and it was really necessary to start a fire. No one knew whether the rising black smoke would arouse the defense of the tribe.

Half an hour later, the sky was completely dark, and the soldiers finally recovered a lot of physical strength. It was only at this time that Wang Kuo asked the soldiers to separate the soldiers from the Jin army.

There were more than 6000 soldiers from the Jin Army, including 2000 captured for the first time and 4000 captured in the subsequent World War I.

6000 people lined up neatly, Wang Kuo stood in front of the crowd with staring tiger eyes, and Tianming's soldiers were on both sides of them.

"Everyone, it's been a while since you joined our Tianming Dynasty and joined our army. As the saying goes, Lu Yao knows his horsepower, and he knows people's hearts over time!"

"Today, I will give you a chance to make meritorious deeds. It's still the same sentence, meritorious deeds are rewarded, and there are punishments. Whether you want to live a rich and powerful life, or whether you want to be killed is all up to your choice!"

"Right now, just ten miles away from you, there is a tribe of prairie people. What I promised you has not changed, so I took you to choose to step into the prairie instead of going to Anming Pass and let you fight the Jin army again! "

"So!" When Wang Kuo said this, his tone paused, but his face and voice became more majestic, "Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise!"

"Attention the army, ten miles ahead, except for women, all old and young...kill without mercy!"

While speaking, Wang Kuo drew the saber at his waist, slashed half a circle in the air, pointed straight ahead and roared suddenly!


A group of surrendered soldiers from the Jin army already knew their fate, and they did not resist at this time, grabbed the saber in their hands, pulled the reins, and rushed straight to the direction Wang Kuo pointed.

At the same time, with a roar in his mouth, kill!

6000 people charged forward, Wang Kuo just took a look, then turned his head and winked at Duan Kui, and immediately Duan Kui rushed out from both sides with the remaining Tianming soldiers.

It was a tactic of attacking from one side and attacking from both sides!
The distance of ten miles is five kilometers in conversion. According to the speed of human beings, it takes about 10 minutes, but the horse can reach it in less than five minutes!

After all, these are carefully selected horses, much stronger than ordinary horses.

What is horse riding joint venture?
Wang Kuo didn't know it before, but now he knows it!
The large tribe with thousands of tents is only surrounded by some wooden fences. The purpose is actually to guard against the attacks of wolves and some wild animals on the grassland. Although it also has a certain defensive effect on war horses, it is only Just for a few people.

Under the charge of thousands of people, the wooden fence just served as a buffer before being crushed mercilessly. For a while, the people in the grassland tribes were still smoking, drinking kumiss and eating hot mutton. Who would have thought that disaster would come from the sky, and a large army would suddenly appear?

But I have to admit that the people in the grassland are born warriors. Except for most of the men who were taken away to attack Tianming, the only remaining men in the tribe, no matter how old or young, all ran back to the tent He picked up the sword.

However, their speed was still a step slower. When they walked out of the tent again, they were greeted by sharp knives.

This tribe is the fifth largest tribe in the Tatar tribe, and there are nearly [-] people who can fight at ordinary times.

But after the leader of the Tatar tribe took away all the young men, there were only some women and girls left in the tribe, as well as a small number of teenagers and old people.

The oldest of these teenagers is only eleven or twelve years old, and the youngest is even called a child.

Therefore, among the entire tribe, only a Tatar cavalry of nearly 300 people was left to protect them.

Usually these people are nomadic people, driving cattle and sheep in the tribe, and raising war horses!

But once it's time for war, they are soldiers on horseback.

Therefore, grassland people, as long as they are men, are born fighters, and anyone who reaches the age of 14 will be ruthlessly recruited.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Kuo gave the order to kill all but women, because speaking specifically, no one here was innocent.

His momentary soft-heartedness may leave more warriors who hate them.

In other words, in Wang Kuo's eyes, even those women are not innocent, because without their support, how many Tatars would be willing to cross the border?


One after another roar, one after another scream, intertwined into a different kind of symphony, making Wang Kuo's eyes shine with merciless light.

Wang Kuo didn't move. Ever since he found out that there were not many fighters here, he had been in charge of the overall situation.

It's just killing people, not bad for his knife!

But in a short while, the people in the Tatar tribe had suffered heavy casualties, but to Wang Kuo's heart, not many of these prairie people were willing to kneel down and surrender. He stared hard at the soldier who killed them.

