Chapter 186
Resembling those women who asked the direction and distance of some tribes, Wang Kuo led the people away, leaving a mess and more than 1000 women who were at a loss.

The food Wang Kuo left for them was enough to feed them for two months.

How can I say that there was a tribe of nearly [-] people (not counting the soldiers who went to war), and it was just the people who stayed behind!

Therefore, there is not a lot of food reserves. After two months of food, the dry food in Wang Kuo's hands is enough for them to eat for nearly 20 days.

It can be said that in the next 20 days, they no longer have to worry about food.

Along the way, I changed the road and headed west, because according to what those women said, there are two tribes in that direction.

Speeding up the horse and galloping all the way, within three days, Wang Kuo had brought his people to the outside of the closest of the two tribes.

This tribe is not big, there are only a few hundred tents, and there are more than 3000 people left behind, so under the leadership of Wang Kuo, it has been taken down in just a moment.

Or all the men will be slaughtered, the women will be kept, the food will be taken away, and the gold and silver will be taken away!

After a bloody and violent massacre, there was another feast of carnival.

It was only at this time that Duan Kui came to Wang Kuo's side again, bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

During these three days, Duan Kui kept thinking about Wang Kuo's words and confirmed his own heart. In the end, he suddenly realized that what the adults seemed to say was right.

That is why the enemy can do whatever they want to themselves, but they have to be restrained?
This is unreasonable, everyone has two shoulders and one head, why should I be kind to you when you treat me like this?

Of course, the reason why he was able to figure this out was because of some persuasion from his subordinates. One of them told him with great excitement that his family members died at the hands of these prairie people, and his wife is still alive today. Still missing.

So this time he not only wants revenge, but also has a mission, which is to find his wife.

This person is 26 years old this year, and his wife has been separated from him for seven full years.

All the shocking things stimulated Duan Kui, so this time, after admitting his mistakes like Wang Kuo, he resolutely joined the army of enjoyment.

"What the hell, I can't bear it, okay?"

It was clear that none of the soldiers under him had the strength of Wang Kuo, so only half an hour later, after leaving more than 400 women behind and rescuing more than 200 Tianming women, Wang Kuo and others set foot on the road again. journey.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed. As the weather gets colder and colder, snowflakes are also floating in the sky.

Under such weather, Wang Kuo also had to slow down, planning to find a tribe to rest for two days.

It is worth mentioning that during this period of more than a month, Wang Kuo led his soldiers to travel north and south, from south to west, in countless battles, and slaughtered thirteen tribes. According to the information he received, they It is getting closer and closer to the King Khan tribe of the Tatar tribe.

The so-called Wanghan tribe is actually the leader of the Tatar tribe, that is, the tribe where the big Han is, and the largest tribe in the entire Tatar tribe.

Thirteen tribes were massacred, and Wang Kuo's subordinates inevitably suffered some losses. Although it was small, only a few hundred people, it still made Wang Kuo feel a little dissatisfied.

You must know that in the current Tatar tribe, basically all young and middle-aged people have been recruited away, and among the people left, there are only a few soldiers and some old or young people.

But even so, there was still damage, so I have to say...

Well, how can anyone not die in a war?
What's more, most of those who died were still Jin Jun?
So Wang Kuo is still acceptable!

"My lord, twenty miles ahead is the King Khan of Tatar!" At this moment, a soldier suddenly sent a message.

It's just that he hesitated to speak, which made Wang Kuo frown.

"Why this expression, tell the truth if you have something to say!"

"My lord, according to the observations of my subordinates, it seems that the King Khan's department has already known our news, and they are already prepared, and there are nearly [-] soldiers left behind."

Wang Kuo was slightly taken aback by what the soldier said. He could guess that news about himself and others would leak out. After all, he had been on the grassland for more than a month. believe.

But he didn't expect that this big Tatar man was actually quite careful, so he left [-] soldiers behind to protect him.

Now the weather is getting darker and colder, and the howling wind is unbearable. Thanks to Wang Kuo's preparations, when he slaughtered those tribes several times later, he asked people to find some leather clothes worn by grassland people. So as not to let the soldiers under his hands suffer from frostbite.

But it is undeniable that if this continues, it is not impossible for someone to suffer from frostbite or even freeze to death.

Snowflakes were flying, and the gloomy weather let Wang Kuo know that it was a heavy snow. Once the road was blocked by heavy snow and they had no place to rest, casualties would follow.

"Organize an army and prepare to attack!"

After pondering for a moment, Wang Kuo still gave the order.

It was too late to find other tribes to attack at this time. If he didn't attack, he would face the situation of sleeping in the snow again, so the choice to stay in front of him was very simple, and that was to forcefully kill him.

As for how to attack, this is what he needs to consider.

As Wang Kuo's order was conveyed, more than 1 troops also began to prepare for war.

This time, Wang Kuo also directly ordered his bodyguards to join the attack. After all, these people are Wang Kuo's real trump cards.


With a distance of twenty miles, it is still early to talk about how to attack, so Wang Kuo is going to take a closer look before making a decision.

What he didn't expect was that the current Tatar cavalry already hated him deeply and had some understanding of his situation.

Knowing that Wang Kuo brought only more than 1 soldiers and horses.

More than 1 Tianming soldiers?

Or the more than 1 Tianming soldiers on the grassland?

In the eyes of those Tatar cavalry, it was no different from sending them to death.

May I ask, is there anyone who can be hostile to them on the grassland?

If there is, it is also a tribe's iron cavalry that also belongs to the grassland, not Tianming soldiers who are hard to ride and only know how to ride people.

On one's own home field, it is natural to take the initiative to attack!
So when Wang Kuo led his men to ride for less than ten miles, he saw dark cavalry in the distance, coming with a soaring momentum.

The horseshoes trampled the ground, causing tremors to be heard on the ground. Thousands of cavalry from a distance charged at the same time, which made Wang Kuo squint his eyes involuntarily!

Playing field battles with the prairie cavalry on the grassland, riding and shooting, is simply courting death.

The Tatar cavalry knew this, and so did Wang Kuo.

Fortunately, Wang Kuo's arms are not single, and they are hidden arms.

If he had no confidence, how could Wang Kuo dare to set foot on the grassland with more than 1 people?

At this time, with the appearance of the prairie cavalry in black, all the soldiers couldn't help but show a look of horror!

To put it simply, all soldiers led by the country have the main strategic goal of defending and attacking the city.

In short, siege and defense are their forte.

On the contrary, for bow horses, it is not as good as nomads who have lived on horseback since childhood.

Wang Kuo knew this, the generals of the prairie knew it, and the soldiers on both sides also knew it.

When Wang Kuo's soldiers saw the galloping Tatar cavalry, they inevitably felt fear.

Fortunately, Wang Kuo remained calm in the face of danger, or he already had a countermeasure in mind.

His eyes were like lightning looking at the cavalry who had galloped nearly a kilometer away, and he suddenly shouted angrily.

"All the guards are lined up, and a strong shot is fired from 150 meters away!"

"Yes, my lord!" All the personal guards roared at the same time. Under the leadership of the leader of the personal guards, they almost completed the formation of the long snake formation in the blink of an eye.

There are only more than 100 of these personal guards, all of whom have followed Wang Kuo for the longest time, and they have also experienced several life-and-death battles, and they have seen strong winds and waves.

But even so, when they lined up in a long snake formation, they inevitably had various psychological reactions under the momentum of thousands of horses galloping in the distance.

There was a trace of excitement, a trace of nervousness, a trace of fear, and a trace of high fighting spirit in their eyes, and at the same time, they all tightened their grip on the strange thing that adults called guns.

They have never seen or used this firearm, but they only learned how to use it from Wang Kuo.

So it would be a lie to say they are not worried!
But because of their trust in Wang Kuo and the fact that the military order is difficult to violate, they still had to face it firmly.

At the same time, Wang Kuo's voice still rang in their ears.

"The first army is in charge of the left wing, and the second army is in charge of the right wing. Follow my orders and be ready to attack at any time!"

Following Wang Kuo's voice, the first army led by Tianming soldiers also gathered towards the left wing under Duan Kui's organization.

The second army, dominated by the Jin Army, also gathered to the right under the organization of the generals of the Jin Army.

But after a while, the well-trained soldiers of the two armies had already arrived in place one after another!
At this time, the Tatar cavalry had just run out for a distance of more than 600 meters, and they were still nearly 400 meters away from Wang Kuo and others.

However, it seemed that 400 meters was not close, but in fact, the soaring murderous aura and indomitable momentum still put strong pressure on Tianming's side.

Not to mention others, even Wang Kuo's heart couldn't help twitching, trembling slightly.

For nothing else, Wang Kuo couldn't guarantee whether his soldiers could withstand the pressure and use firearms reasonably.

Although Wang Kuo has already taught the guards how to use them, especially in the close-range combat of this kind of large army, basically as long as they can shoot, they are not afraid of missing people...

But there is still one in Wanzhong, who knows if they will shoot into the sky under tension, or forget to shoot?
As for those Tianming and Jin soldiers, whether they will run away or be defeated, Wang Kuo has to worry about them.

Therefore, at this critical moment, Wang Kuo suddenly had an idea and shouted loudly.

"Soldiers, this is a grassland, where our cavalry and archery skills are not as good as those of the Tatars, so once defeated, I believe you will never be able to outrun their cavalry..."

"But you don't have to worry, because I already have a way to deal with it. You just need to listen to my orders. I will live and die with you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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