Wolf... this is the real wolf!

Wang Kuo couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, the people of these prairie tribes actually enshrined wolves, and many prairie people even enshrine the wolf god, so they are cunning, ruthless, cruel, vengeful, and all the negative emotions that wolves have, They all have.

The battle was coming to an end soon, until now, except for the women who would fight back, basically all the soldiers would follow Wang Kuo's request, and no one would kill those women for no reason.

So when the battle was completely over, the corpses of men were almost all over the ground, including some children.

As for the female corpses, there are only a few of nearly a hundred!
Many of the women who survived were expressionless, as if they had already gotten used to this kind of life, or the scene in front of them.

They didn't cry or make trouble, they didn't walk or run, they just stood there firmly, watching the bloody scene in front of them.

For those children, Wang Kuo couldn't bear to disappear in a flash, so he hardened his heart and ignored them.

He is not the kind of benevolent person. Although he is not bloodthirsty in many cases, it does not mean that he is so pedantic that he still has kind thoughts in his heart during the war.

Looking at those women, Wang Kuo already guessed the reason with just a twitch in his heart. At the same time, he waved and called several generals under him, including the generals of the Jin Army.

This general was promoted by Wang Kuo himself, and Wang Kuo is also observing this person, wanting to see if he is a trustworthy person.

If not... kill!

If so, it would be natural for him to have his right-hand man in the future. After all, sometimes it would be very inconvenient to lead the Jin army without their own people.

"Send someone to inquire to see if they have our Tianming woman here, and if so, ask in detail to determine whether it is true or not!"

"Yes, my lord!" Hearing this, several generals hurriedly cupped their hands and left.

At this time, there were more than 2000 women in the entire tribe, which seemed to be a lot, but Wang Kuo had more soldiers, so when the task was issued, one soldier after another quickly ran up to inquire.

Sure enough, just as Wang Kuo guessed, after some inquiry and understanding, it was discovered that among the more than 2000 people, nearly 500 were actually captured by the Tatars from Tianming.

This news also made Wang Kuo feel difficult, mainly because he didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, it is hundreds of miles away from Zhenlangguan Pass, and it is not known whether these women can walk back by themselves if they are allowed to leave.

But don't let them go, and you can't let them fend for themselves!
"My lord, why don't we choose a hidden place and ask them to bring food and wait for us to come back, then we'll just take them back!"

Suddenly, Duan Kui at the side seemed to see Wang Kuo's thoughts, and hurried forward to offer an idea.

Not to mention, although Duan Kui's idea is not very good, it is also reasonable, at least it will not delay their marching.

After thinking about it, Wang Kuo agreed. After all, he didn't have a good solution, so he handed over this matter to Duan Kui.

Speaking of which, if you want to determine whether it is the person who was captured by Tianming, you only need to listen to the accent and ask them the name, location, geography and customs of their hometown, etc., and you can be completely sure.

After all, not many grassland women can go to dawn, and only one in 1 will disappear, so they are not afraid of lying at all.

Half an hour later, Wang Kuo looked at the Tianming woman who led the horse away, and finally showed his ferocious face, and looked at the trophies.

That's right, it's the spoils of war, because women are actually spoils of war among the prairie people, which is why they don't resist.

Because the tribe fights all the year round, but no matter how they fight, there is a rule, that is, not to kill women and children.

As for the reason, it is because of the population!
There are few grassland people, so every woman is indispensable. Only by continuously annexing other tribes and capturing more women can one's own tribe last forever.

Therefore, these women have long been accustomed to this kind of life, and even for them who are uneducated, it makes no difference whether they are Tianming people or tribal people.

This is like the Tatars and the Jurchens, they are both enemies, and they will all become their family members.

Think here.Wang Kuo grinned evilly.

"My officer ordered that in this battle, all soldiers who killed one person can go to choose a woman."

At this point, Wang Kuo's voice paused, ignoring the excited soldiers who were already gearing up when they heard the order, and continued to exhort.

"But remember, there can be no casualties, do you know?" The last sentence, Wang Kuo's voice was not low, and the answer was also louder. All the soldiers roared up to the sky, as if they had endless strength.

"Okay, let's continue to set off in half an hour!"

With Wang Kuo waving his hand, all the soldiers couldn't help howling wolves all of a sudden, spreading their feet like those women and running away.

(End of this chapter)

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